export default class Boot extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('Boot'); } create () { this.registry.set('highscore', 0); this.scene.start('Preloader'); } }
export default class MainMenu extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('MainMenu'); this.music; } create () { let background = this.add.image(400, 300, 'background'); this.tweens.add({ targets: background, alpha: { from: 0, to: 1 }, duration: 1000 }); const fontStyle = { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: 48, color: '#ffffff', fontStyle: 'bold', padding: 16, shadow: { color: '#000000', fill: true, offsetX: 2, offsetY: 2, blur: 4 } }; this.add.text(20, 20, 'High Score: ' + this.registry.get('highscore'), fontStyle); let logo = this.add.image(400, -200, 'logo'); if (!this.music) { this.music = this.sound.play('music', { loop: true }); } this.tweens.add({ targets: logo, y: 300, ease: 'bounce.out', duration: 1200 }); this.input.once('pointerdown', () => { this.scene.start('MainGame'); }); } }
export default class Preloader extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('Preloader'); this.loadText; } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL('https://cdn.phaserfiles.com/v385'); this.loadText = this.add.text(400, 360, 'Loading ...', { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: 64, color: '#e3f2ed' }); this.loadText.setOrigin(0.5); this.loadText.setStroke('#203c5b', 6); this.loadText.setShadow(2, 2, '#2d2d2d', 4, true, false); this.load.setPath('assets/games/emoji-match/'); this.load.image([ 'background', 'logo' ]); this.load.atlas('emojis', 'emojis.png', 'emojis.json'); // Audio ... this.load.setPath('assets/games/emoji-match/sounds/'); this.load.audio('music', [ 'music.ogg', 'music.m4a', 'music.mp3' ]); this.load.audio('countdown', [ 'countdown.ogg', 'countdown.m4a', 'countdown.mp3' ]); this.load.audio('match', [ 'match.ogg', 'match.m4a', 'match.mp3' ]); } create () { if (this.sound.locked) { this.loadText.setText('Click to Start'); this.input.once('pointerdown', () => { this.scene.start('MainMenu'); }); } else { this.scene.start('MainMenu'); } } }
export default class MainGame extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('MainGame'); this.emojis; this.circle1; this.circle2; this.child1; this.child2; this.selectedEmoji = null; this.matched = false; this.score = 0; this.highscore = 0; this.scoreText; this.timer; this.timerText; } create () { this.add.image(400, 300, 'background'); this.circle1 = this.add.circle(0, 0, 42).setStrokeStyle(3, 0xf8960e); this.circle2 = this.add.circle(0, 0, 42).setStrokeStyle(3, 0x00ff00); this.circle1.setVisible(false); this.circle2.setVisible(false); // Create a 4x4 grid aligned group to hold our sprites this.emojis = this.add.group({ key: 'emojis', frameQuantity: 1, repeat: 15, gridAlign: { width: 4, height: 4, cellWidth: 90, cellHeight: 90, x: 280, y: 200 } }); const fontStyle = { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: 48, color: '#ffffff', fontStyle: 'bold', padding: 16, shadow: { color: '#000000', fill: true, offsetX: 2, offsetY: 2, blur: 4 } }; this.timerText = this.add.text(20, 20, '30:00', fontStyle); this.scoreText = this.add.text(530, 20, 'Found: 0', fontStyle); let children = this.emojis.getChildren(); children.forEach((child) => { child.setInteractive(); }); this.input.on('gameobjectdown', this.selectEmoji, this); this.input.once('pointerdown', this.start, this); this.highscore = this.registry.get('highscore'); this.arrangeGrid(); } start () { this.score = 0; this.matched = false; this.timer = this.time.addEvent({ delay: 30000, callback: this.gameOver, callbackScope: this }); this.sound.play('countdown', { delay: 27 }); } selectEmoji (pointer, emoji) { if (this.matched) { return; } // Is this the first or second selection? if (!this.selectedEmoji) { // Our first emoji this.circle1.setPosition(emoji.x, emoji.y); this.circle1.setVisible(true); this.selectedEmoji = emoji; } else if (emoji !== this.selectedEmoji) { // Our second emoji // Is it a match? if (emoji.frame.name === this.selectedEmoji.frame.name) { this.circle1.setStrokeStyle(3, 0x00ff00); this.circle2.setPosition(emoji.x, emoji.y); this.circle2.setVisible(true); this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.child1, this.child2 ], scale: 1.4, angle: '-=30', yoyo: true, ease: 'sine.inout', duration: 200, completeDelay: 200, onComplete: () => this.newRound() }); this.sound.play('match'); } else { this.circle1.setPosition(emoji.x, emoji.y); this.circle1.setVisible(true); this.selectedEmoji = emoji; } } } newRound () { this.matched = false; this.score++; this.scoreText.setText('Found: ' + this.score); this.circle1.setStrokeStyle(3, 0xf8960e); this.circle1.setVisible(false); this.circle2.setVisible(false); // Stagger tween them all out this.tweens.add({ targets: this.emojis.getChildren(), scale: 0, ease: 'power2', duration: 600, delay: this.tweens.stagger(100, { grid: [ 4, 4 ], from: 'center' }), onComplete: () => this.arrangeGrid() }); } arrangeGrid () { // We need to make sure there is only one pair in the grid // Let's create an array with all possible frames in it: let frames = Phaser.Utils.Array.NumberArray(1, 40); let selected = Phaser.Utils.Array.NumberArray(0, 15); let children = this.emojis.getChildren(); // Now we pick 16 random values, removing each one from the array so we can't pick it again // and set those into the sprites for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { let frame = Phaser.Utils.Array.RemoveRandomElement(frames); children[i].setFrame('smile' + frame); } // Finally, pick two random children and make them a pair: let index1 = Phaser.Utils.Array.RemoveRandomElement(selected); let index2 = Phaser.Utils.Array.RemoveRandomElement(selected); this.child1 = children[index1]; this.child2 = children[index2]; // Set the frame to match this.child2.setFrame(this.child1.frame.name); console.log('Pair: ', index1, index2); // Clear the currently selected emojis (if any) this.selectedEmoji = null; // Stagger tween them all in this.tweens.add({ targets: children, scale: { start: 0, from: 0, to: 1 }, ease: 'bounce.out', duration: 600, delay: this.tweens.stagger(100, { grid: [ 4, 4 ], from: 'center' }) }); } update () { if (this.timer) { if (this.timer.getProgress() === 1) { this.timerText.setText('00:00'); } else { const remaining = (30 - this.timer.getElapsedSeconds()).toPrecision(4); const pos = remaining.indexOf('.'); let seconds = remaining.substring(0, pos); let ms = remaining.substr(pos + 1, 2); seconds = Phaser.Utils.String.Pad(seconds, 2, '0', 1); this.timerText.setText(seconds + ':' + ms); } } } gameOver () { // Show them where the match actually was this.circle1.setStrokeStyle(4, 0xfc29a6).setPosition(this.child1.x, this.child1.y).setVisible(true); this.circle2.setStrokeStyle(4, 0xfc29a6).setPosition(this.child2.x, this.child2.y).setVisible(true); this.input.off('gameobjectdown', this.selectEmoji, this); console.log(this.score, this.highscore); if (this.score > this.highscore) { console.log('high set'); this.registry.set('highscore', this.score); } this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.circle1, this.circle2 ], alpha: 0, yoyo: true, repeat: 2, duration: 250, ease: 'sine.inout', onComplete: () => { this.input.once('pointerdown', () => { this.scene.start('MainMenu'); }, this); } }); } }
// Based on the Emoji Match game by Tom Miller (https://codepen.io/creativeocean/full/OeKjmp) import Boot from './Boot.js'; import Preloader from './Preloader.js'; import MainMenu from './MainMenu.js'; import MainGame from './Game.js'; const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#008eb0', parent: 'phaser-example', scene: [ Boot, Preloader, MainMenu, MainGame ] }; let game = new Phaser.Game(config);
export default class Boot extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('Boot'); } create () { this.registry.set('highscore', 0); this.scene.start('Preloader'); } }
export default class MainMenu extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('MainMenu'); this.music; } create () { let background = this.add.image(400, 300, 'background'); this.tweens.add({ targets: background, alpha: { from: 0, to: 1 }, duration: 1000 }); const fontStyle = { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: 48, color: '#ffffff', fontStyle: 'bold', padding: 16, shadow: { color: '#000000', fill: true, offsetX: 2, offsetY: 2, blur: 4 } }; this.add.text(20, 20, 'High Score: ' + this.registry.get('highscore'), fontStyle); let logo = this.add.image(400, -200, 'logo'); if (!this.music) { this.music = this.sound.play('music', { loop: true }); } this.tweens.add({ targets: logo, y: 300, ease: 'bounce.out', duration: 1200 }); this.input.once('pointerdown', () => { this.scene.start('MainGame'); }); } }
export default class Preloader extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('Preloader'); this.loadText; } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL('https://cdn.phaserfiles.com/v385'); this.loadText = this.add.text(400, 360, 'Loading ...', { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: 64, color: '#e3f2ed' }); this.loadText.setOrigin(0.5); this.loadText.setStroke('#203c5b', 6); this.loadText.setShadow(2, 2, '#2d2d2d', 4, true, false); this.load.setPath('assets/games/emoji-match/'); this.load.image([ 'background', 'logo' ]); this.load.atlas('emojis', 'emojis.png', 'emojis.json'); // Audio ... this.load.setPath('assets/games/emoji-match/sounds/'); this.load.audio('music', [ 'music.ogg', 'music.m4a', 'music.mp3' ]); this.load.audio('countdown', [ 'countdown.ogg', 'countdown.m4a', 'countdown.mp3' ]); this.load.audio('match', [ 'match.ogg', 'match.m4a', 'match.mp3' ]); } create () { if (this.sound.locked) { this.loadText.setText('Click to Start'); this.input.once('pointerdown', () => { this.scene.start('MainMenu'); }); } else { this.scene.start('MainMenu'); } } }
export default class MainGame extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('MainGame'); this.emojis; this.circle1; this.circle2; this.child1; this.child2; this.selectedEmoji = null; this.matched = false; this.score = 0; this.highscore = 0; this.scoreText; this.timer; this.timerText; } create () { this.add.image(400, 300, 'background'); this.circle1 = this.add.circle(0, 0, 42).setStrokeStyle(3, 0xf8960e); this.circle2 = this.add.circle(0, 0, 42).setStrokeStyle(3, 0x00ff00); this.circle1.setVisible(false); this.circle2.setVisible(false); // Create a 4x4 grid aligned group to hold our sprites this.emojis = this.add.group({ key: 'emojis', frameQuantity: 1, repeat: 15, gridAlign: { width: 4, height: 4, cellWidth: 90, cellHeight: 90, x: 280, y: 200 } }); const fontStyle = { fontFamily: 'Arial', fontSize: 48, color: '#ffffff', fontStyle: 'bold', padding: 16, shadow: { color: '#000000', fill: true, offsetX: 2, offsetY: 2, blur: 4 } }; this.timerText = this.add.text(20, 20, '30:00', fontStyle); this.scoreText = this.add.text(530, 20, 'Found: 0', fontStyle); let children = this.emojis.getChildren(); children.forEach((child) => { child.setInteractive(); }); this.input.on('gameobjectdown', this.selectEmoji, this); this.input.once('pointerdown', this.start, this); this.highscore = this.registry.get('highscore'); this.arrangeGrid(); } start () { this.score = 0; this.matched = false; this.timer = this.time.addEvent({ delay: 30000, callback: this.gameOver, callbackScope: this }); this.sound.play('countdown', { delay: 27 }); } selectEmoji (pointer, emoji) { if (this.matched) { return; } // Is this the first or second selection? if (!this.selectedEmoji) { // Our first emoji this.circle1.setPosition(emoji.x, emoji.y); this.circle1.setVisible(true); this.selectedEmoji = emoji; } else if (emoji !== this.selectedEmoji) { // Our second emoji // Is it a match? if (emoji.frame.name === this.selectedEmoji.frame.name) { this.circle1.setStrokeStyle(3, 0x00ff00); this.circle2.setPosition(emoji.x, emoji.y); this.circle2.setVisible(true); this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.child1, this.child2 ], scale: 1.4, angle: '-=30', yoyo: true, ease: 'sine.inout', duration: 200, completeDelay: 200, onComplete: () => this.newRound() }); this.sound.play('match'); } else { this.circle1.setPosition(emoji.x, emoji.y); this.circle1.setVisible(true); this.selectedEmoji = emoji; } } } newRound () { this.matched = false; this.score++; this.scoreText.setText('Found: ' + this.score); this.circle1.setStrokeStyle(3, 0xf8960e); this.circle1.setVisible(false); this.circle2.setVisible(false); // Stagger tween them all out this.tweens.add({ targets: this.emojis.getChildren(), scale: 0, ease: 'power2', duration: 600, delay: this.tweens.stagger(100, { grid: [ 4, 4 ], from: 'center' }), onComplete: () => this.arrangeGrid() }); } arrangeGrid () { // We need to make sure there is only one pair in the grid // Let's create an array with all possible frames in it: let frames = Phaser.Utils.Array.NumberArray(1, 40); let selected = Phaser.Utils.Array.NumberArray(0, 15); let children = this.emojis.getChildren(); // Now we pick 16 random values, removing each one from the array so we can't pick it again // and set those into the sprites for (let i = 0; i < 16; i++) { let frame = Phaser.Utils.Array.RemoveRandomElement(frames); children[i].setFrame('smile' + frame); } // Finally, pick two random children and make them a pair: let index1 = Phaser.Utils.Array.RemoveRandomElement(selected); let index2 = Phaser.Utils.Array.RemoveRandomElement(selected); this.child1 = children[index1]; this.child2 = children[index2]; // Set the frame to match this.child2.setFrame(this.child1.frame.name); console.log('Pair: ', index1, index2); // Clear the currently selected emojis (if any) this.selectedEmoji = null; // Stagger tween them all in this.tweens.add({ targets: children, scale: { start: 0, from: 0, to: 1 }, ease: 'bounce.out', duration: 600, delay: this.tweens.stagger(100, { grid: [ 4, 4 ], from: 'center' }) }); } update () { if (this.timer) { if (this.timer.getProgress() === 1) { this.timerText.setText('00:00'); } else { const remaining = (30 - this.timer.getElapsedSeconds()).toPrecision(4); const pos = remaining.indexOf('.'); let seconds = remaining.substring(0, pos); let ms = remaining.substr(pos + 1, 2); seconds = Phaser.Utils.String.Pad(seconds, 2, '0', 1); this.timerText.setText(seconds + ':' + ms); } } } gameOver () { // Show them where the match actually was this.circle1.setStrokeStyle(4, 0xfc29a6).setPosition(this.child1.x, this.child1.y).setVisible(true); this.circle2.setStrokeStyle(4, 0xfc29a6).setPosition(this.child2.x, this.child2.y).setVisible(true); this.input.off('gameobjectdown', this.selectEmoji, this); console.log(this.score, this.highscore); if (this.score > this.highscore) { console.log('high set'); this.registry.set('highscore', this.score); } this.tweens.add({ targets: [ this.circle1, this.circle2 ], alpha: 0, yoyo: true, repeat: 2, duration: 250, ease: 'sine.inout', onComplete: () => { this.input.once('pointerdown', () => { this.scene.start('MainMenu'); }, this); } }); } }
// Based on the Emoji Match game by Tom Miller (https://codepen.io/creativeocean/full/OeKjmp) import Boot from './Boot.js'; import Preloader from './Preloader.js'; import MainMenu from './MainMenu.js'; import MainGame from './Game.js'; const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#008eb0', parent: 'phaser-example', scene: [ Boot, Preloader, MainMenu, MainGame ] }; let game = new Phaser.Game(config);