Text Padding

class Example extends Phaser.Scene
    create ()
        const style = {
            fontSize: '32px',
            fontFamily: 'Arial',
            color: '#ffffff',
            backgroundColor: '#ff00ff'

        //  16px padding around all sides
        this.add.text(100, 10, 'Phaser', style).setPadding(16);

        //  64px horizontal padding and 16px vertical padding
        this.add.text(100, 110, 'Phaser', style).setPadding(64, 16);

        //  The same again but specified in an object
        this.add.text(100, 210, 'Phaser', style).setPadding({ x: 64, y: 16 });

        //  16px vertical padding, 48px on the left and 128px on the right
        this.add.text(100, 310, 'Phaser', style).setPadding({ y: 16, left: 48, right: 128 });

        //  32px horizontal padding, 4px on the top and 16px on the bottom
        this.add.text(100, 410, 'Phaser', style).setPadding({ x: 32, top: 4, bottom: 16 });

        //  Different values for each side
        this.add.text(100, 510, 'Phaser', style).setPadding({ left: 8, right: 128, top: 0, bottom: 32 });

const config = {
    type: Phaser.AUTO,
    width: 800,
    height: 600,
    parent: 'phaser-example',
    scene: Example

const game = new Phaser.Game(config);