Forum Badges are installed

Published on 31st August 2016

I'm pleased to say that I managed to get Phaser Forum badges installed onto the HTML5 Game Devs Forum tonight.

I have linked these up with all active Phaser Patrons. So where you used the same email for Patreon and the Forum, you'll now have a shiny new Phaser badge when you post! To see if it's working, go to the forum, login, and view any post you've made. You can find those by clicking your avatar and picking 'See Activity' on your profile page. The badges appear to the right of the forum posts.

What no badge?!

If you used a different email address for the forum, please let me know by emailing and tell me what your forum email address (or username) is. Then I can assign you the correct badge.

Equally if you'd rather your forum account didn't show a badge, just email me and I'll happily remove it for you.

I'm pleased to say that I managed to get Phaser Forum badges installed onto the HTML5 Game Devs Forum tonight.

I have linked these up with all active Phaser Patrons. So where you used the same email for Patreon and the Forum, you'll now have a shiny new Phaser badge when you post! To see if it's working, go to the forum, login, and view any post you've made. You can find those by clicking your avatar and picking 'See Activity' on your profile page. The badges appear to the right of the forum posts.

What no badge?!

If you used a different email address for the forum, please let me know by emailing and tell me what your forum email address (or username) is. Then I can assign you the correct badge.

Equally if you'd rather your forum account didn't show a badge, just email me and I'll happily remove it for you.