Pointer Lock

class Example extends Phaser.Scene

    preload ()
        this.load.image('ship', 'assets/sprites/ship.png');

    create ()
        this.sprite = this.add.sprite(400, 300, 'ship');

        // Pointer lock will only work after an 'engagement gesture', e.g. mousedown, keypress, etc.
        this.input.on('pointerdown', function (pointer)


        }, this);

        // When locked, you will have to use the movementX and movementY properties of the pointer
        // (since a locked cursor's xy position does not update)
        this.input.on('pointermove', function (pointer)

            if (this.input.mouse.locked)
                this.sprite.x += pointer.movementX;
                this.sprite.y += pointer.movementY;

                // Force the sprite to stay on screen
                this.sprite.x = Phaser.Math.Wrap(this.sprite.x, 0, game.renderer.width);
                this.sprite.y = Phaser.Math.Wrap(this.sprite.y, 0, game.renderer.height);

                if (pointer.movementX > 0) { this.sprite.setRotation(0.1); }
                else if (pointer.movementX < 0) { this.sprite.setRotation(-0.1); }
                else { this.sprite.setRotation(0); }

        }, this);

        // Exit pointer lock when Q is pressed. Browsers will also exit pointer lock when escape is
        // pressed.
        this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-Q', function (event)
            if (this.input.mouse.locked)
        }, this);

        // Optionally, you can subscribe to the game's pointer lock change event to know when the player
        // enters/exits pointer lock. This is useful if you need to update the UI, change to a custom
        // mouse cursor, etc.
        this.input.manager.events.on('pointerlockchange', event =>
            this.updateLockText(event.isPointerLocked, this.sprite.x, this.sprite.y);


        this.lockText = this.add.text(16, 16, '', {
            fontSize: '20px',
            fill: '#ffffff'


    updateLockText (isLocked)
            isLocked ? 'The pointer is now locked!' : 'The pointer is now unlocked.',
            `Sprite is at: (${this.sprite.x},${this.sprite.y})`,
            'Press Q to release pointer lock.'

const config = {
    type: Phaser.AUTO,
    parent: 'phaser-example',
    width: 800,
    height: 600,
    scene: Example

const game = new Phaser.Game(config);