class Example extends Phaser.Scene { testsPassed = 0; totalTests = 0; create () { const text = this.make.text({ x: 400, y: 300, text: ' The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.', origin: 0.5, style: { font: 'bold 30px Arial', fill: 'white' } }); // --- DEFAULTS --- this.assert('Word wrap width should be null', === null); this.assert('Advanced word wrap should be false', === false); this.assert('Word wrap callback should be null', === null); this.assert('Word wrap callback scope should be null', === null); this.assert('Wrapped text should be one line', text.getWrappedText().length === 1); { // --- BASIC WIDTH WRAPPING --- text.setWordWrapWidth(200, false); let lines = text.getWrappedText(); this.assert('Wrapped text should be multiple lines', lines.length > 1); this.assert('First line should not be trimmed', lines[0].startsWith(' ')); this.assert('First line not have whitespace collapsed', lines[0].includes('The sky')); text.setWordWrapWidth(null); } { // --- DISABLING WRAPPING AFTER ENABLING IT --- text.setWordWrapWidth(200, false); text.setWordWrapWidth(null); this.assert('Wrapped text should be one line', text.getWrappedText().length === 1); } { // --- ADVANCED WIDTH WRAPPING --- text.setWordWrapWidth(200, true); let lines = text.getWrappedText(); this.assert('Wrapped text should be multiple lines', lines.length > 1); this.assert('First line should be trimmed', !lines[0].startsWith(' ')); this.assert('First line have whitespace collapsed', lines[0].includes('The sky')); text.setWordWrapWidth(null); } { // --- WRAPPING CALLBACK, RETURNING ARRAY --- text.setWordWrapCallback(function (string, textObject) { this.assert('Second argument should be the text gameobject', text === textObject); this.assert('Scope should match the given scope object', this.testObject === true); return [ '1', '2' ]; }, { testObject: true, assert: this.assert }); let lines = text.getWrappedText(); this.assert('Wrapped text should be exactly two lines', lines.length === 2); this.assert('Wrapped text should be ["1", "2"]', lines[0] === '1' && lines[1] === '2'); text.setWordWrapCallback(null); } { // --- WRAPPING CALLBACK, RETURNING STRING --- text.setWordWrapCallback(() => '1\n2'); let lines = text.getWrappedText(); this.assert('Wrapped text should be exactly two lines', lines.length === 2); this.assert('Wrapped text should be ["1", "2"]', lines[0] === '1' && lines[1] === '2'); text.setWordWrapCallback(null); } { // --- DISABLING WRAPPING CALLBACK AFTER ENABLING IT --- text.setWordWrapCallback(text => text, { testObject: true }); text.setWordWrapCallback(null); let lines = text.getWrappedText(); this.assert('Wrapped text should be one line', lines.length === 1); } console.log(`${this.testsPassed} / ${this.totalTests} tests passed`); } assert (message, condition) { this.totalTests++; if (condition) { this.testsPassed++; } console.assert(condition, message); } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#0072bc', parent: 'phaser-example', scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
class Example extends Phaser.Scene { testsPassed = 0; totalTests = 0; create () { const text = this.make.text({ x: 400, y: 300, text: ' The sky above the port was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel.', origin: 0.5, style: { font: 'bold 30px Arial', fill: 'white' } }); // --- DEFAULTS --- this.assert('Word wrap width should be null', === null); this.assert('Advanced word wrap should be false', === false); this.assert('Word wrap callback should be null', === null); this.assert('Word wrap callback scope should be null', === null); this.assert('Wrapped text should be one line', text.getWrappedText().length === 1); { // --- BASIC WIDTH WRAPPING --- text.setWordWrapWidth(200, false); let lines = text.getWrappedText(); this.assert('Wrapped text should be multiple lines', lines.length > 1); this.assert('First line should not be trimmed', lines[0].startsWith(' ')); this.assert('First line not have whitespace collapsed', lines[0].includes('The sky')); text.setWordWrapWidth(null); } { // --- DISABLING WRAPPING AFTER ENABLING IT --- text.setWordWrapWidth(200, false); text.setWordWrapWidth(null); this.assert('Wrapped text should be one line', text.getWrappedText().length === 1); } { // --- ADVANCED WIDTH WRAPPING --- text.setWordWrapWidth(200, true); let lines = text.getWrappedText(); this.assert('Wrapped text should be multiple lines', lines.length > 1); this.assert('First line should be trimmed', !lines[0].startsWith(' ')); this.assert('First line have whitespace collapsed', lines[0].includes('The sky')); text.setWordWrapWidth(null); } { // --- WRAPPING CALLBACK, RETURNING ARRAY --- text.setWordWrapCallback(function (string, textObject) { this.assert('Second argument should be the text gameobject', text === textObject); this.assert('Scope should match the given scope object', this.testObject === true); return [ '1', '2' ]; }, { testObject: true, assert: this.assert }); let lines = text.getWrappedText(); this.assert('Wrapped text should be exactly two lines', lines.length === 2); this.assert('Wrapped text should be ["1", "2"]', lines[0] === '1' && lines[1] === '2'); text.setWordWrapCallback(null); } { // --- WRAPPING CALLBACK, RETURNING STRING --- text.setWordWrapCallback(() => '1\n2'); let lines = text.getWrappedText(); this.assert('Wrapped text should be exactly two lines', lines.length === 2); this.assert('Wrapped text should be ["1", "2"]', lines[0] === '1' && lines[1] === '2'); text.setWordWrapCallback(null); } { // --- DISABLING WRAPPING CALLBACK AFTER ENABLING IT --- text.setWordWrapCallback(text => text, { testObject: true }); text.setWordWrapCallback(null); let lines = text.getWrappedText(); this.assert('Wrapped text should be one line', lines.length === 1); } console.log(`${this.testsPassed} / ${this.totalTests} tests passed`); } assert (message, condition) { this.totalTests++; if (condition) { this.testsPassed++; } console.assert(condition, message); } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#0072bc', parent: 'phaser-example', scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);