class Preloader extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super({ key: 'preloader' }); } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('bg', 'assets/tests/space/nebula.jpg'); this.load.image('ship', 'assets/tests/space/ship.png'); this.load.atlas('space', 'assets/tests/space/space.png', 'assets/tests/space/space.json'); } create () { this.scene.start('world'); } }
class WorldMap extends Phaser.Scene { bg; player; cursors; currentlyOver = false; constructor () { super({ key: "world" }); } create () { = this.add.tileSprite(0, 0, 800, 600, 'bg').setOrigin(0).setScrollFactor(0); // Some planets to fly into const planet1 = this.physics.add.image(100, 100, 'space', 'blue-planet').setScale(0.15).setSize(360, 360).setOffset(400, 400); const planet2 = this.physics.add.image(600, 0, 'space', 'brown-planet').setScale(0.2).setSize(360, 360).setOffset(400, 500); const planet3 = this.physics.add.image(300, 700, 'space', 'gas-giant').setScale(0.2).setSize(360, 360).setOffset(450, 500); const planet4 = this.physics.add.image(1200, 500, 'space', 'purple-planet').setScale(0.3).setSize(360, 360).setOffset(400, 400); this.player = this.physics.add.image(400, 300, 'ship'); this.player.setDamping(true); this.player.setDrag(0.99); this.player.setAngularDrag(400); this.physics.add.overlap(this.player, [ planet1, planet2, planet3, planet4 ], this.playerHitPlanet, null, this); this.cameras.main.startFollow(this.player); this.cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); this.add.text(10, 10, 'Cursors to move. Fly into the planets.', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' }).setScrollFactor(0); } update () { const cursors = this.cursors; const sprite = this.player; if (cursors.up.isDown) { this.physics.velocityFromRotation(sprite.rotation, 600, sprite.body.acceleration); } else { sprite.setAcceleration(0); } if (cursors.left.isDown) { sprite.setAngularVelocity(-300); } else if (cursors.right.isDown) { sprite.setAngularVelocity(300); } else { sprite.setAngularVelocity(0); } += sprite.body.deltaX() * 0.5; += sprite.body.deltaY() * 0.5; } playerHitPlanet (player, planet) { if (this.currentlyOver !== planet) { this.currentlyOver = planet; this.registry.set('planet',; this.scene.switch('subgame'); } } }
const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, parent: 'phaser-example', physics: { default: "arcade", arcade: { debug: false, gravity: { y: 0 } } }, scene: [ Preloader, WorldMap, SubGame ] }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
class SubGame extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super({ key: "subgame" }); } create () { = this.add.tileSprite(0, 0, 800, 600, 'bg').setOrigin(0); this.add.image(400, 300, 'space', this.registry.get('planet')).setScale(0.5); this.add.text(10, 10, 'Click to return', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' }); // Click to quit this sub-"game" this.input.once('pointerdown', () => { // We're done here, so stop this Scene and wake the world up this.scene.stop(); this.scene.wake('world'); }); } }
class Preloader extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super({ key: 'preloader' }); } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('bg', 'assets/tests/space/nebula.jpg'); this.load.image('ship', 'assets/tests/space/ship.png'); this.load.atlas('space', 'assets/tests/space/space.png', 'assets/tests/space/space.json'); } create () { this.scene.start('world'); } }
class WorldMap extends Phaser.Scene { bg; player; cursors; currentlyOver = false; constructor () { super({ key: "world" }); } create () { = this.add.tileSprite(0, 0, 800, 600, 'bg').setOrigin(0).setScrollFactor(0); // Some planets to fly into const planet1 = this.physics.add.image(100, 100, 'space', 'blue-planet').setScale(0.15).setSize(360, 360).setOffset(400, 400); const planet2 = this.physics.add.image(600, 0, 'space', 'brown-planet').setScale(0.2).setSize(360, 360).setOffset(400, 500); const planet3 = this.physics.add.image(300, 700, 'space', 'gas-giant').setScale(0.2).setSize(360, 360).setOffset(450, 500); const planet4 = this.physics.add.image(1200, 500, 'space', 'purple-planet').setScale(0.3).setSize(360, 360).setOffset(400, 400); this.player = this.physics.add.image(400, 300, 'ship'); this.player.setDamping(true); this.player.setDrag(0.99); this.player.setAngularDrag(400); this.physics.add.overlap(this.player, [ planet1, planet2, planet3, planet4 ], this.playerHitPlanet, null, this); this.cameras.main.startFollow(this.player); this.cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); this.add.text(10, 10, 'Cursors to move. Fly into the planets.', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' }).setScrollFactor(0); } update () { const cursors = this.cursors; const sprite = this.player; if (cursors.up.isDown) { this.physics.velocityFromRotation(sprite.rotation, 600, sprite.body.acceleration); } else { sprite.setAcceleration(0); } if (cursors.left.isDown) { sprite.setAngularVelocity(-300); } else if (cursors.right.isDown) { sprite.setAngularVelocity(300); } else { sprite.setAngularVelocity(0); } += sprite.body.deltaX() * 0.5; += sprite.body.deltaY() * 0.5; } playerHitPlanet (player, planet) { if (this.currentlyOver !== planet) { this.currentlyOver = planet; this.registry.set('planet',; this.scene.switch('subgame'); } } }
const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, parent: 'phaser-example', physics: { default: "arcade", arcade: { debug: false, gravity: { y: 0 } } }, scene: [ Preloader, WorldMap, SubGame ] }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
class SubGame extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super({ key: "subgame" }); } create () { = this.add.tileSprite(0, 0, 800, 600, 'bg').setOrigin(0); this.add.image(400, 300, 'space', this.registry.get('planet')).setScale(0.5); this.add.text(10, 10, 'Click to return', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' }); // Click to quit this sub-"game" this.input.once('pointerdown', () => { // We're done here, so stop this Scene and wake the world up this.scene.stop(); this.scene.wake('world'); }); } }