export class Boot extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('Boot'); } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL('https://cdn.phaserfiles.com/v385'); // The Boot Scene is typically used to load in any https://labs.phaser.io/assets you require for your Preloader, such as a game logo or background. // The smaller the file size of the https://labs.phaser.io/assets, the better, as the Boot Scene itself has no preloader. this.load.image("preloader", "assets/games/coin-clicker/preloader.png"); } create () { // A global value to store the highscore in this.registry.set('highscore', 0); this.scene.start('Preloader'); // this.input.once('pointerdown', () => { // this.scene.start('Preloader'); // }); } }
export class MainMenu extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('MainMenu'); } create () { // Get the current highscore from the registry const score = this.registry.get('highscore'); const textStyle = { fontFamily: 'Arial Black', fontSize: 38, color: '#ffffff', stroke: '#000000', strokeThickness: 8 }; this.add.image(512, 384, 'background'); const logo = this.add.image(512, -270, 'logo'); this.tweens.add({ targets: logo, y: 270, duration: 1000, ease: 'Bounce' }); this.add.text(32, 32, `High Score: ${score}`, textStyle); const instructions = [ "How many coins can you", "click in 10 seconds?", "", "Click to Start!" ] this.add.text(512, 550, instructions, textStyle).setAlign('center').setOrigin(0.5); this.input.once('pointerdown', () => { this.scene.start('ClickerGame'); }); } }
export class Preloader extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super("Preloader"); } init () { // We loaded this image in our Boot Scene, so we can display it here this.add.image(512, 384, "preloader"); // A simple progress bar. This is the outline of the bar. this.add.rectangle(512, 384, 468, 32).setStrokeStyle(1, 0xffffff); // This is the progress bar itself. It will increase in size from the left based on the % of progress. const bar = this.add.rectangle(512-230, 384, 4, 28, 0xffffff); // Use the 'progress' event emitted by the LoaderPlugin to update the loading bar this.load.on("progress", (progress) => { // Update the progress bar (our bar is 464px wide, so 100% = 464px) bar.width = 4 + (460 * progress); }); } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL('https://cdn.phaserfiles.com/v385'); // Load the https://labs.phaser.io/assets for the game - Replace with the path to your own https://labs.phaser.io/assets this.load.setPath("assets/games/coin-clicker/"); this.load.image("background", "background.png"); this.load.image("logo", "cc-logo.png"); this.load.atlas('coin', 'coin.png', 'coin.json'); } create () { // When all the https://labs.phaser.io/assets have loaded, it's often worth creating global objects here that the rest of the game can use. // For example, we will define our 'coin' animation here, so we can use it in other scenes: this.anims.create({ key: "rotate", frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames("coin", { prefix: "coin_", start: 1, end: 7, zeroPad: 2 }), frameRate: 16, repeat: -1 }); this.anims.create({ key: "vanish", frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames("coin", { prefix: "vanish_", start: 1, end: 4 }), frameRate: 10 }); // When all the https://labs.phaser.io/assets are loaded go to the next scene. // We can go there immediately via: this.scene.start("MainMenu"); // Or we could use a Scene transition to fade between the two scenes: this.scene.transition({ target: 'MainMenu', duration: 1000, moveBelow: true, onUpdate: (progress) => { this.cameras.main.setAlpha(1 - progress); } }); // When the transition completes, it will move automatically to the MainMenu scene } }
import { Boot } from "./Boot.js"; import { ClickerGame } from "./ClickerGame.js"; import { GameOver } from "./GameOver.js"; import { MainMenu } from "./MainMenu.js"; import { Preloader } from "./Preloader.js"; // Find out more information about the Game Config at: https://newdocs.phaser.io/docs/3.70.0/Phaser.Types.Core.GameConfig const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 1024, height: 768, parent: "phaser-container", backgroundColor: "#028af8", scale: { mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT, autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH }, physics: { default: "arcade", arcade: { gravity: { y: 400 } } }, scene: [ Boot, Preloader, MainMenu, ClickerGame, GameOver ] }; export default new Phaser.Game(config);
export class ClickerGame extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('ClickerGame'); } create () { this.score = 0; this.coins = []; const textStyle = { fontFamily: 'Arial Black', fontSize: 38, color: '#ffffff', stroke: '#000000', strokeThickness: 8 }; this.add.image(512, 384, 'background'); this.scoreText = this.add.text(32, 32, "Coins: 0", textStyle).setDepth(1); this.timeText = this.add.text(1024 - 32, 32, "Time: 10", textStyle).setOrigin(1, 0).setDepth(1); // Our 10 second timer. It starts automatically when the scene is created. this.timer = this.time.addEvent({ delay: 10000, callback: () => this.gameOver() }); this.physics.world.setBounds(0, -400, 1024, 768 + 310); for (let i = 0; i < 32; i++) { this.dropCoin(); } this.input.on('gameobjectdown', (pointer, gameObject) => this.clickCoin(gameObject)); } dropCoin () { const x = Phaser.Math.Between(128, 896); const y = Phaser.Math.Between(0, -400); const coin = this.physics.add.sprite(x, y, 'coin').play('rotate'); coin.setVelocityX(Phaser.Math.Between(-400, 400)); coin.setCollideWorldBounds(true); coin.setBounce(0.9); coin.setInteractive(); this.coins.push(coin); } clickCoin (coin) { // Disable the coin from being clicked coin.disableInteractive(); // Stop it from moving coin.setVelocity(0, 0); // Play the 'vanish' animation coin.play('vanish'); coin.once('animationcomplete-vanish', () => coin.destroy()); // Add 1 to the score this.score++; // Update the score text this.scoreText.setText("Coins: " + this.score); // Drop a new coin this.dropCoin(); } update () { this.timeText.setText("Time: " + Math.ceil(this.timer.getRemainingSeconds())); } gameOver () { this.coins.forEach((coin) => { if (coin.active) { coin.setVelocity(0, 0); coin.play('vanish'); } }); this.input.off('gameobjectdown'); // Save our highscore to the registry const highscore = this.registry.get('highscore'); if (this.score > highscore) { this.registry.set('highscore', this.score); } // Swap to the GameOver scene after a 2 second delay this.time.delayedCall(2000, () => this.scene.start('GameOver')); } }
export class GameOver extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('GameOver'); } create () { // Get the current highscore from the registry const score = this.registry.get('highscore'); const textStyle = { fontFamily: 'Arial Black', fontSize: 64, color: '#ffffff', stroke: '#000000', strokeThickness: 8 }; this.add.image(512, 384, 'background'); this.add.text(512, 300, `Game Over\n\nHigh Score: ${score}`, textStyle).setAlign('center').setOrigin(0.5); this.input.once('pointerdown', () => { this.scene.start('MainMenu'); }); } }
export class Boot extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('Boot'); } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL('https://cdn.phaserfiles.com/v385'); // The Boot Scene is typically used to load in any https://labs.phaser.io/assets you require for your Preloader, such as a game logo or background. // The smaller the file size of the https://labs.phaser.io/assets, the better, as the Boot Scene itself has no preloader. this.load.image("preloader", "assets/games/coin-clicker/preloader.png"); } create () { // A global value to store the highscore in this.registry.set('highscore', 0); this.scene.start('Preloader'); // this.input.once('pointerdown', () => { // this.scene.start('Preloader'); // }); } }
export class MainMenu extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('MainMenu'); } create () { // Get the current highscore from the registry const score = this.registry.get('highscore'); const textStyle = { fontFamily: 'Arial Black', fontSize: 38, color: '#ffffff', stroke: '#000000', strokeThickness: 8 }; this.add.image(512, 384, 'background'); const logo = this.add.image(512, -270, 'logo'); this.tweens.add({ targets: logo, y: 270, duration: 1000, ease: 'Bounce' }); this.add.text(32, 32, `High Score: ${score}`, textStyle); const instructions = [ "How many coins can you", "click in 10 seconds?", "", "Click to Start!" ] this.add.text(512, 550, instructions, textStyle).setAlign('center').setOrigin(0.5); this.input.once('pointerdown', () => { this.scene.start('ClickerGame'); }); } }
export class Preloader extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super("Preloader"); } init () { // We loaded this image in our Boot Scene, so we can display it here this.add.image(512, 384, "preloader"); // A simple progress bar. This is the outline of the bar. this.add.rectangle(512, 384, 468, 32).setStrokeStyle(1, 0xffffff); // This is the progress bar itself. It will increase in size from the left based on the % of progress. const bar = this.add.rectangle(512-230, 384, 4, 28, 0xffffff); // Use the 'progress' event emitted by the LoaderPlugin to update the loading bar this.load.on("progress", (progress) => { // Update the progress bar (our bar is 464px wide, so 100% = 464px) bar.width = 4 + (460 * progress); }); } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL('https://cdn.phaserfiles.com/v385'); // Load the https://labs.phaser.io/assets for the game - Replace with the path to your own https://labs.phaser.io/assets this.load.setPath("assets/games/coin-clicker/"); this.load.image("background", "background.png"); this.load.image("logo", "cc-logo.png"); this.load.atlas('coin', 'coin.png', 'coin.json'); } create () { // When all the https://labs.phaser.io/assets have loaded, it's often worth creating global objects here that the rest of the game can use. // For example, we will define our 'coin' animation here, so we can use it in other scenes: this.anims.create({ key: "rotate", frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames("coin", { prefix: "coin_", start: 1, end: 7, zeroPad: 2 }), frameRate: 16, repeat: -1 }); this.anims.create({ key: "vanish", frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames("coin", { prefix: "vanish_", start: 1, end: 4 }), frameRate: 10 }); // When all the https://labs.phaser.io/assets are loaded go to the next scene. // We can go there immediately via: this.scene.start("MainMenu"); // Or we could use a Scene transition to fade between the two scenes: this.scene.transition({ target: 'MainMenu', duration: 1000, moveBelow: true, onUpdate: (progress) => { this.cameras.main.setAlpha(1 - progress); } }); // When the transition completes, it will move automatically to the MainMenu scene } }
import { Boot } from "./Boot.js"; import { ClickerGame } from "./ClickerGame.js"; import { GameOver } from "./GameOver.js"; import { MainMenu } from "./MainMenu.js"; import { Preloader } from "./Preloader.js"; // Find out more information about the Game Config at: https://newdocs.phaser.io/docs/3.70.0/Phaser.Types.Core.GameConfig const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 1024, height: 768, parent: "phaser-container", backgroundColor: "#028af8", scale: { mode: Phaser.Scale.FIT, autoCenter: Phaser.Scale.CENTER_BOTH }, physics: { default: "arcade", arcade: { gravity: { y: 400 } } }, scene: [ Boot, Preloader, MainMenu, ClickerGame, GameOver ] }; export default new Phaser.Game(config);
export class ClickerGame extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('ClickerGame'); } create () { this.score = 0; this.coins = []; const textStyle = { fontFamily: 'Arial Black', fontSize: 38, color: '#ffffff', stroke: '#000000', strokeThickness: 8 }; this.add.image(512, 384, 'background'); this.scoreText = this.add.text(32, 32, "Coins: 0", textStyle).setDepth(1); this.timeText = this.add.text(1024 - 32, 32, "Time: 10", textStyle).setOrigin(1, 0).setDepth(1); // Our 10 second timer. It starts automatically when the scene is created. this.timer = this.time.addEvent({ delay: 10000, callback: () => this.gameOver() }); this.physics.world.setBounds(0, -400, 1024, 768 + 310); for (let i = 0; i < 32; i++) { this.dropCoin(); } this.input.on('gameobjectdown', (pointer, gameObject) => this.clickCoin(gameObject)); } dropCoin () { const x = Phaser.Math.Between(128, 896); const y = Phaser.Math.Between(0, -400); const coin = this.physics.add.sprite(x, y, 'coin').play('rotate'); coin.setVelocityX(Phaser.Math.Between(-400, 400)); coin.setCollideWorldBounds(true); coin.setBounce(0.9); coin.setInteractive(); this.coins.push(coin); } clickCoin (coin) { // Disable the coin from being clicked coin.disableInteractive(); // Stop it from moving coin.setVelocity(0, 0); // Play the 'vanish' animation coin.play('vanish'); coin.once('animationcomplete-vanish', () => coin.destroy()); // Add 1 to the score this.score++; // Update the score text this.scoreText.setText("Coins: " + this.score); // Drop a new coin this.dropCoin(); } update () { this.timeText.setText("Time: " + Math.ceil(this.timer.getRemainingSeconds())); } gameOver () { this.coins.forEach((coin) => { if (coin.active) { coin.setVelocity(0, 0); coin.play('vanish'); } }); this.input.off('gameobjectdown'); // Save our highscore to the registry const highscore = this.registry.get('highscore'); if (this.score > highscore) { this.registry.set('highscore', this.score); } // Swap to the GameOver scene after a 2 second delay this.time.delayedCall(2000, () => this.scene.start('GameOver')); } }
export class GameOver extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('GameOver'); } create () { // Get the current highscore from the registry const score = this.registry.get('highscore'); const textStyle = { fontFamily: 'Arial Black', fontSize: 64, color: '#ffffff', stroke: '#000000', strokeThickness: 8 }; this.add.image(512, 384, 'background'); this.add.text(512, 300, `Game Over\n\nHigh Score: ${score}`, textStyle).setAlign('center').setOrigin(0.5); this.input.once('pointerdown', () => { this.scene.start('MainMenu'); }); } }