var Camera = new Phaser.Class({ initialize: function Camera () { this.position = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(); = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(); } }); var Mesh = new Phaser.Class({ initialize: function Mesh (data, x, y, z) { this.vertices = data.verts; this.faces = data.faces; this.visible = true; this.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(x, y, z); this.rotation = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(); this.scale = new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 1, 1); this.thickness = 2; this.color = 0x00ff00; this.alpha = 1; this._pA = BABYLON.Vector2.Zero(); this._pB = BABYLON.Vector2.Zero(); this._pC = BABYLON.Vector2.Zero(); this._pD = BABYLON.Vector2.Zero(); }, fadeOut: function (duration) { if (duration === undefined) { duration = 1; }, duration, { alpha: 0, ease: Linear.easeNone, }); }, fadeIn: function (duration) { if (duration === undefined) { duration = 1; } this.alpha = 0; this.visible = true;, duration, { alpha: 1, ease: Linear.easeNone, }); }, render: function (graphics, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix) { if (!this.visible || this.alpha === 0) { return; } var worldMatrix = BABYLON.Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(this.rotation.y, this.rotation.x, this.rotation.z).multiply(BABYLON.Matrix.Translation(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.position.z)).multiply(BABYLON.Matrix.Scaling(this.scale.x, this.scale.y, this.scale.z)); var transformMatrix = worldMatrix.multiply(viewMatrix).multiply(projectionMatrix); graphics.lineStyle(this.thickness, this.color, this.alpha); graphics.beginPath(); for (var f = 0; f < this.faces.length; f++) { var face = this.faces[f]; var verts = this.vertices; this.project(this._pA, verts[face.A].pos, transformMatrix); this.project(this._pB, verts[face.B].pos, transformMatrix); this.project(this._pC, verts[face.C].pos, transformMatrix); this.project(this._pD, verts[face.D].pos, transformMatrix); this.drawLine(graphics, this._pA, this._pB); this.drawLine(graphics, this._pB, this._pC); this.drawLine(graphics, this._pC, this._pD); this.drawLine(graphics, this._pD, this._pA); } graphics.closePath(); graphics.strokePath(); }, drawLine: function (graphics, pointA, pointB) { graphics.moveTo(pointA.x, pointA.y); graphics.lineTo(pointB.x, pointB.y); }, project: function (local, coord, transMat) { var point = BABYLON.Vector3.TransformCoordinates(coord, transMat); local.x = point.x * 800 + 800 / 2.0 >> 0; local.y = -point.y * 600 + 600 / 2.0 >> 0; }, }); var Cube = new Phaser.Class({ Extends: Mesh, initialize: function Cube (data) { var x = Phaser.Math.Between(8.2, 24); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { x = -x; }, data, x, 0, 64); this.color = 0xffffff; this.visible = false; this.speed = Phaser.Math.Between(4, 10); this.jump = new TimelineMax({ delay: Math.random() * 4, repeat: -1, repeatDelay: 2 }); this.jump.add(, 2, { y: 6, ease: Bounce.easeIn })); this.jump.add(, 2, { y: 0, ease: Bounce.easeOut })); this.jump.pause(); TweenMax.delayedCall(Math.random() * 8, this.begin, [], this); }, begin: function () { this.jump.restart(); this.visible = true; this.alpha = 0; this.fadeIn();, 2, { x: -6, ease: Linear.easeNone, repeat: -1 });, this.speed, { z: -8, ease: Linear.easeNone, onComplete: this.reset, onCompleteScope: this }); }, reset: function () { this.position.y = 0; this.position.z = 64; this.alpha = 0; this.fadeIn();, this.speed, { z: -8, ease: Linear.easeNone, onComplete: this.reset, onCompleteScope: this }); } }); var WireframeScene = {}; WireframeScene.Start = function () {; this.meshes = []; this.current; this.logo; this.sphere; this.torus; this.spike;;; this.sequence1 = false; this.sequence2 = false; this.modelData = {}; }; WireframeScene.Start.prototype.constructor = WireframeScene.Start; WireframeScene.Start.prototype = { preload: function () { this.load.image('sky', 'assets/demoscene/sky.png'); this.load.text('bevelledcube', 'assets/text/bevelledcube.obj'); this.load.text('computer', 'assets/text/computer.obj'); this.load.text('geosphere', 'assets/text/geosphere.obj'); this.load.text('spike', 'assets/text/spike.obj'); this.load.text('torus', 'assets/text/torus.obj'); this.load.text('grid', 'assets/text/grid.obj'); this.load.text('logo', 'assets/text/phaser-logo-3d.obj'); }, create: function () { this.parseObj('bevelledcube'); this.parseObj('computer'); this.parseObj('geosphere'); this.parseObj('spike'); this.parseObj('torus'); this.parseObj('grid'); this.parseObj('logo'); this.add.image(400, 42, 'sky'); =; this.newScene(); this.camera3D = new Camera(); this.camera3D.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 6, -32); = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 50);, 4, { delay: 24, z: -12, ease: Sine.easeInOut, repeat: -1, yoyo: true });, 2, { delay: 24, y: 8, ease: Sine.easeInOut, repeat: -1, yoyo: true }); TweenMax.delayedCall(6, function () { this.sequence2 = true; }, [], this); TweenMax.delayedCall(17, function () { this.sequence1 = true; }, [], this); TweenMax.delayedCall(20, this.changeShape, [], this); this.cameras.main.setSize(800, 600); var miniCam = this.cameras.add(400, 0, 400, 300); miniCam.setBackgroundColor('#000000'); miniCam.zoom = 0.5; miniCam.scrollX = 200; miniCam.scrollY = 150; }, changeShape: function () { if (this.current === this.logo) { this.logo.fadeOut(3); this.sphere.fadeIn(); this.current = this.sphere; } else if (this.current === this.sphere) { this.sphere.fadeOut(3); this.torus.fadeIn(); this.current = this.torus; } else if (this.current === this.torus) { this.torus.fadeOut(3); this.spike.fadeIn(); this.current = this.spike; } else if (this.current === this.spike) { this.spike.fadeOut(3); this.logo.fadeIn(); this.current = this.logo; } TweenMax.delayedCall(8, this.changeShape, [], this); }, newScene: function () { var grid = new Mesh(this.getMeshData('grid'), 0, 0, 7); grid.color = 0xff00ff; grid.scale.x = 4; grid.scale.y = 4; grid.scale.z = 4; this.meshes.push(grid); for (var c = 0; c < 16; c++) { this.meshes.push(new Cube(this.getMeshData('bevelledcube'))) } = new Mesh(this.getMeshData('computer'), 0, 1.4, 1); = 0xffff00; = 4; = 4; = 4; this.logo = new Mesh(this.getMeshData('logo'), 0, 18, 2); this.logo.scale.x = 0.3; this.logo.scale.y = 0.3; this.logo.scale.z = 0.3; this.logo.visible = true; this.sphere = new Mesh(this.getMeshData('geosphere'), 0, 3.5, 0); this.sphere.color = 0xff0000; this.sphere.scale.x = 1.5; this.sphere.scale.y = 1.5; this.sphere.scale.z = 1.5; this.sphere.visible = false; this.torus = new Mesh(this.getMeshData('torus'), 0, 3.5, 0); this.torus.color = 0xf69679; this.torus.scale.x = 1.6; this.torus.scale.y = 1.6; this.torus.scale.z = 1.6; this.torus.visible = false; this.spike = new Mesh(this.getMeshData('spike'), 0, 6.8, 0); this.spike.color = 0x00ffff; this.spike.scale.x = 0.8; this.spike.scale.y = 0.8; this.spike.scale.z = 0.8; this.spike.visible = false; this.current = this.logo; this.meshes.push(; this.meshes.push(this.logo); this.meshes.push(this.sphere); this.meshes.push(this.torus); this.meshes.push(this.spike); }, getMeshData: function (key) { var data = Phaser.Utils.Objects.Extend(true, this.modelData[key], {}); return data; }, update: function () { if (this.sequence1) { this.logo.rotation.x -= 0.05; this.sphere.rotation.x -= 0.05; this.torus.rotation.x -= 0.05; this.spike.rotation.x -= 0.05; } if (this.sequence2) { this.logo.rotation.y -= 0.01; this.sphere.rotation.y -= 0.01; this.torus.rotation.y -= 0.01; this.spike.rotation.y -= 0.01; -= 0.01; }; var viewMatrix = BABYLON.Matrix.LookAtLH(this.camera3D.position,, BABYLON.Vector3.Up()); var projectionMatrix = BABYLON.Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(0.8, 800 / 600, 0.01, 1.0); for (var i = 0; i < this.meshes.length; i++) { var mesh = this.meshes[i]; mesh.render(, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix); } }, getModel: function (key) { var data = Phaser.Utils.Objects.Extend(true, this.modelData[key], {}); return data; }, // Parses out tris and quads from the obj file parseObj: function (key) { var text = this.cache.text.get(key); var verts = []; var faces = []; // split the text into lines var lines = text.replace('\r', '').split('\n'); var count = lines.length; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if (line[0] === 'v') { // lines that start with 'v' are vertices var tokens = line.split(' '); var pos = new BABYLON.Vector3(parseFloat(tokens[1]), parseFloat(tokens[2]), parseFloat(tokens[3])); var normal = new BABYLON.Vector3(); if (tokens.length > 3) { normal.x = parseFloat(tokens[4]); normal.y = parseFloat(tokens[5]); normal.z = parseFloat(tokens[6]); } verts.push({ pos: pos, normal: normal }); } else if (line[0] === 'f') { // lines that start with 'f' are faces var tokens = line.split(' '); var face = { A: parseInt(tokens[1], 10), B: parseInt(tokens[2], 10), C: parseInt(tokens[3], 10), D: parseInt(tokens[4], 10) }; if (face.A < 0) { face.A = verts.length + face.A; } else { face.A--; } if (face.B < 0) { face.B = verts.length + face.B; } else { face.B--; } if (face.C < 0) { face.C = verts.length + face.C; } else { face.C--; } if (!face.D) { face.D = face.C; } else if (face.D < 0) { face.D = verts.length + face.D; } else { face.D--; } faces.push(face); } } // Compute normals for (var i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) { var face = faces[i]; var vertA = verts[face.A]; var vertB = verts[face.B]; var vertC = verts[face.C]; face.normal = (vertA.normal.add(vertB.normal.add(vertC.normal))).scale(1 / 3); face.normal.normalize(); } this.modelData[key] = { verts: verts, faces: faces }; return this.modelData[key]; } }; var config = { type: Phaser.WEBGL, width: 800, height: 600, parent: 'phaser-example', scene: WireframeScene.Start }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config); // Everything below here is just an export of the Babylon.js Math class var BABYLON; (function (BABYLON) { var Color4 = (function () { function Color4(initialR, initialG, initialB, initialA) { this.r = initialR; this.g = initialG; this.b = initialB; this.a = initialA; } Color4.prototype.toString = function () { return "{R: " + this.r + " G:" + this.g + " B:" + this.b + " A:" + this.a + "}"; }; return Color4; })(); BABYLON.Color4 = Color4; var Vector2 = (function () { function Vector2(initialX, initialY) { this.x = initialX; this.y = initialY; } Vector2.prototype.toString = function () { return "{X: " + this.x + " Y:" + this.y + "}"; }; Vector2.prototype.add = function (otherVector) { return new Vector2(this.x + otherVector.x, this.y + otherVector.y); }; Vector2.prototype.subtract = function (otherVector) { return new Vector2(this.x - otherVector.x, this.y - otherVector.y); }; Vector2.prototype.negate = function () { return new Vector2(-this.x, -this.y); }; Vector2.prototype.scale = function (scale) { return new Vector2(this.x * scale, this.y * scale); }; Vector2.prototype.equals = function (otherVector) { return this.x === otherVector.x && this.y === otherVector.y; }; Vector2.prototype.length = function () { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); }; Vector2.prototype.lengthSquared = function () { return (this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); }; Vector2.prototype.normalize = function () { var len = this.length(); if(len === 0) { return; } var num = 1.0 / len; this.x *= num; this.y *= num; }; Vector2.Zero = function Zero() { return new Vector2(0, 0); }; Vector2.Copy = function Copy(source) { return new Vector2(source.x, source.y); }; Vector2.Normalize = function Normalize(vector) { var newVector = Vector2.Copy(vector); newVector.normalize(); return newVector; }; Vector2.Minimize = function Minimize(left, right) { var x = (left.x < right.x) ? left.x : right.x; var y = (left.y < right.y) ? left.y : right.y; return new Vector2(x, y); }; Vector2.Maximize = function Maximize(left, right) { var x = (left.x > right.x) ? left.x : right.x; var y = (left.y > right.y) ? left.y : right.y; return new Vector2(x, y); }; Vector2.Transform = function Transform(vector, transformation) { var x = (vector.x * transformation.m[0]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[4]); var y = (vector.x * transformation.m[1]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[5]); return new Vector2(x, y); }; Vector2.Distance = function Distance(value1, value2) { return Math.sqrt(Vector2.DistanceSquared(value1, value2)); }; Vector2.DistanceSquared = function DistanceSquared(value1, value2) { var x = value1.x - value2.x; var y = value1.y - value2.y; return (x * x) + (y * y); }; return Vector2; })(); BABYLON.Vector2 = Vector2; var Vector3 = (function () { function Vector3(initialX, initialY, initialZ) { this.x = initialX; this.y = initialY; this.z = initialZ; } Vector3.prototype.toString = function () { return "{X: " + this.x + " Y:" + this.y + " Z:" + this.z + "}"; }; Vector3.prototype.add = function (otherVector) { return new Vector3(this.x + otherVector.x, this.y + otherVector.y, this.z + otherVector.z); }; Vector3.prototype.subtract = function (otherVector) { return new Vector3(this.x - otherVector.x, this.y - otherVector.y, this.z - otherVector.z); }; Vector3.prototype.negate = function () { return new Vector3(-this.x, -this.y, -this.z); }; Vector3.prototype.scale = function (scale) { return new Vector3(this.x * scale, this.y * scale, this.z * scale); }; Vector3.prototype.equals = function (otherVector) { return this.x === otherVector.x && this.y === otherVector.y && this.z === otherVector.z; }; Vector3.prototype.multiply = function (otherVector) { return new Vector3(this.x * otherVector.x, this.y * otherVector.y, this.z * otherVector.z); }; Vector3.prototype.divide = function (otherVector) { return new Vector3(this.x / otherVector.x, this.y / otherVector.y, this.z / otherVector.z); }; Vector3.prototype.length = function () { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z); }; Vector3.prototype.lengthSquared = function () { return (this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z); }; Vector3.prototype.normalize = function () { var len = this.length(); if(len === 0) { return; } var num = 1.0 / len; this.x *= num; this.y *= num; this.z *= num; }; Vector3.FromArray = function FromArray(array, offset) { if(!offset) { offset = 0; } return new Vector3(array[offset], array[offset + 1], array[offset + 2]); }; Vector3.Zero = function Zero() { return new Vector3(0, 0, 0); }; Vector3.Up = function Up() { return new Vector3(0, 1.0, 0); }; Vector3.Copy = function Copy(source) { return new Vector3(source.x, source.y, source.z); }; Vector3.TransformCoordinates = function TransformCoordinates(vector, transformation) { var x = (vector.x * transformation.m[0]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[4]) + (vector.z * transformation.m[8]) + transformation.m[12]; var y = (vector.x * transformation.m[1]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[5]) + (vector.z * transformation.m[9]) + transformation.m[13]; var z = (vector.x * transformation.m[2]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[6]) + (vector.z * transformation.m[10]) + transformation.m[14]; var w = (vector.x * transformation.m[3]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[7]) + (vector.z * transformation.m[11]) + transformation.m[15]; return new Vector3(x / w, y / w, z / w); }; Vector3.TransformNormal = function TransformNormal(vector, transformation) { var x = (vector.x * transformation.m[0]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[4]) + (vector.z * transformation.m[8]); var y = (vector.x * transformation.m[1]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[5]) + (vector.z * transformation.m[9]); var z = (vector.x * transformation.m[2]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[6]) + (vector.z * transformation.m[10]); return new Vector3(x, y, z); }; Vector3.Dot = function Dot(left, right) { return (left.x * right.x + left.y * right.y + left.z * right.z); }; Vector3.Cross = function Cross(left, right) { var x = left.y * right.z - left.z * right.y; var y = left.z * right.x - left.x * right.z; var z = left.x * right.y - left.y * right.x; return new Vector3(x, y, z); }; Vector3.Normalize = function Normalize(vector) { var newVector = Vector3.Copy(vector); newVector.normalize(); return newVector; }; Vector3.Distance = function Distance(value1, value2) { return Math.sqrt(Vector3.DistanceSquared(value1, value2)); }; Vector3.DistanceSquared = function DistanceSquared(value1, value2) { var x = value1.x - value2.x; var y = value1.y - value2.y; var z = value1.z - value2.z; return (x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z); }; return Vector3; })(); BABYLON.Vector3 = Vector3; var Matrix = (function () { function Matrix() { this.m = []; } Matrix.prototype.isIdentity = function () { if(this.m[0] != 1.0 || this.m[5] != 1.0 || this.m[10] != 1.0 || this.m[15] != 1.0) { return false; } if(this.m[12] != 0.0 || this.m[13] != 0.0 || this.m[14] != 0.0 || this.m[4] != 0.0 || this.m[6] != 0.0 || this.m[7] != 0.0 || this.m[8] != 0.0 || this.m[9] != 0.0 || this.m[11] != 0.0 || this.m[12] != 0.0 || this.m[13] != 0.0 || this.m[14] != 0.0) { return false; } return true; }; Matrix.prototype.determinant = function () { var temp1 = (this.m[10] * this.m[15]) - (this.m[11] * this.m[14]); var temp2 = (this.m[9] * this.m[15]) - (this.m[11] * this.m[13]); var temp3 = (this.m[9] * this.m[14]) - (this.m[10] * this.m[13]); var temp4 = (this.m[8] * this.m[15]) - (this.m[11] * this.m[12]); var temp5 = (this.m[8] * this.m[14]) - (this.m[10] * this.m[12]); var temp6 = (this.m[8] * this.m[13]) - (this.m[9] * this.m[12]); return ((((this.m[0] * (((this.m[5] * temp1) - (this.m[6] * temp2)) + (this.m[7] * temp3))) - (this.m[1] * (((this.m[4] * temp1) - (this.m[6] * temp4)) + (this.m[7] * temp5)))) + (this.m[2] * (((this.m[4] * temp2) - (this.m[5] * temp4)) + (this.m[7] * temp6)))) - (this.m[3] * (((this.m[4] * temp3) - (this.m[5] * temp5)) + (this.m[6] * temp6)))); }; Matrix.prototype.toArray = function () { return this.m; }; Matrix.prototype.invert = function () { var l1 = this.m[0]; var l2 = this.m[1]; var l3 = this.m[2]; var l4 = this.m[3]; var l5 = this.m[4]; var l6 = this.m[5]; var l7 = this.m[6]; var l8 = this.m[7]; var l9 = this.m[8]; var l10 = this.m[9]; var l11 = this.m[10]; var l12 = this.m[11]; var l13 = this.m[12]; var l14 = this.m[13]; var l15 = this.m[14]; var l16 = this.m[15]; var l17 = (l11 * l16) - (l12 * l15); var l18 = (l10 * l16) - (l12 * l14); var l19 = (l10 * l15) - (l11 * l14); var l20 = (l9 * l16) - (l12 * l13); var l21 = (l9 * l15) - (l11 * l13); var l22 = (l9 * l14) - (l10 * l13); var l23 = ((l6 * l17) - (l7 * l18)) + (l8 * l19); var l24 = -(((l5 * l17) - (l7 * l20)) + (l8 * l21)); var l25 = ((l5 * l18) - (l6 * l20)) + (l8 * l22); var l26 = -(((l5 * l19) - (l6 * l21)) + (l7 * l22)); var l27 = 1.0 / ((((l1 * l23) + (l2 * l24)) + (l3 * l25)) + (l4 * l26)); var l28 = (l7 * l16) - (l8 * l15); var l29 = (l6 * l16) - (l8 * l14); var l30 = (l6 * l15) - (l7 * l14); var l31 = (l5 * l16) - (l8 * l13); var l32 = (l5 * l15) - (l7 * l13); var l33 = (l5 * l14) - (l6 * l13); var l34 = (l7 * l12) - (l8 * l11); var l35 = (l6 * l12) - (l8 * l10); var l36 = (l6 * l11) - (l7 * l10); var l37 = (l5 * l12) - (l8 * l9); var l38 = (l5 * l11) - (l7 * l9); var l39 = (l5 * l10) - (l6 * l9); this.m[0] = l23 * l27; this.m[4] = l24 * l27; this.m[8] = l25 * l27; this.m[12] = l26 * l27; this.m[1] = -(((l2 * l17) - (l3 * l18)) + (l4 * l19)) * l27; this.m[5] = (((l1 * l17) - (l3 * l20)) + (l4 * l21)) * l27; this.m[9] = -(((l1 * l18) - (l2 * l20)) + (l4 * l22)) * l27; this.m[13] = (((l1 * l19) - (l2 * l21)) + (l3 * l22)) * l27; this.m[2] = (((l2 * l28) - (l3 * l29)) + (l4 * l30)) * l27; this.m[6] = -(((l1 * l28) - (l3 * l31)) + (l4 * l32)) * l27; this.m[10] = (((l1 * l29) - (l2 * l31)) + (l4 * l33)) * l27; this.m[14] = -(((l1 * l30) - (l2 * l32)) + (l3 * l33)) * l27; this.m[3] = -(((l2 * l34) - (l3 * l35)) + (l4 * l36)) * l27; this.m[7] = (((l1 * l34) - (l3 * l37)) + (l4 * l38)) * l27; this.m[11] = -(((l1 * l35) - (l2 * l37)) + (l4 * l39)) * l27; this.m[15] = (((l1 * l36) - (l2 * l38)) + (l3 * l39)) * l27; }; Matrix.prototype.multiply = function (other) { var result = new Matrix(); result.m[0] = this.m[0] * other.m[0] + this.m[1] * other.m[4] + this.m[2] * other.m[8] + this.m[3] * other.m[12]; result.m[1] = this.m[0] * other.m[1] + this.m[1] * other.m[5] + this.m[2] * other.m[9] + this.m[3] * other.m[13]; result.m[2] = this.m[0] * other.m[2] + this.m[1] * other.m[6] + this.m[2] * other.m[10] + this.m[3] * other.m[14]; result.m[3] = this.m[0] * other.m[3] + this.m[1] * other.m[7] + this.m[2] * other.m[11] + this.m[3] * other.m[15]; result.m[4] = this.m[4] * other.m[0] + this.m[5] * other.m[4] + this.m[6] * other.m[8] + this.m[7] * other.m[12]; result.m[5] = this.m[4] * other.m[1] + this.m[5] * other.m[5] + this.m[6] * other.m[9] + this.m[7] * other.m[13]; result.m[6] = this.m[4] * other.m[2] + this.m[5] * other.m[6] + this.m[6] * other.m[10] + this.m[7] * other.m[14]; result.m[7] = this.m[4] * other.m[3] + this.m[5] * other.m[7] + this.m[6] * other.m[11] + this.m[7] * other.m[15]; result.m[8] = this.m[8] * other.m[0] + this.m[9] * other.m[4] + this.m[10] * other.m[8] + this.m[11] * other.m[12]; result.m[9] = this.m[8] * other.m[1] + this.m[9] * other.m[5] + this.m[10] * other.m[9] + this.m[11] * other.m[13]; result.m[10] = this.m[8] * other.m[2] + this.m[9] * other.m[6] + this.m[10] * other.m[10] + this.m[11] * other.m[14]; result.m[11] = this.m[8] * other.m[3] + this.m[9] * other.m[7] + this.m[10] * other.m[11] + this.m[11] * other.m[15]; result.m[12] = this.m[12] * other.m[0] + this.m[13] * other.m[4] + this.m[14] * other.m[8] + this.m[15] * other.m[12]; result.m[13] = this.m[12] * other.m[1] + this.m[13] * other.m[5] + this.m[14] * other.m[9] + this.m[15] * other.m[13]; result.m[14] = this.m[12] * other.m[2] + this.m[13] * other.m[6] + this.m[14] * other.m[10] + this.m[15] * other.m[14]; result.m[15] = this.m[12] * other.m[3] + this.m[13] * other.m[7] + this.m[14] * other.m[11] + this.m[15] * other.m[15]; return result; }; Matrix.prototype.equals = function (value) { return (this.m[0] === value.m[0] && this.m[1] === value.m[1] && this.m[2] === value.m[2] && this.m[3] === value.m[3] && this.m[4] === value.m[4] && this.m[5] === value.m[5] && this.m[6] === value.m[6] && this.m[7] === value.m[7] && this.m[8] === value.m[8] && this.m[9] === value.m[9] && this.m[10] === value.m[10] && this.m[11] === value.m[11] && this.m[12] === value.m[12] && this.m[13] === value.m[13] && this.m[14] === value.m[14] && this.m[15] === value.m[15]); }; Matrix.FromValues = function FromValues(initialM11, initialM12, initialM13, initialM14, initialM21, initialM22, initialM23, initialM24, initialM31, initialM32, initialM33, initialM34, initialM41, initialM42, initialM43, initialM44) { var result = new Matrix(); result.m[0] = initialM11; result.m[1] = initialM12; result.m[2] = initialM13; result.m[3] = initialM14; result.m[4] = initialM21; result.m[5] = initialM22; result.m[6] = initialM23; result.m[7] = initialM24; result.m[8] = initialM31; result.m[9] = initialM32; result.m[10] = initialM33; result.m[11] = initialM34; result.m[12] = initialM41; result.m[13] = initialM42; result.m[14] = initialM43; result.m[15] = initialM44; return result; }; Matrix.Identity = function Identity() { return Matrix.FromValues(1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0); }; Matrix.Zero = function Zero() { return Matrix.FromValues(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); }; Matrix.Copy = function Copy(source) { return Matrix.FromValues(source.m[0], source.m[1], source.m[2], source.m[3], source.m[4], source.m[5], source.m[6], source.m[7], source.m[8], source.m[9], source.m[10], source.m[11], source.m[12], source.m[13], source.m[14], source.m[15]); }; Matrix.RotationX = function RotationX(angle) { var result = Matrix.Zero(); var s = Math.sin(angle); var c = Math.cos(angle); result.m[0] = 1.0; result.m[15] = 1.0; result.m[5] = c; result.m[10] = c; result.m[9] = -s; result.m[6] = s; return result; }; Matrix.RotationY = function RotationY(angle) { var result = Matrix.Zero(); var s = Math.sin(angle); var c = Math.cos(angle); result.m[5] = 1.0; result.m[15] = 1.0; result.m[0] = c; result.m[2] = -s; result.m[8] = s; result.m[10] = c; return result; }; Matrix.RotationZ = function RotationZ(angle) { var result = Matrix.Zero(); var s = Math.sin(angle); var c = Math.cos(angle); result.m[10] = 1.0; result.m[15] = 1.0; result.m[0] = c; result.m[1] = s; result.m[4] = -s; result.m[5] = c; return result; }; Matrix.RotationAxis = function RotationAxis(axis, angle) { var s = Math.sin(-angle); var c = Math.cos(-angle); var c1 = 1 - c; axis.normalize(); var result = Matrix.Zero(); result.m[0] = (axis.x * axis.x) * c1 + c; result.m[1] = (axis.x * axis.y) * c1 - (axis.z * s); result.m[2] = (axis.x * axis.z) * c1 + (axis.y * s); result.m[3] = 0.0; result.m[4] = (axis.y * axis.x) * c1 + (axis.z * s); result.m[5] = (axis.y * axis.y) * c1 + c; result.m[6] = (axis.y * axis.z) * c1 - (axis.x * s); result.m[7] = 0.0; result.m[8] = (axis.z * axis.x) * c1 - (axis.y * s); result.m[9] = (axis.z * axis.y) * c1 + (axis.x * s); result.m[10] = (axis.z * axis.z) * c1 + c; result.m[11] = 0.0; result.m[15] = 1.0; return result; }; Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll = function RotationYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll) { return Matrix.RotationZ(roll).multiply(Matrix.RotationX(pitch)).multiply(Matrix.RotationY(yaw)); }; Matrix.Scaling = function Scaling(x, y, z) { var result = Matrix.Zero(); result.m[0] = x; result.m[5] = y; result.m[10] = z; result.m[15] = 1.0; return result; }; Matrix.Translation = function Translation(x, y, z) { var result = Matrix.Identity(); result.m[12] = x; result.m[13] = y; result.m[14] = z; return result; }; Matrix.LookAtLH = function LookAtLH(eye, target, up) { var zAxis = target.subtract(eye); zAxis.normalize(); var xAxis = Vector3.Cross(up, zAxis); xAxis.normalize(); var yAxis = Vector3.Cross(zAxis, xAxis); yAxis.normalize(); var ex = -Vector3.Dot(xAxis, eye); var ey = -Vector3.Dot(yAxis, eye); var ez = -Vector3.Dot(zAxis, eye); return Matrix.FromValues(xAxis.x, yAxis.x, zAxis.x, 0, xAxis.y, yAxis.y, zAxis.y, 0, xAxis.z, yAxis.z, zAxis.z, 0, ex, ey, ez, 1); }; Matrix.PerspectiveLH = function PerspectiveLH(width, height, znear, zfar) { var matrix = Matrix.Zero(); matrix.m[0] = (2.0 * znear) / width; matrix.m[1] = matrix.m[2] = matrix.m[3] = 0.0; matrix.m[5] = (2.0 * znear) / height; matrix.m[4] = matrix.m[6] = matrix.m[7] = 0.0; matrix.m[10] = -zfar / (znear - zfar); matrix.m[8] = matrix.m[9] = 0.0; matrix.m[11] = 1.0; matrix.m[12] = matrix.m[13] = matrix.m[15] = 0.0; matrix.m[14] = (znear * zfar) / (znear - zfar); return matrix; }; Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH = function PerspectiveFovLH(fov, aspect, znear, zfar) { var matrix = Matrix.Zero(); var tan = 1.0 / (Math.tan(fov * 0.5)); matrix.m[0] = tan / aspect; matrix.m[1] = matrix.m[2] = matrix.m[3] = 0.0; matrix.m[5] = tan; matrix.m[4] = matrix.m[6] = matrix.m[7] = 0.0; matrix.m[8] = matrix.m[9] = 0.0; matrix.m[10] = -zfar / (znear - zfar); matrix.m[11] = 1.0; matrix.m[12] = matrix.m[13] = matrix.m[15] = 0.0; matrix.m[14] = (znear * zfar) / (znear - zfar); return matrix; }; Matrix.Transpose = function Transpose(matrix) { var result = new Matrix(); result.m[0] = matrix.m[0]; result.m[1] = matrix.m[4]; result.m[2] = matrix.m[8]; result.m[3] = matrix.m[12]; result.m[4] = matrix.m[1]; result.m[5] = matrix.m[5]; result.m[6] = matrix.m[9]; result.m[7] = matrix.m[13]; result.m[8] = matrix.m[2]; result.m[9] = matrix.m[6]; result.m[10] = matrix.m[10]; result.m[11] = matrix.m[14]; result.m[12] = matrix.m[3]; result.m[13] = matrix.m[7]; result.m[14] = matrix.m[11]; result.m[15] = matrix.m[15]; return result; }; return Matrix; })(); BABYLON.Matrix = Matrix; })(BABYLON || (BABYLON = {}));
var Camera = new Phaser.Class({ initialize: function Camera () { this.position = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(); = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(); } }); var Mesh = new Phaser.Class({ initialize: function Mesh (data, x, y, z) { this.vertices = data.verts; this.faces = data.faces; this.visible = true; this.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(x, y, z); this.rotation = BABYLON.Vector3.Zero(); this.scale = new BABYLON.Vector3(1, 1, 1); this.thickness = 2; this.color = 0x00ff00; this.alpha = 1; this._pA = BABYLON.Vector2.Zero(); this._pB = BABYLON.Vector2.Zero(); this._pC = BABYLON.Vector2.Zero(); this._pD = BABYLON.Vector2.Zero(); }, fadeOut: function (duration) { if (duration === undefined) { duration = 1; }, duration, { alpha: 0, ease: Linear.easeNone, }); }, fadeIn: function (duration) { if (duration === undefined) { duration = 1; } this.alpha = 0; this.visible = true;, duration, { alpha: 1, ease: Linear.easeNone, }); }, render: function (graphics, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix) { if (!this.visible || this.alpha === 0) { return; } var worldMatrix = BABYLON.Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(this.rotation.y, this.rotation.x, this.rotation.z).multiply(BABYLON.Matrix.Translation(this.position.x, this.position.y, this.position.z)).multiply(BABYLON.Matrix.Scaling(this.scale.x, this.scale.y, this.scale.z)); var transformMatrix = worldMatrix.multiply(viewMatrix).multiply(projectionMatrix); graphics.lineStyle(this.thickness, this.color, this.alpha); graphics.beginPath(); for (var f = 0; f < this.faces.length; f++) { var face = this.faces[f]; var verts = this.vertices; this.project(this._pA, verts[face.A].pos, transformMatrix); this.project(this._pB, verts[face.B].pos, transformMatrix); this.project(this._pC, verts[face.C].pos, transformMatrix); this.project(this._pD, verts[face.D].pos, transformMatrix); this.drawLine(graphics, this._pA, this._pB); this.drawLine(graphics, this._pB, this._pC); this.drawLine(graphics, this._pC, this._pD); this.drawLine(graphics, this._pD, this._pA); } graphics.closePath(); graphics.strokePath(); }, drawLine: function (graphics, pointA, pointB) { graphics.moveTo(pointA.x, pointA.y); graphics.lineTo(pointB.x, pointB.y); }, project: function (local, coord, transMat) { var point = BABYLON.Vector3.TransformCoordinates(coord, transMat); local.x = point.x * 800 + 800 / 2.0 >> 0; local.y = -point.y * 600 + 600 / 2.0 >> 0; }, }); var Cube = new Phaser.Class({ Extends: Mesh, initialize: function Cube (data) { var x = Phaser.Math.Between(8.2, 24); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { x = -x; }, data, x, 0, 64); this.color = 0xffffff; this.visible = false; this.speed = Phaser.Math.Between(4, 10); this.jump = new TimelineMax({ delay: Math.random() * 4, repeat: -1, repeatDelay: 2 }); this.jump.add(, 2, { y: 6, ease: Bounce.easeIn })); this.jump.add(, 2, { y: 0, ease: Bounce.easeOut })); this.jump.pause(); TweenMax.delayedCall(Math.random() * 8, this.begin, [], this); }, begin: function () { this.jump.restart(); this.visible = true; this.alpha = 0; this.fadeIn();, 2, { x: -6, ease: Linear.easeNone, repeat: -1 });, this.speed, { z: -8, ease: Linear.easeNone, onComplete: this.reset, onCompleteScope: this }); }, reset: function () { this.position.y = 0; this.position.z = 64; this.alpha = 0; this.fadeIn();, this.speed, { z: -8, ease: Linear.easeNone, onComplete: this.reset, onCompleteScope: this }); } }); var WireframeScene = {}; WireframeScene.Start = function () {; this.meshes = []; this.current; this.logo; this.sphere; this.torus; this.spike;;; this.sequence1 = false; this.sequence2 = false; this.modelData = {}; }; WireframeScene.Start.prototype.constructor = WireframeScene.Start; WireframeScene.Start.prototype = { preload: function () { this.load.image('sky', 'assets/demoscene/sky.png'); this.load.text('bevelledcube', 'assets/text/bevelledcube.obj'); this.load.text('computer', 'assets/text/computer.obj'); this.load.text('geosphere', 'assets/text/geosphere.obj'); this.load.text('spike', 'assets/text/spike.obj'); this.load.text('torus', 'assets/text/torus.obj'); this.load.text('grid', 'assets/text/grid.obj'); this.load.text('logo', 'assets/text/phaser-logo-3d.obj'); }, create: function () { this.parseObj('bevelledcube'); this.parseObj('computer'); this.parseObj('geosphere'); this.parseObj('spike'); this.parseObj('torus'); this.parseObj('grid'); this.parseObj('logo'); this.add.image(400, 42, 'sky'); =; this.newScene(); this.camera3D = new Camera(); this.camera3D.position = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 6, -32); = new BABYLON.Vector3(0, 0, 50);, 4, { delay: 24, z: -12, ease: Sine.easeInOut, repeat: -1, yoyo: true });, 2, { delay: 24, y: 8, ease: Sine.easeInOut, repeat: -1, yoyo: true }); TweenMax.delayedCall(6, function () { this.sequence2 = true; }, [], this); TweenMax.delayedCall(17, function () { this.sequence1 = true; }, [], this); TweenMax.delayedCall(20, this.changeShape, [], this); this.cameras.main.setSize(800, 600); var miniCam = this.cameras.add(400, 0, 400, 300); miniCam.setBackgroundColor('#000000'); miniCam.zoom = 0.5; miniCam.scrollX = 200; miniCam.scrollY = 150; }, changeShape: function () { if (this.current === this.logo) { this.logo.fadeOut(3); this.sphere.fadeIn(); this.current = this.sphere; } else if (this.current === this.sphere) { this.sphere.fadeOut(3); this.torus.fadeIn(); this.current = this.torus; } else if (this.current === this.torus) { this.torus.fadeOut(3); this.spike.fadeIn(); this.current = this.spike; } else if (this.current === this.spike) { this.spike.fadeOut(3); this.logo.fadeIn(); this.current = this.logo; } TweenMax.delayedCall(8, this.changeShape, [], this); }, newScene: function () { var grid = new Mesh(this.getMeshData('grid'), 0, 0, 7); grid.color = 0xff00ff; grid.scale.x = 4; grid.scale.y = 4; grid.scale.z = 4; this.meshes.push(grid); for (var c = 0; c < 16; c++) { this.meshes.push(new Cube(this.getMeshData('bevelledcube'))) } = new Mesh(this.getMeshData('computer'), 0, 1.4, 1); = 0xffff00; = 4; = 4; = 4; this.logo = new Mesh(this.getMeshData('logo'), 0, 18, 2); this.logo.scale.x = 0.3; this.logo.scale.y = 0.3; this.logo.scale.z = 0.3; this.logo.visible = true; this.sphere = new Mesh(this.getMeshData('geosphere'), 0, 3.5, 0); this.sphere.color = 0xff0000; this.sphere.scale.x = 1.5; this.sphere.scale.y = 1.5; this.sphere.scale.z = 1.5; this.sphere.visible = false; this.torus = new Mesh(this.getMeshData('torus'), 0, 3.5, 0); this.torus.color = 0xf69679; this.torus.scale.x = 1.6; this.torus.scale.y = 1.6; this.torus.scale.z = 1.6; this.torus.visible = false; this.spike = new Mesh(this.getMeshData('spike'), 0, 6.8, 0); this.spike.color = 0x00ffff; this.spike.scale.x = 0.8; this.spike.scale.y = 0.8; this.spike.scale.z = 0.8; this.spike.visible = false; this.current = this.logo; this.meshes.push(; this.meshes.push(this.logo); this.meshes.push(this.sphere); this.meshes.push(this.torus); this.meshes.push(this.spike); }, getMeshData: function (key) { var data = Phaser.Utils.Objects.Extend(true, this.modelData[key], {}); return data; }, update: function () { if (this.sequence1) { this.logo.rotation.x -= 0.05; this.sphere.rotation.x -= 0.05; this.torus.rotation.x -= 0.05; this.spike.rotation.x -= 0.05; } if (this.sequence2) { this.logo.rotation.y -= 0.01; this.sphere.rotation.y -= 0.01; this.torus.rotation.y -= 0.01; this.spike.rotation.y -= 0.01; -= 0.01; }; var viewMatrix = BABYLON.Matrix.LookAtLH(this.camera3D.position,, BABYLON.Vector3.Up()); var projectionMatrix = BABYLON.Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(0.8, 800 / 600, 0.01, 1.0); for (var i = 0; i < this.meshes.length; i++) { var mesh = this.meshes[i]; mesh.render(, viewMatrix, projectionMatrix); } }, getModel: function (key) { var data = Phaser.Utils.Objects.Extend(true, this.modelData[key], {}); return data; }, // Parses out tris and quads from the obj file parseObj: function (key) { var text = this.cache.text.get(key); var verts = []; var faces = []; // split the text into lines var lines = text.replace('\r', '').split('\n'); var count = lines.length; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if (line[0] === 'v') { // lines that start with 'v' are vertices var tokens = line.split(' '); var pos = new BABYLON.Vector3(parseFloat(tokens[1]), parseFloat(tokens[2]), parseFloat(tokens[3])); var normal = new BABYLON.Vector3(); if (tokens.length > 3) { normal.x = parseFloat(tokens[4]); normal.y = parseFloat(tokens[5]); normal.z = parseFloat(tokens[6]); } verts.push({ pos: pos, normal: normal }); } else if (line[0] === 'f') { // lines that start with 'f' are faces var tokens = line.split(' '); var face = { A: parseInt(tokens[1], 10), B: parseInt(tokens[2], 10), C: parseInt(tokens[3], 10), D: parseInt(tokens[4], 10) }; if (face.A < 0) { face.A = verts.length + face.A; } else { face.A--; } if (face.B < 0) { face.B = verts.length + face.B; } else { face.B--; } if (face.C < 0) { face.C = verts.length + face.C; } else { face.C--; } if (!face.D) { face.D = face.C; } else if (face.D < 0) { face.D = verts.length + face.D; } else { face.D--; } faces.push(face); } } // Compute normals for (var i = 0; i < faces.length; i++) { var face = faces[i]; var vertA = verts[face.A]; var vertB = verts[face.B]; var vertC = verts[face.C]; face.normal = (vertA.normal.add(vertB.normal.add(vertC.normal))).scale(1 / 3); face.normal.normalize(); } this.modelData[key] = { verts: verts, faces: faces }; return this.modelData[key]; } }; var config = { type: Phaser.WEBGL, width: 800, height: 600, parent: 'phaser-example', scene: WireframeScene.Start }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config); // Everything below here is just an export of the Babylon.js Math class var BABYLON; (function (BABYLON) { var Color4 = (function () { function Color4(initialR, initialG, initialB, initialA) { this.r = initialR; this.g = initialG; this.b = initialB; this.a = initialA; } Color4.prototype.toString = function () { return "{R: " + this.r + " G:" + this.g + " B:" + this.b + " A:" + this.a + "}"; }; return Color4; })(); BABYLON.Color4 = Color4; var Vector2 = (function () { function Vector2(initialX, initialY) { this.x = initialX; this.y = initialY; } Vector2.prototype.toString = function () { return "{X: " + this.x + " Y:" + this.y + "}"; }; Vector2.prototype.add = function (otherVector) { return new Vector2(this.x + otherVector.x, this.y + otherVector.y); }; Vector2.prototype.subtract = function (otherVector) { return new Vector2(this.x - otherVector.x, this.y - otherVector.y); }; Vector2.prototype.negate = function () { return new Vector2(-this.x, -this.y); }; Vector2.prototype.scale = function (scale) { return new Vector2(this.x * scale, this.y * scale); }; Vector2.prototype.equals = function (otherVector) { return this.x === otherVector.x && this.y === otherVector.y; }; Vector2.prototype.length = function () { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); }; Vector2.prototype.lengthSquared = function () { return (this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y); }; Vector2.prototype.normalize = function () { var len = this.length(); if(len === 0) { return; } var num = 1.0 / len; this.x *= num; this.y *= num; }; Vector2.Zero = function Zero() { return new Vector2(0, 0); }; Vector2.Copy = function Copy(source) { return new Vector2(source.x, source.y); }; Vector2.Normalize = function Normalize(vector) { var newVector = Vector2.Copy(vector); newVector.normalize(); return newVector; }; Vector2.Minimize = function Minimize(left, right) { var x = (left.x < right.x) ? left.x : right.x; var y = (left.y < right.y) ? left.y : right.y; return new Vector2(x, y); }; Vector2.Maximize = function Maximize(left, right) { var x = (left.x > right.x) ? left.x : right.x; var y = (left.y > right.y) ? left.y : right.y; return new Vector2(x, y); }; Vector2.Transform = function Transform(vector, transformation) { var x = (vector.x * transformation.m[0]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[4]); var y = (vector.x * transformation.m[1]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[5]); return new Vector2(x, y); }; Vector2.Distance = function Distance(value1, value2) { return Math.sqrt(Vector2.DistanceSquared(value1, value2)); }; Vector2.DistanceSquared = function DistanceSquared(value1, value2) { var x = value1.x - value2.x; var y = value1.y - value2.y; return (x * x) + (y * y); }; return Vector2; })(); BABYLON.Vector2 = Vector2; var Vector3 = (function () { function Vector3(initialX, initialY, initialZ) { this.x = initialX; this.y = initialY; this.z = initialZ; } Vector3.prototype.toString = function () { return "{X: " + this.x + " Y:" + this.y + " Z:" + this.z + "}"; }; Vector3.prototype.add = function (otherVector) { return new Vector3(this.x + otherVector.x, this.y + otherVector.y, this.z + otherVector.z); }; Vector3.prototype.subtract = function (otherVector) { return new Vector3(this.x - otherVector.x, this.y - otherVector.y, this.z - otherVector.z); }; Vector3.prototype.negate = function () { return new Vector3(-this.x, -this.y, -this.z); }; Vector3.prototype.scale = function (scale) { return new Vector3(this.x * scale, this.y * scale, this.z * scale); }; Vector3.prototype.equals = function (otherVector) { return this.x === otherVector.x && this.y === otherVector.y && this.z === otherVector.z; }; Vector3.prototype.multiply = function (otherVector) { return new Vector3(this.x * otherVector.x, this.y * otherVector.y, this.z * otherVector.z); }; Vector3.prototype.divide = function (otherVector) { return new Vector3(this.x / otherVector.x, this.y / otherVector.y, this.z / otherVector.z); }; Vector3.prototype.length = function () { return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z); }; Vector3.prototype.lengthSquared = function () { return (this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y + this.z * this.z); }; Vector3.prototype.normalize = function () { var len = this.length(); if(len === 0) { return; } var num = 1.0 / len; this.x *= num; this.y *= num; this.z *= num; }; Vector3.FromArray = function FromArray(array, offset) { if(!offset) { offset = 0; } return new Vector3(array[offset], array[offset + 1], array[offset + 2]); }; Vector3.Zero = function Zero() { return new Vector3(0, 0, 0); }; Vector3.Up = function Up() { return new Vector3(0, 1.0, 0); }; Vector3.Copy = function Copy(source) { return new Vector3(source.x, source.y, source.z); }; Vector3.TransformCoordinates = function TransformCoordinates(vector, transformation) { var x = (vector.x * transformation.m[0]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[4]) + (vector.z * transformation.m[8]) + transformation.m[12]; var y = (vector.x * transformation.m[1]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[5]) + (vector.z * transformation.m[9]) + transformation.m[13]; var z = (vector.x * transformation.m[2]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[6]) + (vector.z * transformation.m[10]) + transformation.m[14]; var w = (vector.x * transformation.m[3]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[7]) + (vector.z * transformation.m[11]) + transformation.m[15]; return new Vector3(x / w, y / w, z / w); }; Vector3.TransformNormal = function TransformNormal(vector, transformation) { var x = (vector.x * transformation.m[0]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[4]) + (vector.z * transformation.m[8]); var y = (vector.x * transformation.m[1]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[5]) + (vector.z * transformation.m[9]); var z = (vector.x * transformation.m[2]) + (vector.y * transformation.m[6]) + (vector.z * transformation.m[10]); return new Vector3(x, y, z); }; Vector3.Dot = function Dot(left, right) { return (left.x * right.x + left.y * right.y + left.z * right.z); }; Vector3.Cross = function Cross(left, right) { var x = left.y * right.z - left.z * right.y; var y = left.z * right.x - left.x * right.z; var z = left.x * right.y - left.y * right.x; return new Vector3(x, y, z); }; Vector3.Normalize = function Normalize(vector) { var newVector = Vector3.Copy(vector); newVector.normalize(); return newVector; }; Vector3.Distance = function Distance(value1, value2) { return Math.sqrt(Vector3.DistanceSquared(value1, value2)); }; Vector3.DistanceSquared = function DistanceSquared(value1, value2) { var x = value1.x - value2.x; var y = value1.y - value2.y; var z = value1.z - value2.z; return (x * x) + (y * y) + (z * z); }; return Vector3; })(); BABYLON.Vector3 = Vector3; var Matrix = (function () { function Matrix() { this.m = []; } Matrix.prototype.isIdentity = function () { if(this.m[0] != 1.0 || this.m[5] != 1.0 || this.m[10] != 1.0 || this.m[15] != 1.0) { return false; } if(this.m[12] != 0.0 || this.m[13] != 0.0 || this.m[14] != 0.0 || this.m[4] != 0.0 || this.m[6] != 0.0 || this.m[7] != 0.0 || this.m[8] != 0.0 || this.m[9] != 0.0 || this.m[11] != 0.0 || this.m[12] != 0.0 || this.m[13] != 0.0 || this.m[14] != 0.0) { return false; } return true; }; Matrix.prototype.determinant = function () { var temp1 = (this.m[10] * this.m[15]) - (this.m[11] * this.m[14]); var temp2 = (this.m[9] * this.m[15]) - (this.m[11] * this.m[13]); var temp3 = (this.m[9] * this.m[14]) - (this.m[10] * this.m[13]); var temp4 = (this.m[8] * this.m[15]) - (this.m[11] * this.m[12]); var temp5 = (this.m[8] * this.m[14]) - (this.m[10] * this.m[12]); var temp6 = (this.m[8] * this.m[13]) - (this.m[9] * this.m[12]); return ((((this.m[0] * (((this.m[5] * temp1) - (this.m[6] * temp2)) + (this.m[7] * temp3))) - (this.m[1] * (((this.m[4] * temp1) - (this.m[6] * temp4)) + (this.m[7] * temp5)))) + (this.m[2] * (((this.m[4] * temp2) - (this.m[5] * temp4)) + (this.m[7] * temp6)))) - (this.m[3] * (((this.m[4] * temp3) - (this.m[5] * temp5)) + (this.m[6] * temp6)))); }; Matrix.prototype.toArray = function () { return this.m; }; Matrix.prototype.invert = function () { var l1 = this.m[0]; var l2 = this.m[1]; var l3 = this.m[2]; var l4 = this.m[3]; var l5 = this.m[4]; var l6 = this.m[5]; var l7 = this.m[6]; var l8 = this.m[7]; var l9 = this.m[8]; var l10 = this.m[9]; var l11 = this.m[10]; var l12 = this.m[11]; var l13 = this.m[12]; var l14 = this.m[13]; var l15 = this.m[14]; var l16 = this.m[15]; var l17 = (l11 * l16) - (l12 * l15); var l18 = (l10 * l16) - (l12 * l14); var l19 = (l10 * l15) - (l11 * l14); var l20 = (l9 * l16) - (l12 * l13); var l21 = (l9 * l15) - (l11 * l13); var l22 = (l9 * l14) - (l10 * l13); var l23 = ((l6 * l17) - (l7 * l18)) + (l8 * l19); var l24 = -(((l5 * l17) - (l7 * l20)) + (l8 * l21)); var l25 = ((l5 * l18) - (l6 * l20)) + (l8 * l22); var l26 = -(((l5 * l19) - (l6 * l21)) + (l7 * l22)); var l27 = 1.0 / ((((l1 * l23) + (l2 * l24)) + (l3 * l25)) + (l4 * l26)); var l28 = (l7 * l16) - (l8 * l15); var l29 = (l6 * l16) - (l8 * l14); var l30 = (l6 * l15) - (l7 * l14); var l31 = (l5 * l16) - (l8 * l13); var l32 = (l5 * l15) - (l7 * l13); var l33 = (l5 * l14) - (l6 * l13); var l34 = (l7 * l12) - (l8 * l11); var l35 = (l6 * l12) - (l8 * l10); var l36 = (l6 * l11) - (l7 * l10); var l37 = (l5 * l12) - (l8 * l9); var l38 = (l5 * l11) - (l7 * l9); var l39 = (l5 * l10) - (l6 * l9); this.m[0] = l23 * l27; this.m[4] = l24 * l27; this.m[8] = l25 * l27; this.m[12] = l26 * l27; this.m[1] = -(((l2 * l17) - (l3 * l18)) + (l4 * l19)) * l27; this.m[5] = (((l1 * l17) - (l3 * l20)) + (l4 * l21)) * l27; this.m[9] = -(((l1 * l18) - (l2 * l20)) + (l4 * l22)) * l27; this.m[13] = (((l1 * l19) - (l2 * l21)) + (l3 * l22)) * l27; this.m[2] = (((l2 * l28) - (l3 * l29)) + (l4 * l30)) * l27; this.m[6] = -(((l1 * l28) - (l3 * l31)) + (l4 * l32)) * l27; this.m[10] = (((l1 * l29) - (l2 * l31)) + (l4 * l33)) * l27; this.m[14] = -(((l1 * l30) - (l2 * l32)) + (l3 * l33)) * l27; this.m[3] = -(((l2 * l34) - (l3 * l35)) + (l4 * l36)) * l27; this.m[7] = (((l1 * l34) - (l3 * l37)) + (l4 * l38)) * l27; this.m[11] = -(((l1 * l35) - (l2 * l37)) + (l4 * l39)) * l27; this.m[15] = (((l1 * l36) - (l2 * l38)) + (l3 * l39)) * l27; }; Matrix.prototype.multiply = function (other) { var result = new Matrix(); result.m[0] = this.m[0] * other.m[0] + this.m[1] * other.m[4] + this.m[2] * other.m[8] + this.m[3] * other.m[12]; result.m[1] = this.m[0] * other.m[1] + this.m[1] * other.m[5] + this.m[2] * other.m[9] + this.m[3] * other.m[13]; result.m[2] = this.m[0] * other.m[2] + this.m[1] * other.m[6] + this.m[2] * other.m[10] + this.m[3] * other.m[14]; result.m[3] = this.m[0] * other.m[3] + this.m[1] * other.m[7] + this.m[2] * other.m[11] + this.m[3] * other.m[15]; result.m[4] = this.m[4] * other.m[0] + this.m[5] * other.m[4] + this.m[6] * other.m[8] + this.m[7] * other.m[12]; result.m[5] = this.m[4] * other.m[1] + this.m[5] * other.m[5] + this.m[6] * other.m[9] + this.m[7] * other.m[13]; result.m[6] = this.m[4] * other.m[2] + this.m[5] * other.m[6] + this.m[6] * other.m[10] + this.m[7] * other.m[14]; result.m[7] = this.m[4] * other.m[3] + this.m[5] * other.m[7] + this.m[6] * other.m[11] + this.m[7] * other.m[15]; result.m[8] = this.m[8] * other.m[0] + this.m[9] * other.m[4] + this.m[10] * other.m[8] + this.m[11] * other.m[12]; result.m[9] = this.m[8] * other.m[1] + this.m[9] * other.m[5] + this.m[10] * other.m[9] + this.m[11] * other.m[13]; result.m[10] = this.m[8] * other.m[2] + this.m[9] * other.m[6] + this.m[10] * other.m[10] + this.m[11] * other.m[14]; result.m[11] = this.m[8] * other.m[3] + this.m[9] * other.m[7] + this.m[10] * other.m[11] + this.m[11] * other.m[15]; result.m[12] = this.m[12] * other.m[0] + this.m[13] * other.m[4] + this.m[14] * other.m[8] + this.m[15] * other.m[12]; result.m[13] = this.m[12] * other.m[1] + this.m[13] * other.m[5] + this.m[14] * other.m[9] + this.m[15] * other.m[13]; result.m[14] = this.m[12] * other.m[2] + this.m[13] * other.m[6] + this.m[14] * other.m[10] + this.m[15] * other.m[14]; result.m[15] = this.m[12] * other.m[3] + this.m[13] * other.m[7] + this.m[14] * other.m[11] + this.m[15] * other.m[15]; return result; }; Matrix.prototype.equals = function (value) { return (this.m[0] === value.m[0] && this.m[1] === value.m[1] && this.m[2] === value.m[2] && this.m[3] === value.m[3] && this.m[4] === value.m[4] && this.m[5] === value.m[5] && this.m[6] === value.m[6] && this.m[7] === value.m[7] && this.m[8] === value.m[8] && this.m[9] === value.m[9] && this.m[10] === value.m[10] && this.m[11] === value.m[11] && this.m[12] === value.m[12] && this.m[13] === value.m[13] && this.m[14] === value.m[14] && this.m[15] === value.m[15]); }; Matrix.FromValues = function FromValues(initialM11, initialM12, initialM13, initialM14, initialM21, initialM22, initialM23, initialM24, initialM31, initialM32, initialM33, initialM34, initialM41, initialM42, initialM43, initialM44) { var result = new Matrix(); result.m[0] = initialM11; result.m[1] = initialM12; result.m[2] = initialM13; result.m[3] = initialM14; result.m[4] = initialM21; result.m[5] = initialM22; result.m[6] = initialM23; result.m[7] = initialM24; result.m[8] = initialM31; result.m[9] = initialM32; result.m[10] = initialM33; result.m[11] = initialM34; result.m[12] = initialM41; result.m[13] = initialM42; result.m[14] = initialM43; result.m[15] = initialM44; return result; }; Matrix.Identity = function Identity() { return Matrix.FromValues(1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1.0); }; Matrix.Zero = function Zero() { return Matrix.FromValues(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); }; Matrix.Copy = function Copy(source) { return Matrix.FromValues(source.m[0], source.m[1], source.m[2], source.m[3], source.m[4], source.m[5], source.m[6], source.m[7], source.m[8], source.m[9], source.m[10], source.m[11], source.m[12], source.m[13], source.m[14], source.m[15]); }; Matrix.RotationX = function RotationX(angle) { var result = Matrix.Zero(); var s = Math.sin(angle); var c = Math.cos(angle); result.m[0] = 1.0; result.m[15] = 1.0; result.m[5] = c; result.m[10] = c; result.m[9] = -s; result.m[6] = s; return result; }; Matrix.RotationY = function RotationY(angle) { var result = Matrix.Zero(); var s = Math.sin(angle); var c = Math.cos(angle); result.m[5] = 1.0; result.m[15] = 1.0; result.m[0] = c; result.m[2] = -s; result.m[8] = s; result.m[10] = c; return result; }; Matrix.RotationZ = function RotationZ(angle) { var result = Matrix.Zero(); var s = Math.sin(angle); var c = Math.cos(angle); result.m[10] = 1.0; result.m[15] = 1.0; result.m[0] = c; result.m[1] = s; result.m[4] = -s; result.m[5] = c; return result; }; Matrix.RotationAxis = function RotationAxis(axis, angle) { var s = Math.sin(-angle); var c = Math.cos(-angle); var c1 = 1 - c; axis.normalize(); var result = Matrix.Zero(); result.m[0] = (axis.x * axis.x) * c1 + c; result.m[1] = (axis.x * axis.y) * c1 - (axis.z * s); result.m[2] = (axis.x * axis.z) * c1 + (axis.y * s); result.m[3] = 0.0; result.m[4] = (axis.y * axis.x) * c1 + (axis.z * s); result.m[5] = (axis.y * axis.y) * c1 + c; result.m[6] = (axis.y * axis.z) * c1 - (axis.x * s); result.m[7] = 0.0; result.m[8] = (axis.z * axis.x) * c1 - (axis.y * s); result.m[9] = (axis.z * axis.y) * c1 + (axis.x * s); result.m[10] = (axis.z * axis.z) * c1 + c; result.m[11] = 0.0; result.m[15] = 1.0; return result; }; Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll = function RotationYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll) { return Matrix.RotationZ(roll).multiply(Matrix.RotationX(pitch)).multiply(Matrix.RotationY(yaw)); }; Matrix.Scaling = function Scaling(x, y, z) { var result = Matrix.Zero(); result.m[0] = x; result.m[5] = y; result.m[10] = z; result.m[15] = 1.0; return result; }; Matrix.Translation = function Translation(x, y, z) { var result = Matrix.Identity(); result.m[12] = x; result.m[13] = y; result.m[14] = z; return result; }; Matrix.LookAtLH = function LookAtLH(eye, target, up) { var zAxis = target.subtract(eye); zAxis.normalize(); var xAxis = Vector3.Cross(up, zAxis); xAxis.normalize(); var yAxis = Vector3.Cross(zAxis, xAxis); yAxis.normalize(); var ex = -Vector3.Dot(xAxis, eye); var ey = -Vector3.Dot(yAxis, eye); var ez = -Vector3.Dot(zAxis, eye); return Matrix.FromValues(xAxis.x, yAxis.x, zAxis.x, 0, xAxis.y, yAxis.y, zAxis.y, 0, xAxis.z, yAxis.z, zAxis.z, 0, ex, ey, ez, 1); }; Matrix.PerspectiveLH = function PerspectiveLH(width, height, znear, zfar) { var matrix = Matrix.Zero(); matrix.m[0] = (2.0 * znear) / width; matrix.m[1] = matrix.m[2] = matrix.m[3] = 0.0; matrix.m[5] = (2.0 * znear) / height; matrix.m[4] = matrix.m[6] = matrix.m[7] = 0.0; matrix.m[10] = -zfar / (znear - zfar); matrix.m[8] = matrix.m[9] = 0.0; matrix.m[11] = 1.0; matrix.m[12] = matrix.m[13] = matrix.m[15] = 0.0; matrix.m[14] = (znear * zfar) / (znear - zfar); return matrix; }; Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH = function PerspectiveFovLH(fov, aspect, znear, zfar) { var matrix = Matrix.Zero(); var tan = 1.0 / (Math.tan(fov * 0.5)); matrix.m[0] = tan / aspect; matrix.m[1] = matrix.m[2] = matrix.m[3] = 0.0; matrix.m[5] = tan; matrix.m[4] = matrix.m[6] = matrix.m[7] = 0.0; matrix.m[8] = matrix.m[9] = 0.0; matrix.m[10] = -zfar / (znear - zfar); matrix.m[11] = 1.0; matrix.m[12] = matrix.m[13] = matrix.m[15] = 0.0; matrix.m[14] = (znear * zfar) / (znear - zfar); return matrix; }; Matrix.Transpose = function Transpose(matrix) { var result = new Matrix(); result.m[0] = matrix.m[0]; result.m[1] = matrix.m[4]; result.m[2] = matrix.m[8]; result.m[3] = matrix.m[12]; result.m[4] = matrix.m[1]; result.m[5] = matrix.m[5]; result.m[6] = matrix.m[9]; result.m[7] = matrix.m[13]; result.m[8] = matrix.m[2]; result.m[9] = matrix.m[6]; result.m[10] = matrix.m[10]; result.m[11] = matrix.m[14]; result.m[12] = matrix.m[3]; result.m[13] = matrix.m[7]; result.m[14] = matrix.m[11]; result.m[15] = matrix.m[15]; return result; }; return Matrix; })(); BABYLON.Matrix = Matrix; })(BABYLON || (BABYLON = {}));