class Example extends Phaser.Scene { preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('light', 'assets/normal-maps/light.png'); this.load.setPath('assets/tests/grave/'); this.load.atlas('candle'); this.load.image('background'); this.load.image('clouds'); this.load.image('fog'); this.load.image('overlay'); this.load.image('tombs', [ 'tombs.png', 'tombs_n.png' ]); this.load.image('tombsNormalMap', 'tombs_n.png'); } create () { this.add.image(512, 384, 'background').setAlpha(0.7); const clouds = this.add.image(1024, 32, 'clouds').setOrigin(0); this.tweens.add({ targets: clouds, x: -1250, ease: 'Linear', duration: 400000, repeat: -1 }); const fog = this.add.image(1024, 200, 'fog').setOrigin(0); this.tweens.add({ targets: fog, x: -3000, ease: 'Linear', duration: 300000, repeat: -1 }); const pic = this.add.image(512, 384, 'tombs'); pic.setPipeline('Light2D'); // The 3 lights const dummy = this.add.image(900, 400, 'light').setVisible(false); const light1 = this.lights.addLight(280, 400, 200); const ellipse1 = new Phaser.Geom.Ellipse(light1.x, light1.y, 70, 100); const light2 = this.lights.addLight(650, 386, 200); const ellipse2 = new Phaser.Geom.Ellipse(light2.x, light2.y, 30, 40); const light3 = this.lights.addLight(900, 400, 200); this.time.addEvent({ delay: 100, callback: function () { Phaser.Geom.Ellipse.Random(ellipse1, light1); Phaser.Geom.Ellipse.Random(ellipse2, light2); }, callbackScope: this, repeat: -1 }); this.tweens.add({ targets: [ light3, dummy ], y: 150, ease: 'Sine.easeInOut', yoyo: true, repeat: -1, duration: 3000 }); // We must enable the light system. By default is disabled this.lights.enable(); // The 2 candle flames this.anims.create({ key: 'flicker', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('candle', { prefix: 'candleFl', start: 1, end: 14 }), repeat: -1, frameRate: 16, repeatDelay: function () { return Math.random() * 6; } }); this.add.sprite(652, 386, 'candle').setScale(0.25).play('flicker'); this.add.sprite(260, 400, 'candle').setScale(0.5).play('flicker'); this.add.image(512, 384, 'overlay'); } } const config = { type: Phaser.WEBGL, width: 1024, height: 768, parent: 'phaser-example', backgroundColor: '#000000', scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
class Example extends Phaser.Scene { preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('light', 'assets/normal-maps/light.png'); this.load.setPath('assets/tests/grave/'); this.load.atlas('candle'); this.load.image('background'); this.load.image('clouds'); this.load.image('fog'); this.load.image('overlay'); this.load.image('tombs', [ 'tombs.png', 'tombs_n.png' ]); this.load.image('tombsNormalMap', 'tombs_n.png'); } create () { this.add.image(512, 384, 'background').setAlpha(0.7); const clouds = this.add.image(1024, 32, 'clouds').setOrigin(0); this.tweens.add({ targets: clouds, x: -1250, ease: 'Linear', duration: 400000, repeat: -1 }); const fog = this.add.image(1024, 200, 'fog').setOrigin(0); this.tweens.add({ targets: fog, x: -3000, ease: 'Linear', duration: 300000, repeat: -1 }); const pic = this.add.image(512, 384, 'tombs'); pic.setPipeline('Light2D'); // The 3 lights const dummy = this.add.image(900, 400, 'light').setVisible(false); const light1 = this.lights.addLight(280, 400, 200); const ellipse1 = new Phaser.Geom.Ellipse(light1.x, light1.y, 70, 100); const light2 = this.lights.addLight(650, 386, 200); const ellipse2 = new Phaser.Geom.Ellipse(light2.x, light2.y, 30, 40); const light3 = this.lights.addLight(900, 400, 200); this.time.addEvent({ delay: 100, callback: function () { Phaser.Geom.Ellipse.Random(ellipse1, light1); Phaser.Geom.Ellipse.Random(ellipse2, light2); }, callbackScope: this, repeat: -1 }); this.tweens.add({ targets: [ light3, dummy ], y: 150, ease: 'Sine.easeInOut', yoyo: true, repeat: -1, duration: 3000 }); // We must enable the light system. By default is disabled this.lights.enable(); // The 2 candle flames this.anims.create({ key: 'flicker', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNames('candle', { prefix: 'candleFl', start: 1, end: 14 }), repeat: -1, frameRate: 16, repeatDelay: function () { return Math.random() * 6; } }); this.add.sprite(652, 386, 'candle').setScale(0.25).play('flicker'); this.add.sprite(260, 400, 'candle').setScale(0.5).play('flicker'); this.add.image(512, 384, 'overlay'); } } const config = { type: Phaser.WEBGL, width: 1024, height: 768, parent: 'phaser-example', backgroundColor: '#000000', scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);