class Example extends Phaser.Scene { preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('bg', 'assets/skies/darkstone.png'); this.load.image('flare', 'assets/particles/white-flare.png'); this.load.image('fox', 'assets/pics/card3.png'); } create () { this.add.image(400, 300, 'bg'); const card = this.add.image(400, 300, 'fox').setInteractive(); const emitter = this.add.particles(0, 0, 'flare', { speed: 24, lifespan: 1500, quantity: 10, scale: { start: 0.4, end: 0 }, emitting: false, emitZone: { type: 'edge', source: card.getBounds(), quantity: 42 }, duration: 500 }); this.add.text(10, 10, 'Mouse over the card'); const list = this.add.text(10, 60); card.on('pointerover', () => { list.text = ''; emitter.start(2000); }); emitter.on('start', () => { list.text = list.text.concat('START\n'); }); emitter.on('stop', () => { list.text = list.text.concat('STOP\n'); }); emitter.on('complete', () => { list.text = list.text.concat('COMPLETE\n'); }); } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#000', parent: 'phaser-example', scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
Scan to open on your mobile device
class Example extends Phaser.Scene { preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('bg', 'assets/skies/darkstone.png'); this.load.image('flare', 'assets/particles/white-flare.png'); this.load.image('fox', 'assets/pics/card3.png'); } create () { this.add.image(400, 300, 'bg'); const card = this.add.image(400, 300, 'fox').setInteractive(); const emitter = this.add.particles(0, 0, 'flare', { speed: 24, lifespan: 1500, quantity: 10, scale: { start: 0.4, end: 0 }, emitting: false, emitZone: { type: 'edge', source: card.getBounds(), quantity: 42 }, duration: 500 }); this.add.text(10, 10, 'Mouse over the card'); const list = this.add.text(10, 60); card.on('pointerover', () => { list.text = ''; emitter.start(2000); }); emitter.on('start', () => { list.text = list.text.concat('START\n'); }); emitter.on('stop', () => { list.text = list.text.concat('STOP\n'); }); emitter.on('complete', () => { list.text = list.text.concat('COMPLETE\n'); }); } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#000', parent: 'phaser-example', scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);