100 World Bodies

class Example extends Phaser.Scene

    create ()
        const worldWidth = 1600;
        const worldHeight = 1200;

        this.matter.world.setBounds(0, 0, worldWidth, worldHeight);

        //  Create loads of random bodies
        for (let i = 0; i < 100; i++)
            const x = Phaser.Math.Between(0, worldWidth);
            const y = Phaser.Math.Between(0, worldHeight);

            if (Math.random() < 0.7)
                const sides = Phaser.Math.Between(3, 14);
                const radius = Phaser.Math.Between(8, 50);

                this.matter.add.polygon(x, y, sides, radius, { restitution: 0.9 });
                const width = Phaser.Math.Between(16, 128);
                const height = Phaser.Math.Between(8, 64);

                this.matter.add.rectangle(x, y, width, height, { restitution: 0.9 });


        const cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys();

        const controlConfig = {
            camera: this.cameras.main,
            left: cursors.left,
            right: cursors.right,
            up: cursors.up,
            down: cursors.down,
            zoomIn: this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.Q),
            zoomOut: this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.E),
            acceleration: 0.06,
            drag: 0.0005,
            maxSpeed: 1.0

        this.controls = new Phaser.Cameras.Controls.SmoothedKeyControl(controlConfig);

        this.input.keyboard.on('KEY_DOWN_Z', function (event)

            this.cameras.main.rotation += 0.01;

        }, 0, this);

        this.input.keyboard.on('KEY_DOWN_X', function (event)

            this.cameras.main.rotation -= 0.01;

        }, 0, this);

        const cam = this.cameras.main;

        const gui = new dat.GUI();

        const p1 = gui.addFolder('Pointer');
        p1.add(this.input, 'x').listen();
        p1.add(this.input, 'y').listen();

        const help = {
            line1: 'Cursors to move',
            line2: 'Q & E to zoom',
            line3: 'Z & X to rotate'

        const f1 = gui.addFolder('Camera');
        f1.add(cam, 'x').listen();
        f1.add(cam, 'y').listen();
        f1.add(cam, 'scrollX').listen();
        f1.add(cam, 'scrollY').listen();
        f1.add(cam, 'rotation').min(0).step(0.01).listen();
        f1.add(cam, 'zoom', 0.1, 2).step(0.1).listen();
        f1.add(help, 'line1');
        f1.add(help, 'line2');
        f1.add(help, 'line3');


    update (time, delta)

const config = {
    type: Phaser.WEBGL,
    width: 800,
    height: 600,
    parent: 'phaser-example',
    pixelArt: true,
    physics: {
        default: 'matter',
        matter: {
            gravity: {
                y: 0
            debug: true
    scene: Example

const game = new Phaser.Game(config);