Phaser World Issue 33

Published on 3rd June 2016

Savage Charts 2 Title

This week I've been hard at work on Phaser 2.4.9. I spent countless hours going through the GitHub issues, and fixing as many of them as I possibly could. This includes some long standing ones, such as 'jittery camera movement on tweened sprites'.

As a result 2.4.9 Release Candidate 2 is now ready for testing.

I have pushed up a complete release to the GitHub dev branch, including the latest doc files, TypeScript defs and all build files. There is loads to check out in this release, and you can get a sense of what's been done in the Change Log.

Phaser Weapon Plugin

As well as fixing bugs, I've also spent the past couple of weeks tinkering away on my Phaser Weapons Plugin. And I'm pleased to say that this is now built into Phaser 2.4.9 and ready for playing with! (don't worry, it's also easy to exclude in a custom build too)

The plugin creates a Bullet Manager, which maintains its own pool of bullets, and makes it trivial to create weapon effects for shoot-em-up style games. The Weapon object has loads of properties available, including:

  • Control the firing rate of the Weapon.

  • Automatically track Sprites and Pointers, firing bullets from their locations.

  • Set the angle of the bullets, with optional angle variance

  • Allow bullets to change rotation based on velocity

  • Animated bullets, including frame cycling and random frames

  • Signals for your own callbacks

  • Bullet gravity, offset collision bodies and trajectories

  • Bullet world wrapping

It's super easy to create and use a Weapon, and I've uploaded the first batch of examples to weapons folder of the Phaser Examples repo.

I'll be publishing lots more examples and some tutorials in the weeks to come, but please have a play with it. Heck I even created TypeScript defs for it :)

Savage Charts 2 Title

This week I've been hard at work on Phaser 2.4.9. I spent countless hours going through the GitHub issues, and fixing as many of them as I possibly could. This includes some long standing ones, such as 'jittery camera movement on tweened sprites'.

As a result 2.4.9 Release Candidate 2 is now ready for testing.

I have pushed up a complete release to the GitHub dev branch, including the latest doc files, TypeScript defs and all build files. There is loads to check out in this release, and you can get a sense of what's been done in the Change Log.

Phaser Weapon Plugin

As well as fixing bugs, I've also spent the past couple of weeks tinkering away on my Phaser Weapons Plugin. And I'm pleased to say that this is now built into Phaser 2.4.9 and ready for playing with! (don't worry, it's also easy to exclude in a custom build too)

The plugin creates a Bullet Manager, which maintains its own pool of bullets, and makes it trivial to create weapon effects for shoot-em-up style games. The Weapon object has loads of properties available, including:

  • Control the firing rate of the Weapon.

  • Automatically track Sprites and Pointers, firing bullets from their locations.

  • Set the angle of the bullets, with optional angle variance

  • Allow bullets to change rotation based on velocity

  • Animated bullets, including frame cycling and random frames

  • Signals for your own callbacks

  • Bullet gravity, offset collision bodies and trajectories

  • Bullet world wrapping

It's super easy to create and use a Weapon, and I've uploaded the first batch of examples to weapons folder of the Phaser Examples repo.

I'll be publishing lots more examples and some tutorials in the weeks to come, but please have a play with it. Heck I even created TypeScript defs for it :)