class Example extends Phaser.Scene
create ()
this.key = this.input.keyboard.addKey('A');
this.add.text(10, 10, 'Hold down the A Key', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' });
this.text = this.add.text(10, 30, '', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' });
update ()
this.text.setText(`Duration: ${this.key.getDuration()}ms`);
const config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
parent: 'phaser-example',
width: 800,
height: 600,
scene: Example
const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
class Example extends Phaser.Scene
create ()
this.key = this.input.keyboard.addKey('A');
this.add.text(10, 10, 'Hold down the A Key', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' });
this.text = this.add.text(10, 30, '', { font: '16px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' });
update ()
this.text.setText(`Duration: ${this.key.getDuration()}ms`);
const config = {
type: Phaser.AUTO,
parent: 'phaser-example',
width: 800,
height: 600,
scene: Example
const game = new Phaser.Game(config);