class Example extends Phaser.Scene { preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('title1', 'assets/tests/c64/thrust.png'); this.load.image('title2', 'assets/tests/c64/cybernoid.png'); this.load.image('title3', 'assets/tests/c64/robocop.png'); this.load.image('title4', 'assets/tests/c64/cybernoid2.png'); this.load.image('title5', 'assets/tests/c64/warhawk.png'); this.load.image('title6', 'assets/tests/c64/stormlord.png'); this.load.image('title7', 'assets/tests/c64/zoids.png'); this.load.binary('tune1', 'assets/audio/sid/thrust.sid'); this.load.binary('tune2', 'assets/audio/sid/cybernoid.sid'); this.load.binary('tune3', 'assets/audio/sid/robocop.sid'); this.load.binary('tune4', 'assets/audio/sid/cybernoid2.sid'); this.load.binary('tune5', 'assets/audio/sid/warhawk.sid'); this.load.binary('tune6', 'assets/audio/sid/stormlord.sid'); this.load.binary('tune7', 'assets/audio/sid/zoids.sid'); this.load.plugin('SIDPlayerPlugin', 'assets/audio/sid/SIDPlayerPluginES5.js', true); this.load.script('jsSID', 'assets/audio/sid/jsSID.js'); } create () { this.currenTune = 1; let tune = 1; this.title = this.add.image(400, 350, `title${tune}`); this.add.text(400, 570, 'Click to change Tune. Left / Right cursor changes Sub-Tune', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(1, 1).setOrigin(0.5, 0); const text = this.add.text(10, 10, 'SID Player', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(1, 1); const SIDplayer = this.plugins.get('SIDPlayerPlugin'); let sidData = this.cache.binary.get(`tune${tune}`); SIDplayer.loadLocal(sidData); SIDplayer.setmodel(6581); let i = 0; let max = SIDplayer.getsubtunes(); this.updateText(tune, text, SIDplayer, i); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup-LEFT', () => { if (i > 0) { i--; SIDplayer.loadLocal(sidData, i); this.updateText(tune, text, SIDplayer, i); } }); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup-RIGHT', () => { if (i < max) { i++; SIDplayer.loadLocal(sidData, i); this.updateText(tune, text, SIDplayer, i); } }); this.input.on('pointerdown', () => { if (tune < 7) { tune++; } else { tune = 1; } sidData = this.cache.binary.get(`tune${tune}`); SIDplayer.loadLocal(sidData); i = 0; max = SIDplayer.getsubtunes(); this.updateText(tune, text, SIDplayer, i); }); } updateText (tune, text, SIDplayer, i) { const title = SIDplayer.gettitle().replace(/\0/g, ''); const author = SIDplayer.getauthor().replace(/\0/g, ''); const info = SIDplayer.getinfo().replace(/\0/g, ''); text.setText([ 'Title: ' + title, 'Author: ' + author, 'Info: ' + info, 'Current Sub-Tune: ' + i, 'Total Sub-Tunes: ' + SIDplayer.getsubtunes(), 'Pref. Model: ' + SIDplayer.getprefmodel(), 'Playtime: ' + SIDplayer.getplaytime(), 'Playback Model: ' + SIDplayer.getmodel() ]); if (this.currenTune !== tune) { this.currenTune = tune; this.title.setTexture(`title${tune}`); } } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, parent: 'phaser-example', width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#3c39a9', scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
class Example extends Phaser.Scene { preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('title1', 'assets/tests/c64/thrust.png'); this.load.image('title2', 'assets/tests/c64/cybernoid.png'); this.load.image('title3', 'assets/tests/c64/robocop.png'); this.load.image('title4', 'assets/tests/c64/cybernoid2.png'); this.load.image('title5', 'assets/tests/c64/warhawk.png'); this.load.image('title6', 'assets/tests/c64/stormlord.png'); this.load.image('title7', 'assets/tests/c64/zoids.png'); this.load.binary('tune1', 'assets/audio/sid/thrust.sid'); this.load.binary('tune2', 'assets/audio/sid/cybernoid.sid'); this.load.binary('tune3', 'assets/audio/sid/robocop.sid'); this.load.binary('tune4', 'assets/audio/sid/cybernoid2.sid'); this.load.binary('tune5', 'assets/audio/sid/warhawk.sid'); this.load.binary('tune6', 'assets/audio/sid/stormlord.sid'); this.load.binary('tune7', 'assets/audio/sid/zoids.sid'); this.load.plugin('SIDPlayerPlugin', 'assets/audio/sid/SIDPlayerPluginES5.js', true); this.load.script('jsSID', 'assets/audio/sid/jsSID.js'); } create () { this.currenTune = 1; let tune = 1; this.title = this.add.image(400, 350, `title${tune}`); this.add.text(400, 570, 'Click to change Tune. Left / Right cursor changes Sub-Tune', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(1, 1).setOrigin(0.5, 0); const text = this.add.text(10, 10, 'SID Player', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(1, 1); const SIDplayer = this.plugins.get('SIDPlayerPlugin'); let sidData = this.cache.binary.get(`tune${tune}`); SIDplayer.loadLocal(sidData); SIDplayer.setmodel(6581); let i = 0; let max = SIDplayer.getsubtunes(); this.updateText(tune, text, SIDplayer, i); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup-LEFT', () => { if (i > 0) { i--; SIDplayer.loadLocal(sidData, i); this.updateText(tune, text, SIDplayer, i); } }); this.input.keyboard.on('keyup-RIGHT', () => { if (i < max) { i++; SIDplayer.loadLocal(sidData, i); this.updateText(tune, text, SIDplayer, i); } }); this.input.on('pointerdown', () => { if (tune < 7) { tune++; } else { tune = 1; } sidData = this.cache.binary.get(`tune${tune}`); SIDplayer.loadLocal(sidData); i = 0; max = SIDplayer.getsubtunes(); this.updateText(tune, text, SIDplayer, i); }); } updateText (tune, text, SIDplayer, i) { const title = SIDplayer.gettitle().replace(/\0/g, ''); const author = SIDplayer.getauthor().replace(/\0/g, ''); const info = SIDplayer.getinfo().replace(/\0/g, ''); text.setText([ 'Title: ' + title, 'Author: ' + author, 'Info: ' + info, 'Current Sub-Tune: ' + i, 'Total Sub-Tunes: ' + SIDplayer.getsubtunes(), 'Pref. Model: ' + SIDplayer.getprefmodel(), 'Playtime: ' + SIDplayer.getplaytime(), 'Playback Model: ' + SIDplayer.getmodel() ]); if (this.currenTune !== tune) { this.currenTune = tune; this.title.setTexture(`title${tune}`); } } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, parent: 'phaser-example', width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#3c39a9', scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);