class Example extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super(); } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('bg', 'assets/skies/sky1.png'); this.load.image('golem1', 'assets/tweens/golem1.png'); this.load.image('golem2', 'assets/tweens/golem2.png'); this.load.spritesheet('ice', 'assets/tweens/ice-48x48.png', { frameWidth: 48, frameHeight: 48 }); } create () { this.add.image(400, 300, 'bg'); const golem = this.add.image(400, 300, 'golem2'); // This is just a particle emitter for our effect const particles = this.add.particles(400, 230, 'ice', { lifespan: 2000, speed: 360, angle: { start: 40, end: 150, steps: 8 }, quantity: 0 }); // Here we'll change the texture from 'golem1' to 'golem2' after 1000 ms. // Because we set it to repeat -1 it will then set it back to golem1 // again after a second, then repeat. We also set the particles to explode // during the onRepeat callback. this.tweens.add({ targets: golem, texture: 'golem1', duration: 1000, repeat: -1, onRepeat: () => { particles.explode(8); } }); } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#2d2d2d', parent: 'phaser-example', scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
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class Example extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super(); } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('bg', 'assets/skies/sky1.png'); this.load.image('golem1', 'assets/tweens/golem1.png'); this.load.image('golem2', 'assets/tweens/golem2.png'); this.load.spritesheet('ice', 'assets/tweens/ice-48x48.png', { frameWidth: 48, frameHeight: 48 }); } create () { this.add.image(400, 300, 'bg'); const golem = this.add.image(400, 300, 'golem2'); // This is just a particle emitter for our effect const particles = this.add.particles(400, 230, 'ice', { lifespan: 2000, speed: 360, angle: { start: 40, end: 150, steps: 8 }, quantity: 0 }); // Here we'll change the texture from 'golem1' to 'golem2' after 1000 ms. // Because we set it to repeat -1 it will then set it back to golem1 // again after a second, then repeat. We also set the particles to explode // during the onRepeat callback. this.tweens.add({ targets: golem, texture: 'golem1', duration: 1000, repeat: -1, onRepeat: () => { particles.explode(8); } }); } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#2d2d2d', parent: 'phaser-example', scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);