class Example extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super(); this.effect1; this.effect2; this.transition; this.transitionIn = false; } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL('');'fireworks', 'assets/video/fireworks.mp4', true);'transition', 'assets/video/colorful-smoke-transition.webm', true); this.load.glsl('bundle', 'assets/shaders/bundle4.glsl.js'); } create () { // Our two effects - a shader and a video this.effect1 = this.add.shader('Ghosts', 512, 300, 1024, 600); this.effect2 =, 300, 'fireworks').play(true).setVisible(false); // The transition video, it's a transparent WebM, so will only work in browsers that support this this.transition =, 300, 'transition'); let startTransition = () => { this.time.addEvent({ delay: 3000, callback: () => { this.transitionIn = true;; } }); }; this.transition.on('complete', startTransition); startTransition(); } update () { // In the video the transition is fully covering the screen at 50% through, // so at that point, we swap the two effects over: if (this.transitionIn && this.transition.getProgress() >= 0.5) { if (!this.effect1.visible) { this.effect1.setVisible(true); this.effect2.setVisible(false); } else { this.effect1.setVisible(false); this.effect2.setVisible(true); } this.transitionIn = false; } } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 1024, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#000000', parent: 'phaser-example', scene: Example }; let game = new Phaser.Game(config);
Scan to open on your mobile device
class Example extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super(); this.effect1; this.effect2; this.transition; this.transitionIn = false; } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL('');'fireworks', 'assets/video/fireworks.mp4', true);'transition', 'assets/video/colorful-smoke-transition.webm', true); this.load.glsl('bundle', 'assets/shaders/bundle4.glsl.js'); } create () { // Our two effects - a shader and a video this.effect1 = this.add.shader('Ghosts', 512, 300, 1024, 600); this.effect2 =, 300, 'fireworks').play(true).setVisible(false); // The transition video, it's a transparent WebM, so will only work in browsers that support this this.transition =, 300, 'transition'); let startTransition = () => { this.time.addEvent({ delay: 3000, callback: () => { this.transitionIn = true;; } }); }; this.transition.on('complete', startTransition); startTransition(); } update () { // In the video the transition is fully covering the screen at 50% through, // so at that point, we swap the two effects over: if (this.transitionIn && this.transition.getProgress() >= 0.5) { if (!this.effect1.visible) { this.effect1.setVisible(true); this.effect2.setVisible(false); } else { this.effect1.setVisible(false); this.effect2.setVisible(true); } this.transitionIn = false; } } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 1024, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#000000', parent: 'phaser-example', scene: Example }; let game = new Phaser.Game(config);