class Example extends Phaser.Scene { create () { const graphics =; const ellipse = new Phaser.Geom.Ellipse(400, 300, 250, 150); const text = this.add.text(400, 50, ''); this.input.on('pointermove', pointer => { ellipse.setSize(pointer.x, pointer.y); redraw(); }); redraw(); function redraw () { graphics.clear(); const circumference = Phaser.Geom.Ellipse.Circumference(ellipse); // calculate side size for a square with the same circumference const squareSide = circumference / 4; graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x0000aa); graphics.strokeRect(400 - squareSide / 2, 300 - squareSide / 2, squareSide, squareSide); // calculate radius for a circle with the same circumference const circleRadius = circumference / (2 * Math.PI); graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x00aa00); graphics.strokeCircle(400, 300, circleRadius); graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x00aaaa); graphics.strokeEllipseShape(ellipse); text.setText(`Ellipse Circumference: ${circumference}`); } } } const config = { width: 800, height: 600, type: Phaser.AUTO, parent: 'phaser-example', scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
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class Example extends Phaser.Scene { create () { const graphics =; const ellipse = new Phaser.Geom.Ellipse(400, 300, 250, 150); const text = this.add.text(400, 50, ''); this.input.on('pointermove', pointer => { ellipse.setSize(pointer.x, pointer.y); redraw(); }); redraw(); function redraw () { graphics.clear(); const circumference = Phaser.Geom.Ellipse.Circumference(ellipse); // calculate side size for a square with the same circumference const squareSide = circumference / 4; graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x0000aa); graphics.strokeRect(400 - squareSide / 2, 300 - squareSide / 2, squareSide, squareSide); // calculate radius for a circle with the same circumference const circleRadius = circumference / (2 * Math.PI); graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x00aa00); graphics.strokeCircle(400, 300, circleRadius); graphics.lineStyle(2, 0x00aaaa); graphics.strokeEllipseShape(ellipse); text.setText(`Ellipse Circumference: ${circumference}`); } } } const config = { width: 800, height: 600, type: Phaser.AUTO, parent: 'phaser-example', scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);