var Preloader = new Phaser.Class({ Extends: Phaser.Scene, initialize: function Preloader () {, { key: 'preloader' }); }, preload: function () { this.load.atlas('gems', 'assets/tests/columns/gems.png', 'assets/tests/columns/gems.json'); this.load.image('buttonBG', 'assets/sprites/button-bg.png'); this.load.image('buttonText', 'assets/sprites/button-text.png'); this.load.image('ayu', 'assets/pics/ayu.png'); }, create: function () { console.log('%c Preloader ', 'background: green; color: white; display: block;'); this.anims.create({ key: 'diamond', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('gems', { prefix: 'diamond_', end: 15, zeroPad: 4 }), repeat: -1 }); this.anims.create({ key: 'prism', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('gems', { prefix: 'prism_', end: 6, zeroPad: 4 }), repeat: -1 }); this.anims.create({ key: 'ruby', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('gems', { prefix: 'ruby_', end: 6, zeroPad: 4 }), repeat: -1 }); this.anims.create({ key: 'square', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('gems', { prefix: 'square_', end: 14, zeroPad: 4 }), repeat: -1 }); this.scene.start('mainmenu'); } }); var MainMenu = new Phaser.Class({ Extends: Phaser.Scene, initialize: function MainMenu () {, { key: 'mainmenu' }); window.MENU = this; }, create: function () { console.log('%c MainMenu ', 'background: green; color: white; display: block;'); var bg = this.add.image(0, 0, 'buttonBG'); var text = this.add.image(0, 0, 'buttonText'); var container = this.add.container(400, 300, [ bg, text ]); bg.setInteractive(); bg.once('pointerup', function () { this.scene.start('game'); }, this); } }); var Game = new Phaser.Class({ Extends: Phaser.Scene, initialize: function Game () {, { key: 'game' }); window.GAME = this; this.controls; this.track; this.text; }, create: function () { console.log('%c Game ', 'background: green; color: white; display: block;');, 0, 800 * 2, 600 * 2); var spriteBounds = Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Inflate(Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Clone(, -100, -100); // Create loads of random sprites var anims = [ 'diamond', 'prism', 'ruby', 'square' ]; for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) { var pos = Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Random(spriteBounds); var block = this.physics.add.sprite(pos.x, pos.y, 'gems'); block.setVelocity(Phaser.Math.Between(200, 400), Phaser.Math.Between(200, 400)); block.setBounce(1).setCollideWorldBounds(true); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { block.body.velocity.x *= -1; } else { block.body.velocity.y *= -1; }; if (i === 0) { this.track = block; } } var cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); var controlConfig = { camera: this.cameras.main, left: cursors.left, right: cursors.right, up: cursors.up, down: cursors.down, zoomIn: this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.Q), zoomOut: this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.E), acceleration: 0.06, drag: 0.0005, maxSpeed: 1.0 }; this.controls = new Phaser.Cameras.Controls.SmoothedKeyControl(controlConfig); this.add.text(0, 0, 'Use Cursors to scroll camera.\nClick to Quit', { font: '18px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' }).setScrollFactor(0); this.text = this.add.text(400, 0, '', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' }); this.input.once('pointerup', function () { this.scene.start('gameover'); }, this); }, update: function (time, delta) { this.controls.update(delta); this.text.setText([ 'x: ' + this.track.x, 'y: ' + this.track.y ]); } }); var GameOver = new Phaser.Class({ Extends: Phaser.Scene, initialize: function GameOver () {, { key: 'gameover' }); window.OVER = this; }, create: function () { console.log('%c GameOver ', 'background: green; color: white; display: block;'); this.add.sprite(400, 300, 'ayu'); this.add.text(300, 500, 'Game Over - Click to start restart', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' }); this.input.once('pointerup', function (event) { this.scene.start('mainmenu'); }, this); } }); var config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#000000', parent: 'phaser-example', physics: { default: 'arcade', arcade: { gravity: { y: 100 }, debug: true } }, scene: [ Preloader, MainMenu, Game, GameOver ] }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
var Preloader = new Phaser.Class({ Extends: Phaser.Scene, initialize: function Preloader () {, { key: 'preloader' }); }, preload: function () { this.load.atlas('gems', 'assets/tests/columns/gems.png', 'assets/tests/columns/gems.json'); this.load.image('buttonBG', 'assets/sprites/button-bg.png'); this.load.image('buttonText', 'assets/sprites/button-text.png'); this.load.image('ayu', 'assets/pics/ayu.png'); }, create: function () { console.log('%c Preloader ', 'background: green; color: white; display: block;'); this.anims.create({ key: 'diamond', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('gems', { prefix: 'diamond_', end: 15, zeroPad: 4 }), repeat: -1 }); this.anims.create({ key: 'prism', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('gems', { prefix: 'prism_', end: 6, zeroPad: 4 }), repeat: -1 }); this.anims.create({ key: 'ruby', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('gems', { prefix: 'ruby_', end: 6, zeroPad: 4 }), repeat: -1 }); this.anims.create({ key: 'square', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('gems', { prefix: 'square_', end: 14, zeroPad: 4 }), repeat: -1 }); this.scene.start('mainmenu'); } }); var MainMenu = new Phaser.Class({ Extends: Phaser.Scene, initialize: function MainMenu () {, { key: 'mainmenu' }); window.MENU = this; }, create: function () { console.log('%c MainMenu ', 'background: green; color: white; display: block;'); var bg = this.add.image(0, 0, 'buttonBG'); var text = this.add.image(0, 0, 'buttonText'); var container = this.add.container(400, 300, [ bg, text ]); bg.setInteractive(); bg.once('pointerup', function () { this.scene.start('game'); }, this); } }); var Game = new Phaser.Class({ Extends: Phaser.Scene, initialize: function Game () {, { key: 'game' }); window.GAME = this; this.controls; this.track; this.text; }, create: function () { console.log('%c Game ', 'background: green; color: white; display: block;');, 0, 800 * 2, 600 * 2); var spriteBounds = Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Inflate(Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Clone(, -100, -100); // Create loads of random sprites var anims = [ 'diamond', 'prism', 'ruby', 'square' ]; for (var i = 0; i < 50; i++) { var pos = Phaser.Geom.Rectangle.Random(spriteBounds); var block = this.physics.add.sprite(pos.x, pos.y, 'gems'); block.setVelocity(Phaser.Math.Between(200, 400), Phaser.Math.Between(200, 400)); block.setBounce(1).setCollideWorldBounds(true); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { block.body.velocity.x *= -1; } else { block.body.velocity.y *= -1; }; if (i === 0) { this.track = block; } } var cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); var controlConfig = { camera: this.cameras.main, left: cursors.left, right: cursors.right, up: cursors.up, down: cursors.down, zoomIn: this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.Q), zoomOut: this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.E), acceleration: 0.06, drag: 0.0005, maxSpeed: 1.0 }; this.controls = new Phaser.Cameras.Controls.SmoothedKeyControl(controlConfig); this.add.text(0, 0, 'Use Cursors to scroll camera.\nClick to Quit', { font: '18px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' }).setScrollFactor(0); this.text = this.add.text(400, 0, '', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' }); this.input.once('pointerup', function () { this.scene.start('gameover'); }, this); }, update: function (time, delta) { this.controls.update(delta); this.text.setText([ 'x: ' + this.track.x, 'y: ' + this.track.y ]); } }); var GameOver = new Phaser.Class({ Extends: Phaser.Scene, initialize: function GameOver () {, { key: 'gameover' }); window.OVER = this; }, create: function () { console.log('%c GameOver ', 'background: green; color: white; display: block;'); this.add.sprite(400, 300, 'ayu'); this.add.text(300, 500, 'Game Over - Click to start restart', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' }); this.input.once('pointerup', function (event) { this.scene.start('mainmenu'); }, this); } }); var config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#000000', parent: 'phaser-example', physics: { default: 'arcade', arcade: { gravity: { y: 100 }, debug: true } }, scene: [ Preloader, MainMenu, Game, GameOver ] }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config);