/** * @author Pavle Goloskokovic
(http://prunegames.com) */ var config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, parent: 'phaser-example', width: 800, height: 600, scene: { preload: preload, create: create, update: update }, pixelArt: true, audio: { disableWebAudio: true } }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config); function preload () { this.load.setBaseURL('https://cdn.phaserfiles.com/v355'); this.load.bitmapFont('atari-classic', 'assets/fonts/bitmap/atari-classic.png', 'assets/fonts/bitmap/atari-classic.xml'); this.load.image('bg', 'assets/animations/nyan/bg.png'); this.load.image('rainbow', 'assets/animations/nyan/rainbow.png'); this.load.spritesheet('cat', 'assets/animations/nyan/cat.png', { frameWidth: 97, frameHeight: 59 }); this.load.audio('CatAstroPhi', [ 'assets/audio/CatAstroPhi_shmup_normal.ogg', 'assets/audio/CatAstroPhi_shmup_normal.mp3' ]); } var cat; var catAstroPhi; var rainbowMask; function create () { catAstroPhi = this.sound.add('CatAstroPhi'); catAstroPhi.play({ seek: 2.550 }); // play() method call above has the same effect as the // two lines below but it is done in only one command // and it is a bit more efficient // catAstroPhi.play(); // catAstroPhi.seek = 2.550; this.add.image(400, 300, 'bg'); if(this.sound.locked) { var text = this.add.bitmapText(400, 300, 'atari-classic', 'Tap to start', 40); text.x -= Math.round(text.width/2); text.y -= Math.round(text.height/2); this.sound.once('unlocked', function (soundManager) { text.visible = false; setup.call(this); }, this); } else { setup.call(this); } } function setup () { var gui = new dat.GUI(); var sm = gui.addFolder('CatAstroPhi Sound'); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'seek', 0, catAstroPhi.duration).step(0.01).listen(); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'rate', 0.5, 2).listen(); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'detune', -1200, 1200).step(50).listen(); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'loop').listen(); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'play'); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'pause'); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'resume'); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'stop'); sm.open(); rainbowMask = this.make.graphics(); var rainbow = this.add.image(400, 300, 'rainbow'); rainbow.mask = new Phaser.Display.Masks.GeometryMask(this, rainbowMask); this.anims.create({ key: 'cat', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('cat', { start: 0, end: 5, first: 0 }), frameRate: 15, repeat: -1 }); cat = this.add.sprite(0, 300, 'cat').setInteractive(); cat.play('cat'); this.input.setDraggable(cat); this.input.on('drag', function (pointer, cat, dragX, dragY) { cat.x = Math.min(Math.max(cat.width/2, dragX), 800 - cat.width/2); catAstroPhi.seek = (cat.x - cat.width/2)/(800 - cat.width) * catAstroPhi.duration; }); } function update () { if(cat) { cat.x = cat.width/2 + (catAstroPhi.seek / catAstroPhi.duration) * (800 - cat.width); rainbowMask.clear(); rainbowMask.fillRect(0, 0, cat.x - 15, 600); if(!catAstroPhi.isPlaying && cat.anims.isPlaying) { cat.anims.pause(); } else if (catAstroPhi.isPlaying && !cat.anims.isPlaying) { cat.anims.resume(); } cat.anims.timeScale = catAstroPhi.totalRate; } }
/** * @author Pavle Goloskokovic(http://prunegames.com) */ var config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, parent: 'phaser-example', width: 800, height: 600, scene: { preload: preload, create: create, update: update }, pixelArt: true, audio: { disableWebAudio: true } }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config); function preload () { this.load.setBaseURL('https://cdn.phaserfiles.com/v355'); this.load.bitmapFont('atari-classic', 'assets/fonts/bitmap/atari-classic.png', 'assets/fonts/bitmap/atari-classic.xml'); this.load.image('bg', 'assets/animations/nyan/bg.png'); this.load.image('rainbow', 'assets/animations/nyan/rainbow.png'); this.load.spritesheet('cat', 'assets/animations/nyan/cat.png', { frameWidth: 97, frameHeight: 59 }); this.load.audio('CatAstroPhi', [ 'assets/audio/CatAstroPhi_shmup_normal.ogg', 'assets/audio/CatAstroPhi_shmup_normal.mp3' ]); } var cat; var catAstroPhi; var rainbowMask; function create () { catAstroPhi = this.sound.add('CatAstroPhi'); catAstroPhi.play({ seek: 2.550 }); // play() method call above has the same effect as the // two lines below but it is done in only one command // and it is a bit more efficient // catAstroPhi.play(); // catAstroPhi.seek = 2.550; this.add.image(400, 300, 'bg'); if(this.sound.locked) { var text = this.add.bitmapText(400, 300, 'atari-classic', 'Tap to start', 40); text.x -= Math.round(text.width/2); text.y -= Math.round(text.height/2); this.sound.once('unlocked', function (soundManager) { text.visible = false; setup.call(this); }, this); } else { setup.call(this); } } function setup () { var gui = new dat.GUI(); var sm = gui.addFolder('CatAstroPhi Sound'); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'seek', 0, catAstroPhi.duration).step(0.01).listen(); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'rate', 0.5, 2).listen(); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'detune', -1200, 1200).step(50).listen(); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'loop').listen(); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'play'); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'pause'); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'resume'); sm.add(catAstroPhi, 'stop'); sm.open(); rainbowMask = this.make.graphics(); var rainbow = this.add.image(400, 300, 'rainbow'); rainbow.mask = new Phaser.Display.Masks.GeometryMask(this, rainbowMask); this.anims.create({ key: 'cat', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('cat', { start: 0, end: 5, first: 0 }), frameRate: 15, repeat: -1 }); cat = this.add.sprite(0, 300, 'cat').setInteractive(); cat.play('cat'); this.input.setDraggable(cat); this.input.on('drag', function (pointer, cat, dragX, dragY) { cat.x = Math.min(Math.max(cat.width/2, dragX), 800 - cat.width/2); catAstroPhi.seek = (cat.x - cat.width/2)/(800 - cat.width) * catAstroPhi.duration; }); } function update () { if(cat) { cat.x = cat.width/2 + (catAstroPhi.seek / catAstroPhi.duration) * (800 - cat.width); rainbowMask.clear(); rainbowMask.fillRect(0, 0, cat.x - 15, 600); if(!catAstroPhi.isPlaying && cat.anims.isPlaying) { cat.anims.pause(); } else if (catAstroPhi.isPlaying && !cat.anims.isPlaying) { cat.anims.resume(); } cat.anims.timeScale = catAstroPhi.totalRate; } }