var Flood = new Phaser.Class({ Extends: Phaser.Scene, initialize: function Flood () {, { key: 'flood' }); this.allowClick = true; this.arrow; this.cursor; this.cursorTween; this.monsterTween; this.icon1 = { shadow: null, monster: null }; this.icon2 = { shadow: null, monster: null }; this.icon3 = { shadow: null, monster: null }; this.icon4 = { shadow: null, monster: null }; this.icon5 = { shadow: null, monster: null }; this.icon6 = { shadow: null, monster: null }; this.gridBG; this.instructions; this.text1; this.text2; this.text3; this.currentColor = ''; this.emitters = {}; this.grid = []; this.matched = []; this.moves = 25; this.frames = [ 'blue', 'green', 'grey', 'purple', 'red', 'yellow' ]; }, preload: function () { this.load.bitmapFont('atari', 'assets/fonts/bitmap/atari-smooth.png', 'assets/fonts/bitmap/atari-smooth.xml'); this.load.atlas('flood', 'assets/games/flood/blobs.png', 'assets/games/flood/blobs.json'); }, create: function () { this.add.image(400, 300, 'flood', 'background'); this.gridBG = this.add.image(400, 600 + 300, 'flood', 'grid'); this.createIcon(this.icon1, 'grey', 16, 156); this.createIcon(this.icon2, 'red', 16, 312); this.createIcon(this.icon3, 'green', 16, 458); this.createIcon(this.icon4, 'yellow', 688, 156); this.createIcon(this.icon5, 'blue', 688, 312); this.createIcon(this.icon6, 'purple', 688, 458); this.cursor = this.add.image(16, 156, 'flood', 'cursor-over').setOrigin(0).setVisible(false); // The game is played in a 14x14 grid with 6 different colors this.grid = []; for (var x = 0; x < 14; x++) { this.grid[x] = []; for (var y = 0; y < 14; y++) { var sx = 166 + (x * 36); var sy = 66 + (y * 36); var color = Phaser.Math.Between(0, 5); var block = this.add.image(sx, -600 + sy, 'flood', this.frames[color]); block.setData('oldColor', color); block.setData('color', color); block.setData('x', sx); block.setData('y', sy); this.grid[x][y] = block; } } // Do a few floods just to make it a little easier starting off this.helpFlood(); for (var i = 0; i < this.matched.length; i++) { var block = this.matched[i]; block.setFrame(this.frames[block.getData('color')]); } this.currentColor = this.grid[0][0].getData('color'); this.particles = this.add.particles('flood'); for (var i = 0; i < this.frames.length; i++) { this.createEmitter(this.frames[i]); } this.createArrow(); this.text1 = this.add.bitmapText(684, 30, 'atari', 'Moves', 20).setAlpha(0); this.text2 = this.add.bitmapText(694, 60, 'atari', '00', 40).setAlpha(0); this.text3 = this.add.bitmapText(180, 200, 'atari', 'So close!\n\nClick to\ntry again', 48).setAlpha(0); this.instructions = this.add.image(400, 300, 'flood', 'instructions').setAlpha(0); this.revealGrid(); }, helpFlood: function () { for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var x = Phaser.Math.Between(0, 13); var y = Phaser.Math.Between(0, 13); var oldColor = this.grid[x][y].getData('color'); var newColor = oldColor + 1; if (newColor === 6) { newColor = 0; } this.floodFill(oldColor, newColor, x, y) } }, createArrow: function () { this.arrow = this.add.image(109 - 24, 48, 'flood', 'arrow-white').setOrigin(0).setAlpha(0); this.tweens.add({ targets: this.arrow, x: '+=24', ease: 'Sine.easeInOut', duration: 900, yoyo: true, repeat: -1 }); }, createIcon: function (icon, color, x, y) { var sx = (x < 400) ? -200 : 1000; = this.add.image(sx, y, 'flood', 'icon-' + color).setOrigin(0); var shadow = this.add.image(sx, y, 'flood', 'shadow'); shadow.setData('color', this.frames.indexOf(color)); shadow.setData('x', x); shadow.setData('monster',; shadow.setOrigin(0); shadow.setInteractive(); icon.shadow = shadow; }, revealGrid: function () { this.tweens.add({ targets: this.gridBG, y: 300, ease: 'Power3' }); var i = 800; for (var y = 13; y >= 0; y--) { for (var x = 0; x < 14; x++) { var block = this.grid[x][y]; this.tweens.add({ targets: block, y: block.getData('y'), ease: 'Power3', duration: 800, delay: i }); i += 20; } } i -= 1000; // Icons this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.icon1.shadow, ], x: this.icon1.shadow.getData('x'), ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.icon4.shadow, ], x: this.icon4.shadow.getData('x'), ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); i += 200; this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.icon2.shadow, ], x: this.icon2.shadow.getData('x'), ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.icon5.shadow, ], x: this.icon5.shadow.getData('x'), ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); i += 200; this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.icon3.shadow, ], x: this.icon3.shadow.getData('x'), ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.icon6.shadow, ], x: this.icon6.shadow.getData('x'), ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); // Text this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.text1, this.text2 ], alpha: 1, ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); i += 500; var movesTween = this.tweens.addCounter({ from: 0, to: 25, ease: 'Power1', onUpdate: function (tween, targets, text) { text.setText(Phaser.Utils.String.Pad(tween.getValue().toFixed(), 2, '0', 1)); }, onUpdateParams: [ this.text2 ], delay: i }); i += 500; this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.instructions, this.arrow ], alpha: 1, ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); this.time.delayedCall(i, this.startInputEvents, [], this); }, startInputEvents: function () { this.input.on('gameobjectover', this.onIconOver, this); this.input.on('gameobjectout', this.onIconOut, this); this.input.on('gameobjectdown', this.onIconDown, this); // Cheat mode :) this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-M', function () { this.moves++; this.text2.setText(Phaser.Utils.String.Pad(this.moves, 2, '0', 1)); }, this); this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-X', function () { this.moves--; this.text2.setText(Phaser.Utils.String.Pad(this.moves, 2, '0', 1)); }, this); }, stopInputEvents: function () {'gameobjectover', this.onIconOver);'gameobjectout', this.onIconOut);'gameobjectdown', this.onIconDown); }, onIconOver: function (pointer, gameObject) { var icon = gameObject; var newColor = icon.getData('color'); // Valid color? if (newColor !== this.currentColor) { this.cursor.setFrame('cursor-over'); } else { this.cursor.setFrame('cursor-invalid'); } this.cursor.setPosition(icon.x + 48, icon.y + 48); if (this.cursorTween) { this.cursorTween.stop(); } this.cursor.setAlpha(1); this.cursor.setVisible(true); // Change arrow color this.arrow.setFrame('arrow-' + this.frames[newColor]); // Jiggle the monster :) var monster = icon.getData('monster'); this.children.bringToTop(monster); this.monsterTween = this.tweens.add({ targets: monster, y: '-=24', yoyo: true, repeat: -1, duration: 300, ease: 'Power2' }); }, onIconOut: function (pointer, gameObject) { // console.log(this.monsterTween.targets[0].y); this.monsterTween.stop(0); gameObject.getData('monster').setY(gameObject.y); // console.log(this.monsterTween.targets[0].y); this.cursorTween = this.tweens.add({ targets: this.cursor, alpha: 0, duration: 300 }); this.arrow.setFrame('arrow-white'); }, onIconDown: function (pointer, gameObject) { if (!this.allowClick) { return; } var icon = gameObject; var newColor = icon.getData('color'); // Valid color? if (newColor === this.currentColor) { return; } var oldColor = this.grid[0][0].getData('color'); // console.log('starting flood from', oldColor, this.frames[oldColor], 'to', newColor, this.frames[newColor]); if (oldColor !== newColor) { this.currentColor = newColor; this.matched = []; if (this.monsterTween) { this.monsterTween.stop(0); } this.cursor.setVisible(false); this.instructions.setVisible(false); this.moves--; this.text2.setText(Phaser.Utils.String.Pad(this.moves, 2, '0', 1)); this.floodFill(oldColor, newColor, 0, 0); if (this.matched.length > 0) { this.startFlow(); } } }, createEmitter: function (color) { this.emitters[color] = this.particles.createEmitter({ frame: color, lifespan: 1000, speed: { min: 300, max: 400 }, alpha: { start: 1, end: 0 }, scale: { start: 0.5, end: 0 }, rotate: { start: 0, end: 360, ease: 'Power2' }, blendMode: 'ADD', on: false }); }, startFlow: function () { this.matched.sort(function (a, b) { var aDistance = Phaser.Math.Distance.Between(a.x, a.y, 166, 66); var bDistance = Phaser.Math.Distance.Between(b.x, b.y, 166, 66); return aDistance - bDistance; }); // Swap the sprites var t = 0; var inc = (this.matched.length > 98) ? 6 : 12; this.allowClick = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.matched.length; i++) { var block = this.matched[i]; var blockColor = this.frames[block.getData('color')]; var oldBlockColor = this.frames[block.getData('oldColor')]; var emitter = this.emitters[oldBlockColor]; this.time.delayedCall(t, function (block, blockColor) { block.setFrame(blockColor); emitter.explode(6, block.x, block.y); }, [ block, blockColor, emitter ]); t += inc; } this.time.delayedCall(t, function () { this.allowClick = true; if (this.checkWon()) { this.gameWon(); } else if (this.moves === 0) { this.gameLost(); } }, [], this); }, checkWon: function () { var topLeft = this.grid[0][0].getData('color'); for (var x = 0; x < 14; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < 14; y++) { if (this.grid[x][y].getData('color') !== topLeft) { return false; } } } return true; }, clearGrid: function () { // Hide everything :) this.tweens.add({ targets: [, this.icon1.shadow,, this.icon2.shadow,, this.icon3.shadow,, this.icon4.shadow,, this.icon5.shadow,, this.icon6.shadow, this.arrow, this.cursor ], alpha: 0, duration: 500, delay: 500 }); var i = 500; for (var y = 13; y >= 0; y--) { for (var x = 0; x < 14; x++) { var block = this.grid[x][y]; this.tweens.add({ targets: block, scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, ease: 'Power3', duration: 800, delay: i }); i += 10; } } return i; }, gameLost: function () { this.stopInputEvents(); this.text1.setText("Lost!"); this.text2.setText(':('); var i = this.clearGrid(); this.text3.setAlpha(0); this.text3.setVisible(true); this.tweens.add({ targets: this.text3, alpha: 1, duration: 1000, delay: i }); this.input.once('pointerdown', this.resetGame, this); }, resetGame: function () { this.text1.setText("Moves"); this.text2.setText("00"); this.text3.setVisible(false); // Show everything :) this.arrow.setFrame('arrow-white'); this.tweens.add({ targets: [, this.icon1.shadow,, this.icon2.shadow,, this.icon3.shadow,, this.icon4.shadow,, this.icon5.shadow,, this.icon6.shadow, this.arrow, this.cursor ], alpha: 1, duration: 500, delay: 500 }); var i = 500; for (var y = 13; y >= 0; y--) { for (var x = 0; x < 14; x++) { var block = this.grid[x][y]; // Set a new color var color = Phaser.Math.Between(0, 5); block.setFrame(this.frames[color]); block.setData('oldColor', color); block.setData('color', color); this.tweens.add({ targets: block, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, ease: 'Power3', duration: 800, delay: i }); i += 10; } } // Do a few floods just to make it a little easier starting off this.helpFlood(); for (var i = 0; i < this.matched.length; i++) { var block = this.matched[i]; block.setFrame(this.frames[block.getData('color')]); } this.currentColor = this.grid[0][0].getData('color'); var movesTween = this.tweens.addCounter({ from: 0, to: 25, ease: 'Power1', onUpdate: function (tween, targets, text) { text.setText(Phaser.Utils.String.Pad(tween.getValue().toFixed(), 2, '0', 1)); }, onUpdateParams: [ this.text2 ], delay: i }); this.moves = 25; this.time.delayedCall(i, this.startInputEvents, [], this); }, gameWon: function () { this.stopInputEvents(); this.text1.setText("Won!!"); this.text2.setText(':)'); var i = this.clearGrid(); // Put the winning monster in the middle var monster = this.add.image(400, 300, 'flood', 'icon-' + this.frames[this.currentColor]); monster.setScale(0); this.tweens.add({ targets: monster, scaleX: 4, scaleY: 4, angle: 360 * 4, duration: 1000, delay: i }); this.time.delayedCall(2000, this.boom, [], this); }, boom: function () { var color = Phaser.Math.RND.pick(this.frames); this.emitters[color].explode(8, Phaser.Math.Between(128, 672), Phaser.Math.Between(28, 572)) color = Phaser.Math.RND.pick(this.frames); this.emitters[color].explode(8, Phaser.Math.Between(128, 672), Phaser.Math.Between(28, 572)) this.time.delayedCall(100, this.boom, [], this); }, floodFill: function (oldColor, newColor, x, y) { if (oldColor === newColor || this.grid[x][y].getData('color') !== oldColor) { return; } this.grid[x][y].setData('oldColor', oldColor); this.grid[x][y].setData('color', newColor); if (this.matched.indexOf(this.grid[x][y]) === -1) { this.matched.push(this.grid[x][y]); } if (x > 0) { this.floodFill(oldColor, newColor, x - 1, y); } if (x < 13) { this.floodFill(oldColor, newColor, x + 1, y); } if (y > 0) { this.floodFill(oldColor, newColor, x, y - 1); } if (y < 13) { this.floodFill(oldColor, newColor, x, y + 1); } } }); var config = { type: Phaser.WEBGL, width: 800, height: 600, pixelArt: true, parent: 'phaser-example', scene: [ Flood ] }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
var Flood = new Phaser.Class({ Extends: Phaser.Scene, initialize: function Flood () {, { key: 'flood' }); this.allowClick = true; this.arrow; this.cursor; this.cursorTween; this.monsterTween; this.icon1 = { shadow: null, monster: null }; this.icon2 = { shadow: null, monster: null }; this.icon3 = { shadow: null, monster: null }; this.icon4 = { shadow: null, monster: null }; this.icon5 = { shadow: null, monster: null }; this.icon6 = { shadow: null, monster: null }; this.gridBG; this.instructions; this.text1; this.text2; this.text3; this.currentColor = ''; this.emitters = {}; this.grid = []; this.matched = []; this.moves = 25; this.frames = [ 'blue', 'green', 'grey', 'purple', 'red', 'yellow' ]; }, preload: function () { this.load.bitmapFont('atari', 'assets/fonts/bitmap/atari-smooth.png', 'assets/fonts/bitmap/atari-smooth.xml'); this.load.atlas('flood', 'assets/games/flood/blobs.png', 'assets/games/flood/blobs.json'); }, create: function () { this.add.image(400, 300, 'flood', 'background'); this.gridBG = this.add.image(400, 600 + 300, 'flood', 'grid'); this.createIcon(this.icon1, 'grey', 16, 156); this.createIcon(this.icon2, 'red', 16, 312); this.createIcon(this.icon3, 'green', 16, 458); this.createIcon(this.icon4, 'yellow', 688, 156); this.createIcon(this.icon5, 'blue', 688, 312); this.createIcon(this.icon6, 'purple', 688, 458); this.cursor = this.add.image(16, 156, 'flood', 'cursor-over').setOrigin(0).setVisible(false); // The game is played in a 14x14 grid with 6 different colors this.grid = []; for (var x = 0; x < 14; x++) { this.grid[x] = []; for (var y = 0; y < 14; y++) { var sx = 166 + (x * 36); var sy = 66 + (y * 36); var color = Phaser.Math.Between(0, 5); var block = this.add.image(sx, -600 + sy, 'flood', this.frames[color]); block.setData('oldColor', color); block.setData('color', color); block.setData('x', sx); block.setData('y', sy); this.grid[x][y] = block; } } // Do a few floods just to make it a little easier starting off this.helpFlood(); for (var i = 0; i < this.matched.length; i++) { var block = this.matched[i]; block.setFrame(this.frames[block.getData('color')]); } this.currentColor = this.grid[0][0].getData('color'); this.particles = this.add.particles('flood'); for (var i = 0; i < this.frames.length; i++) { this.createEmitter(this.frames[i]); } this.createArrow(); this.text1 = this.add.bitmapText(684, 30, 'atari', 'Moves', 20).setAlpha(0); this.text2 = this.add.bitmapText(694, 60, 'atari', '00', 40).setAlpha(0); this.text3 = this.add.bitmapText(180, 200, 'atari', 'So close!\n\nClick to\ntry again', 48).setAlpha(0); this.instructions = this.add.image(400, 300, 'flood', 'instructions').setAlpha(0); this.revealGrid(); }, helpFlood: function () { for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var x = Phaser.Math.Between(0, 13); var y = Phaser.Math.Between(0, 13); var oldColor = this.grid[x][y].getData('color'); var newColor = oldColor + 1; if (newColor === 6) { newColor = 0; } this.floodFill(oldColor, newColor, x, y) } }, createArrow: function () { this.arrow = this.add.image(109 - 24, 48, 'flood', 'arrow-white').setOrigin(0).setAlpha(0); this.tweens.add({ targets: this.arrow, x: '+=24', ease: 'Sine.easeInOut', duration: 900, yoyo: true, repeat: -1 }); }, createIcon: function (icon, color, x, y) { var sx = (x < 400) ? -200 : 1000; = this.add.image(sx, y, 'flood', 'icon-' + color).setOrigin(0); var shadow = this.add.image(sx, y, 'flood', 'shadow'); shadow.setData('color', this.frames.indexOf(color)); shadow.setData('x', x); shadow.setData('monster',; shadow.setOrigin(0); shadow.setInteractive(); icon.shadow = shadow; }, revealGrid: function () { this.tweens.add({ targets: this.gridBG, y: 300, ease: 'Power3' }); var i = 800; for (var y = 13; y >= 0; y--) { for (var x = 0; x < 14; x++) { var block = this.grid[x][y]; this.tweens.add({ targets: block, y: block.getData('y'), ease: 'Power3', duration: 800, delay: i }); i += 20; } } i -= 1000; // Icons this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.icon1.shadow, ], x: this.icon1.shadow.getData('x'), ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.icon4.shadow, ], x: this.icon4.shadow.getData('x'), ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); i += 200; this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.icon2.shadow, ], x: this.icon2.shadow.getData('x'), ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.icon5.shadow, ], x: this.icon5.shadow.getData('x'), ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); i += 200; this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.icon3.shadow, ], x: this.icon3.shadow.getData('x'), ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.icon6.shadow, ], x: this.icon6.shadow.getData('x'), ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); // Text this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.text1, this.text2 ], alpha: 1, ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); i += 500; var movesTween = this.tweens.addCounter({ from: 0, to: 25, ease: 'Power1', onUpdate: function (tween, targets, text) { text.setText(Phaser.Utils.String.Pad(tween.getValue().toFixed(), 2, '0', 1)); }, onUpdateParams: [ this.text2 ], delay: i }); i += 500; this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.instructions, this.arrow ], alpha: 1, ease: 'Power3', delay: i }); this.time.delayedCall(i, this.startInputEvents, [], this); }, startInputEvents: function () { this.input.on('gameobjectover', this.onIconOver, this); this.input.on('gameobjectout', this.onIconOut, this); this.input.on('gameobjectdown', this.onIconDown, this); // Cheat mode :) this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-M', function () { this.moves++; this.text2.setText(Phaser.Utils.String.Pad(this.moves, 2, '0', 1)); }, this); this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-X', function () { this.moves--; this.text2.setText(Phaser.Utils.String.Pad(this.moves, 2, '0', 1)); }, this); }, stopInputEvents: function () {'gameobjectover', this.onIconOver);'gameobjectout', this.onIconOut);'gameobjectdown', this.onIconDown); }, onIconOver: function (pointer, gameObject) { var icon = gameObject; var newColor = icon.getData('color'); // Valid color? if (newColor !== this.currentColor) { this.cursor.setFrame('cursor-over'); } else { this.cursor.setFrame('cursor-invalid'); } this.cursor.setPosition(icon.x + 48, icon.y + 48); if (this.cursorTween) { this.cursorTween.stop(); } this.cursor.setAlpha(1); this.cursor.setVisible(true); // Change arrow color this.arrow.setFrame('arrow-' + this.frames[newColor]); // Jiggle the monster :) var monster = icon.getData('monster'); this.children.bringToTop(monster); this.monsterTween = this.tweens.add({ targets: monster, y: '-=24', yoyo: true, repeat: -1, duration: 300, ease: 'Power2' }); }, onIconOut: function (pointer, gameObject) { // console.log(this.monsterTween.targets[0].y); this.monsterTween.stop(0); gameObject.getData('monster').setY(gameObject.y); // console.log(this.monsterTween.targets[0].y); this.cursorTween = this.tweens.add({ targets: this.cursor, alpha: 0, duration: 300 }); this.arrow.setFrame('arrow-white'); }, onIconDown: function (pointer, gameObject) { if (!this.allowClick) { return; } var icon = gameObject; var newColor = icon.getData('color'); // Valid color? if (newColor === this.currentColor) { return; } var oldColor = this.grid[0][0].getData('color'); // console.log('starting flood from', oldColor, this.frames[oldColor], 'to', newColor, this.frames[newColor]); if (oldColor !== newColor) { this.currentColor = newColor; this.matched = []; if (this.monsterTween) { this.monsterTween.stop(0); } this.cursor.setVisible(false); this.instructions.setVisible(false); this.moves--; this.text2.setText(Phaser.Utils.String.Pad(this.moves, 2, '0', 1)); this.floodFill(oldColor, newColor, 0, 0); if (this.matched.length > 0) { this.startFlow(); } } }, createEmitter: function (color) { this.emitters[color] = this.particles.createEmitter({ frame: color, lifespan: 1000, speed: { min: 300, max: 400 }, alpha: { start: 1, end: 0 }, scale: { start: 0.5, end: 0 }, rotate: { start: 0, end: 360, ease: 'Power2' }, blendMode: 'ADD', on: false }); }, startFlow: function () { this.matched.sort(function (a, b) { var aDistance = Phaser.Math.Distance.Between(a.x, a.y, 166, 66); var bDistance = Phaser.Math.Distance.Between(b.x, b.y, 166, 66); return aDistance - bDistance; }); // Swap the sprites var t = 0; var inc = (this.matched.length > 98) ? 6 : 12; this.allowClick = false; for (var i = 0; i < this.matched.length; i++) { var block = this.matched[i]; var blockColor = this.frames[block.getData('color')]; var oldBlockColor = this.frames[block.getData('oldColor')]; var emitter = this.emitters[oldBlockColor]; this.time.delayedCall(t, function (block, blockColor) { block.setFrame(blockColor); emitter.explode(6, block.x, block.y); }, [ block, blockColor, emitter ]); t += inc; } this.time.delayedCall(t, function () { this.allowClick = true; if (this.checkWon()) { this.gameWon(); } else if (this.moves === 0) { this.gameLost(); } }, [], this); }, checkWon: function () { var topLeft = this.grid[0][0].getData('color'); for (var x = 0; x < 14; x++) { for (var y = 0; y < 14; y++) { if (this.grid[x][y].getData('color') !== topLeft) { return false; } } } return true; }, clearGrid: function () { // Hide everything :) this.tweens.add({ targets: [, this.icon1.shadow,, this.icon2.shadow,, this.icon3.shadow,, this.icon4.shadow,, this.icon5.shadow,, this.icon6.shadow, this.arrow, this.cursor ], alpha: 0, duration: 500, delay: 500 }); var i = 500; for (var y = 13; y >= 0; y--) { for (var x = 0; x < 14; x++) { var block = this.grid[x][y]; this.tweens.add({ targets: block, scaleX: 0, scaleY: 0, ease: 'Power3', duration: 800, delay: i }); i += 10; } } return i; }, gameLost: function () { this.stopInputEvents(); this.text1.setText("Lost!"); this.text2.setText(':('); var i = this.clearGrid(); this.text3.setAlpha(0); this.text3.setVisible(true); this.tweens.add({ targets: this.text3, alpha: 1, duration: 1000, delay: i }); this.input.once('pointerdown', this.resetGame, this); }, resetGame: function () { this.text1.setText("Moves"); this.text2.setText("00"); this.text3.setVisible(false); // Show everything :) this.arrow.setFrame('arrow-white'); this.tweens.add({ targets: [, this.icon1.shadow,, this.icon2.shadow,, this.icon3.shadow,, this.icon4.shadow,, this.icon5.shadow,, this.icon6.shadow, this.arrow, this.cursor ], alpha: 1, duration: 500, delay: 500 }); var i = 500; for (var y = 13; y >= 0; y--) { for (var x = 0; x < 14; x++) { var block = this.grid[x][y]; // Set a new color var color = Phaser.Math.Between(0, 5); block.setFrame(this.frames[color]); block.setData('oldColor', color); block.setData('color', color); this.tweens.add({ targets: block, scaleX: 1, scaleY: 1, ease: 'Power3', duration: 800, delay: i }); i += 10; } } // Do a few floods just to make it a little easier starting off this.helpFlood(); for (var i = 0; i < this.matched.length; i++) { var block = this.matched[i]; block.setFrame(this.frames[block.getData('color')]); } this.currentColor = this.grid[0][0].getData('color'); var movesTween = this.tweens.addCounter({ from: 0, to: 25, ease: 'Power1', onUpdate: function (tween, targets, text) { text.setText(Phaser.Utils.String.Pad(tween.getValue().toFixed(), 2, '0', 1)); }, onUpdateParams: [ this.text2 ], delay: i }); this.moves = 25; this.time.delayedCall(i, this.startInputEvents, [], this); }, gameWon: function () { this.stopInputEvents(); this.text1.setText("Won!!"); this.text2.setText(':)'); var i = this.clearGrid(); // Put the winning monster in the middle var monster = this.add.image(400, 300, 'flood', 'icon-' + this.frames[this.currentColor]); monster.setScale(0); this.tweens.add({ targets: monster, scaleX: 4, scaleY: 4, angle: 360 * 4, duration: 1000, delay: i }); this.time.delayedCall(2000, this.boom, [], this); }, boom: function () { var color = Phaser.Math.RND.pick(this.frames); this.emitters[color].explode(8, Phaser.Math.Between(128, 672), Phaser.Math.Between(28, 572)) color = Phaser.Math.RND.pick(this.frames); this.emitters[color].explode(8, Phaser.Math.Between(128, 672), Phaser.Math.Between(28, 572)) this.time.delayedCall(100, this.boom, [], this); }, floodFill: function (oldColor, newColor, x, y) { if (oldColor === newColor || this.grid[x][y].getData('color') !== oldColor) { return; } this.grid[x][y].setData('oldColor', oldColor); this.grid[x][y].setData('color', newColor); if (this.matched.indexOf(this.grid[x][y]) === -1) { this.matched.push(this.grid[x][y]); } if (x > 0) { this.floodFill(oldColor, newColor, x - 1, y); } if (x < 13) { this.floodFill(oldColor, newColor, x + 1, y); } if (y > 0) { this.floodFill(oldColor, newColor, x, y - 1); } if (y < 13) { this.floodFill(oldColor, newColor, x, y + 1); } } }); var config = { type: Phaser.WEBGL, width: 800, height: 600, pixelArt: true, parent: 'phaser-example', scene: [ Flood ] }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config);