class Example extends Phaser.Scene { preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('eye', 'assets/pics/lance-overdose-loader-eye.png'); } create () { const sprite1 = this.add.sprite(400, 300, 'eye').setInteractive(); const sprite2 = this.add.sprite(450, 350, 'eye').setInteractive(); const sprite3 = this.add.sprite(500, 400, 'eye').setInteractive(); // If you disable topOnly it will fire events for all objects the pointer is over, regardless of place on the display list this.input.setTopOnly(false); // Events this.input.on('gameobjectdown', (pointer, gameObject) => { gameObject.setTint(0xff0000); }); this.input.on('gameobjectup', (pointer, gameObject) => { gameObject.clearTint(); }); } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, parent: 'phaser-example', width: 800, height: 600, scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
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class Example extends Phaser.Scene { preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('eye', 'assets/pics/lance-overdose-loader-eye.png'); } create () { const sprite1 = this.add.sprite(400, 300, 'eye').setInteractive(); const sprite2 = this.add.sprite(450, 350, 'eye').setInteractive(); const sprite3 = this.add.sprite(500, 400, 'eye').setInteractive(); // If you disable topOnly it will fire events for all objects the pointer is over, regardless of place on the display list this.input.setTopOnly(false); // Events this.input.on('gameobjectdown', (pointer, gameObject) => { gameObject.setTint(0xff0000); }); this.input.on('gameobjectup', (pointer, gameObject) => { gameObject.clearTint(); }); } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, parent: 'phaser-example', width: 800, height: 600, scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);