class InputPanel extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super({ key: 'InputPanel', active: false }); this.chars = [ [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J' ], [ 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T' ], [ 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '.', '-', '<', '>' ] ]; this.cursor = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(); this.text; this.block; = ''; this.charLimit = 3; } create () { let text = this.add.bitmapText(130, 50, 'arcade', 'ABCDEFGHIJ\n\nKLMNOPQRST\n\nUVWXYZ.-'); text.setLetterSpacing(20); text.setInteractive(); this.add.image(text.x + 430, text.y + 148, 'rub'); this.add.image(text.x + 482, text.y + 148, 'end'); this.block = this.add.image(text.x - 10, text.y - 2, 'block').setOrigin(0); this.text = text; this.input.keyboard.on('keyup_LEFT', this.moveLeft, this); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup_RIGHT', this.moveRight, this); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup_UP', this.moveUp, this); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup_DOWN', this.moveDown, this); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup_ENTER', this.pressKey, this); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup_SPACE', this.pressKey, this); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup', this.anyKey, this); text.on('pointermove', this.moveBlock, this); text.on('pointerup', this.pressKey, this); this.tweens.add({ targets: this.block, alpha: 0.2, yoyo: true, repeat: -1, ease: 'Sine.easeInOut', duration: 350 }); } moveBlock (pointer, x, y) { let cx = Phaser.Math.Snap.Floor(x, 52, 0, true); let cy = Phaser.Math.Snap.Floor(y, 64, 0, true); let char = this.chars[cy][cx]; this.cursor.set(cx, cy); this.block.x = this.text.x - 10 + (cx * 52); this.block.y = this.text.y - 2 + (cy * 64); } moveLeft () { if (this.cursor.x > 0) { this.cursor.x--; this.block.x -= 52; } else { this.cursor.x = 9; this.block.x += 52 * 9; } } moveRight () { if (this.cursor.x < 9) { this.cursor.x++; this.block.x += 52; } else { this.cursor.x = 0; this.block.x -= 52 * 9; } } moveUp () { if (this.cursor.y > 0) { this.cursor.y--; this.block.y -= 64; } else { this.cursor.y = 2; this.block.y += 64 * 2; } } moveDown () { if (this.cursor.y < 2) { this.cursor.y++; this.block.y += 64; } else { this.cursor.y = 0; this.block.y -= 64 * 2; } } anyKey (event) { // Only allow A-Z . and - let code = event.keyCode; if (code === Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.PERIOD) { this.cursor.set(6, 2); this.pressKey(); } else if (code === Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.MINUS) { this.cursor.set(7, 2); this.pressKey(); } else if (code === Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.BACKSPACE || code === Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.DELETE) { this.cursor.set(8, 2); this.pressKey(); } else if (code >= Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.A && code <= Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.Z) { code -= 65; let y = Math.floor(code / 10); let x = code - (y * 10); this.cursor.set(x, y); this.pressKey(); } } pressKey () { let x = this.cursor.x; let y = this.cursor.y; let nameLength =; this.block.x = this.text.x - 10 + (x * 52); this.block.y = this.text.y - 2 + (y * 64); if (x === 9 && y === 2 && nameLength > 0) { // Submit'submitName',; } else if (x === 8 && y === 2 && nameLength > 0) { // Rub =, nameLength - 1);'updateName',; } else if ( < this.charLimit) { // Add =[y][x]);'updateName',; } } } class Starfield extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super({ key: 'Starfield', active: true }); this.stars; this.distance = 300; this.speed = 250; this.max = 500; this.xx = []; this.yy = []; this.zz = []; } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('star', 'assets/demoscene/star4.png'); } create () { // Do this, otherwise this Scene will steal all keyboard input this.input.keyboard.enabled = false; this.stars = this.add.blitter(0, 0, 'star'); for (let i = 0; i < this.max; i++) { this.xx[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 800) - 400; this.yy[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 600) - 300; this.zz[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1700) - 100; let perspective = this.distance / (this.distance - this.zz[i]); let x = 400 + this.xx[i] * perspective; let y = 300 + this.yy[i] * perspective; this.stars.create(x, y); } } update (time, delta) { for (let i = 0; i < this.max; i++) { let perspective = this.distance / (this.distance - this.zz[i]); let x = 400 + this.xx[i] * perspective; let y = 300 + this.yy[i] * perspective; this.zz[i] += this.speed * (delta / 1000); if (this.zz[i] > 300) { this.zz[i] -= 600; } let bob = this.stars.children.list[i]; bob.x = x; bob.y = y; } } } class Highscore extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super({ key: 'Highscore', active: true }); this.playerText; } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('block', 'assets/input/block.png'); this.load.image('rub', 'assets/input/rub.png'); this.load.image('end', 'assets/input/end.png'); this.load.bitmapFont('arcade', 'assets/fonts/bitmap/arcade.png', 'assets/fonts/bitmap/arcade.xml'); } create () { this.add.bitmapText(100, 260, 'arcade', 'RANK SCORE NAME').setTint(0xff00ff); this.add.bitmapText(100, 310, 'arcade', '1ST 50000').setTint(0xff0000); this.playerText = this.add.bitmapText(580, 310, 'arcade', '').setTint(0xff0000); // Do this, otherwise this Scene will steal all keyboard input this.input.keyboard.enabled = false; this.scene.launch('InputPanel'); let panel = this.scene.get('InputPanel'); // Listen to events from the Input Panel scene'updateName', this.updateName, this);'submitName', this.submitName, this); } submitName () { this.scene.stop('InputPanel'); this.add.bitmapText(100, 360, 'arcade', '2ND 40000 ANT').setTint(0xff8200); this.add.bitmapText(100, 410, 'arcade', '3RD 30000 .-.').setTint(0xffff00); this.add.bitmapText(100, 460, 'arcade', '4TH 20000 BOB').setTint(0x00ff00); this.add.bitmapText(100, 510, 'arcade', '5TH 10000 ZIK').setTint(0x00bfff); } updateName (name) { this.playerText.setText(name); } } let config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, parent: 'phaser-example', width: 800, height: 600, pixelArt: true, scene: [ Starfield, Highscore, InputPanel ] }; let game = new Phaser.Game(config);
class InputPanel extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super({ key: 'InputPanel', active: false }); this.chars = [ [ 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J' ], [ 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T' ], [ 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '.', '-', '<', '>' ] ]; this.cursor = new Phaser.Math.Vector2(); this.text; this.block; = ''; this.charLimit = 3; } create () { let text = this.add.bitmapText(130, 50, 'arcade', 'ABCDEFGHIJ\n\nKLMNOPQRST\n\nUVWXYZ.-'); text.setLetterSpacing(20); text.setInteractive(); this.add.image(text.x + 430, text.y + 148, 'rub'); this.add.image(text.x + 482, text.y + 148, 'end'); this.block = this.add.image(text.x - 10, text.y - 2, 'block').setOrigin(0); this.text = text; this.input.keyboard.on('keyup_LEFT', this.moveLeft, this); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup_RIGHT', this.moveRight, this); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup_UP', this.moveUp, this); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup_DOWN', this.moveDown, this); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup_ENTER', this.pressKey, this); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup_SPACE', this.pressKey, this); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup', this.anyKey, this); text.on('pointermove', this.moveBlock, this); text.on('pointerup', this.pressKey, this); this.tweens.add({ targets: this.block, alpha: 0.2, yoyo: true, repeat: -1, ease: 'Sine.easeInOut', duration: 350 }); } moveBlock (pointer, x, y) { let cx = Phaser.Math.Snap.Floor(x, 52, 0, true); let cy = Phaser.Math.Snap.Floor(y, 64, 0, true); let char = this.chars[cy][cx]; this.cursor.set(cx, cy); this.block.x = this.text.x - 10 + (cx * 52); this.block.y = this.text.y - 2 + (cy * 64); } moveLeft () { if (this.cursor.x > 0) { this.cursor.x--; this.block.x -= 52; } else { this.cursor.x = 9; this.block.x += 52 * 9; } } moveRight () { if (this.cursor.x < 9) { this.cursor.x++; this.block.x += 52; } else { this.cursor.x = 0; this.block.x -= 52 * 9; } } moveUp () { if (this.cursor.y > 0) { this.cursor.y--; this.block.y -= 64; } else { this.cursor.y = 2; this.block.y += 64 * 2; } } moveDown () { if (this.cursor.y < 2) { this.cursor.y++; this.block.y += 64; } else { this.cursor.y = 0; this.block.y -= 64 * 2; } } anyKey (event) { // Only allow A-Z . and - let code = event.keyCode; if (code === Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.PERIOD) { this.cursor.set(6, 2); this.pressKey(); } else if (code === Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.MINUS) { this.cursor.set(7, 2); this.pressKey(); } else if (code === Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.BACKSPACE || code === Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.DELETE) { this.cursor.set(8, 2); this.pressKey(); } else if (code >= Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.A && code <= Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.Z) { code -= 65; let y = Math.floor(code / 10); let x = code - (y * 10); this.cursor.set(x, y); this.pressKey(); } } pressKey () { let x = this.cursor.x; let y = this.cursor.y; let nameLength =; this.block.x = this.text.x - 10 + (x * 52); this.block.y = this.text.y - 2 + (y * 64); if (x === 9 && y === 2 && nameLength > 0) { // Submit'submitName',; } else if (x === 8 && y === 2 && nameLength > 0) { // Rub =, nameLength - 1);'updateName',; } else if ( < this.charLimit) { // Add =[y][x]);'updateName',; } } } class Starfield extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super({ key: 'Starfield', active: true }); this.stars; this.distance = 300; this.speed = 250; this.max = 500; this.xx = []; this.yy = []; this.zz = []; } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('star', 'assets/demoscene/star4.png'); } create () { // Do this, otherwise this Scene will steal all keyboard input this.input.keyboard.enabled = false; this.stars = this.add.blitter(0, 0, 'star'); for (let i = 0; i < this.max; i++) { this.xx[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 800) - 400; this.yy[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 600) - 300; this.zz[i] = Math.floor(Math.random() * 1700) - 100; let perspective = this.distance / (this.distance - this.zz[i]); let x = 400 + this.xx[i] * perspective; let y = 300 + this.yy[i] * perspective; this.stars.create(x, y); } } update (time, delta) { for (let i = 0; i < this.max; i++) { let perspective = this.distance / (this.distance - this.zz[i]); let x = 400 + this.xx[i] * perspective; let y = 300 + this.yy[i] * perspective; this.zz[i] += this.speed * (delta / 1000); if (this.zz[i] > 300) { this.zz[i] -= 600; } let bob = this.stars.children.list[i]; bob.x = x; bob.y = y; } } } class Highscore extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super({ key: 'Highscore', active: true }); this.playerText; } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('block', 'assets/input/block.png'); this.load.image('rub', 'assets/input/rub.png'); this.load.image('end', 'assets/input/end.png'); this.load.bitmapFont('arcade', 'assets/fonts/bitmap/arcade.png', 'assets/fonts/bitmap/arcade.xml'); } create () { this.add.bitmapText(100, 260, 'arcade', 'RANK SCORE NAME').setTint(0xff00ff); this.add.bitmapText(100, 310, 'arcade', '1ST 50000').setTint(0xff0000); this.playerText = this.add.bitmapText(580, 310, 'arcade', '').setTint(0xff0000); // Do this, otherwise this Scene will steal all keyboard input this.input.keyboard.enabled = false; this.scene.launch('InputPanel'); let panel = this.scene.get('InputPanel'); // Listen to events from the Input Panel scene'updateName', this.updateName, this);'submitName', this.submitName, this); } submitName () { this.scene.stop('InputPanel'); this.add.bitmapText(100, 360, 'arcade', '2ND 40000 ANT').setTint(0xff8200); this.add.bitmapText(100, 410, 'arcade', '3RD 30000 .-.').setTint(0xffff00); this.add.bitmapText(100, 460, 'arcade', '4TH 20000 BOB').setTint(0x00ff00); this.add.bitmapText(100, 510, 'arcade', '5TH 10000 ZIK').setTint(0x00bfff); } updateName (name) { this.playerText.setText(name); } } let config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, parent: 'phaser-example', width: 800, height: 600, pixelArt: true, scene: [ Starfield, Highscore, InputPanel ] }; let game = new Phaser.Game(config);