var config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, parent: 'phaser-example', width: 1010, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#efefef', scene: { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, extend: { drawStart: drawStart, drawStop: drawStop, drawUpdate: drawUpdate, changeColor: changeColor, updateColor: updateColor, deleteShape: deleteShape, changeShape: changeShape } } }; var shapes = []; var isDown = false; var current = 1; var shape = null; var index = 0; var cursors; var color = new Phaser.Display.Color(255, 255, 255); var map; var fillTop; var fillLeft; var fillRight; var swatchData; var blockSize = 32; var TILE_WIDTH = 16; var TILE_HEIGHT = 32; var game = new Phaser.Game(config); function preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('bg1', 'assets/skies/gradient4.png'); this.load.image('dp', 'assets/swatches/gradient-palettes.png'); } function create () { this.add.image(0, 0, 'bg1').setOrigin(0); // Create the swatch var src = this.textures.get('dp').getSourceImage(); swatchData = this.textures.createCanvas('swatch', src.width, src.height); swatchData.draw(0, 0, src); var swatch = this.add.image(800, 0, 'dp').setOrigin(0).setDepth(1000); swatch.setInteractive(); swatch.on('pointerdown', this.changeColor, this); swatch.on('pointermove', this.updateColor, this); fillTop = color.color; fillLeft = color.darken(30).color; fillRight = color.lighten(15).color; // this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_C', this.setCircle, this); // this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_R', this.setRectangle, this); // this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_E', this.setEllipse, this); // this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_S', this.setStar, this); // this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_L', this.setLine, this); // this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_DELETE', this.deleteShape, this); // this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_TAB', this.changeShape, this); cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); this.input.on('pointerdown', this.drawStart, this); this.input.on('pointermove', this.drawUpdate, this); this.input.on('pointerup', this.drawStop, this); } function mapToPx (mapX, mapY) { var x = (mapX - mapY) * TILE_WIDTH; var y = (mapX + mapY) * TILE_HEIGHT / 2; return { x: x, y: y } } function pxToMap (screenX, screenY) { screenX = Phaser.Math.Snap.Floor(screenX, TILE_WIDTH); screenY = Phaser.Math.Snap.Floor(screenY, TILE_HEIGHT); // var x = ((screenX / TILE_WIDTH) + (screenY / TILE_HEIGHT)) / 2; // var y = ((screenY / TILE_HEIGHT) - (screenX / TILE_WIDTH)) / 2; // var x = screenY / TILE_HEIGHT + screenX / (2 * TILE_WIDTH); // var y = screenY / TILE_HEIGHT - screenX / (2 * TILE_WIDTH); var x = ((screenY * 2 / TILE_HEIGHT) + (screenX / TILE_WIDTH))/2; var y = (screenY * 2 / TILE_HEIGHT) - x; return { x: x, y: y } } function changeColor (pointer, x, y, event) { swatchData.getPixel(x, y, color); fillTop = color.color; fillLeft = color.darken(30).color; fillRight = color.lighten(15).color; if (shape) { shape.setFillStyle(fillTop, fillLeft, fillRight); } event.stopPropagation(); } function updateColor (pointer, x, y, event) { if (!pointer.isDown) { return; } swatchData.getPixel(x, y, color); fillTop = color.color; fillLeft = color.darken(30).color; fillRight = color.lighten(15).color; if (shape) { shape.setFillStyle(fillTop, fillLeft, fillRight); } event.stopPropagation(); } function deleteShape () { if (shape) { shape.destroy(); shape = null; } } function changeShape () { if (shapes.length < 2) { return; } index++; if (index >= shapes.length) { index = 0; } shape = shapes[index]; } function update () { if (!shape) { return; } if (this.input.keyboard.checkDown(cursors.left, 100)) { shape.x -= (cursors.left.shiftKey) ? TILE_WIDTH * 4 : TILE_WIDTH; } else if (this.input.keyboard.checkDown(cursors.right, 100)) { shape.x += (cursors.right.shiftKey) ? TILE_WIDTH * 4 : TILE_WIDTH; } if (this.input.keyboard.checkDown(cursors.up, 100)) { shape.y -= (cursors.up.shiftKey) ? TILE_HEIGHT * 4 : TILE_HEIGHT; } else if (this.input.keyboard.checkDown(cursors.down, 100)) { shape.y += (cursors.down.shiftKey) ? TILE_HEIGHT * 4 : TILE_HEIGHT; } } function drawStart (pointer) { if (current === 0) { return; } isDown = true; console.log('down', pointer.x, pointer.y); var pos = pxToMap(pointer.x, pointer.y); console.log('map', pos.x, pos.y); pos = mapToPx(pos.x, pos.y); console.log('px', pos.x, pos.y); shape = this.add.isobox(pos.x, pos.y, blockSize, blockSize * 0.70, fillTop, fillLeft, fillRight); } function drawUpdate (pointer) { if (!isDown) { return; } } function drawStop () { isDown = false; shapes.push(shape); index++; }
var config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, parent: 'phaser-example', width: 1010, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#efefef', scene: { preload: preload, create: create, update: update, extend: { drawStart: drawStart, drawStop: drawStop, drawUpdate: drawUpdate, changeColor: changeColor, updateColor: updateColor, deleteShape: deleteShape, changeShape: changeShape } } }; var shapes = []; var isDown = false; var current = 1; var shape = null; var index = 0; var cursors; var color = new Phaser.Display.Color(255, 255, 255); var map; var fillTop; var fillLeft; var fillRight; var swatchData; var blockSize = 32; var TILE_WIDTH = 16; var TILE_HEIGHT = 32; var game = new Phaser.Game(config); function preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('bg1', 'assets/skies/gradient4.png'); this.load.image('dp', 'assets/swatches/gradient-palettes.png'); } function create () { this.add.image(0, 0, 'bg1').setOrigin(0); // Create the swatch var src = this.textures.get('dp').getSourceImage(); swatchData = this.textures.createCanvas('swatch', src.width, src.height); swatchData.draw(0, 0, src); var swatch = this.add.image(800, 0, 'dp').setOrigin(0).setDepth(1000); swatch.setInteractive(); swatch.on('pointerdown', this.changeColor, this); swatch.on('pointermove', this.updateColor, this); fillTop = color.color; fillLeft = color.darken(30).color; fillRight = color.lighten(15).color; // this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_C', this.setCircle, this); // this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_R', this.setRectangle, this); // this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_E', this.setEllipse, this); // this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_S', this.setStar, this); // this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_L', this.setLine, this); // this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_DELETE', this.deleteShape, this); // this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_TAB', this.changeShape, this); cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); this.input.on('pointerdown', this.drawStart, this); this.input.on('pointermove', this.drawUpdate, this); this.input.on('pointerup', this.drawStop, this); } function mapToPx (mapX, mapY) { var x = (mapX - mapY) * TILE_WIDTH; var y = (mapX + mapY) * TILE_HEIGHT / 2; return { x: x, y: y } } function pxToMap (screenX, screenY) { screenX = Phaser.Math.Snap.Floor(screenX, TILE_WIDTH); screenY = Phaser.Math.Snap.Floor(screenY, TILE_HEIGHT); // var x = ((screenX / TILE_WIDTH) + (screenY / TILE_HEIGHT)) / 2; // var y = ((screenY / TILE_HEIGHT) - (screenX / TILE_WIDTH)) / 2; // var x = screenY / TILE_HEIGHT + screenX / (2 * TILE_WIDTH); // var y = screenY / TILE_HEIGHT - screenX / (2 * TILE_WIDTH); var x = ((screenY * 2 / TILE_HEIGHT) + (screenX / TILE_WIDTH))/2; var y = (screenY * 2 / TILE_HEIGHT) - x; return { x: x, y: y } } function changeColor (pointer, x, y, event) { swatchData.getPixel(x, y, color); fillTop = color.color; fillLeft = color.darken(30).color; fillRight = color.lighten(15).color; if (shape) { shape.setFillStyle(fillTop, fillLeft, fillRight); } event.stopPropagation(); } function updateColor (pointer, x, y, event) { if (!pointer.isDown) { return; } swatchData.getPixel(x, y, color); fillTop = color.color; fillLeft = color.darken(30).color; fillRight = color.lighten(15).color; if (shape) { shape.setFillStyle(fillTop, fillLeft, fillRight); } event.stopPropagation(); } function deleteShape () { if (shape) { shape.destroy(); shape = null; } } function changeShape () { if (shapes.length < 2) { return; } index++; if (index >= shapes.length) { index = 0; } shape = shapes[index]; } function update () { if (!shape) { return; } if (this.input.keyboard.checkDown(cursors.left, 100)) { shape.x -= (cursors.left.shiftKey) ? TILE_WIDTH * 4 : TILE_WIDTH; } else if (this.input.keyboard.checkDown(cursors.right, 100)) { shape.x += (cursors.right.shiftKey) ? TILE_WIDTH * 4 : TILE_WIDTH; } if (this.input.keyboard.checkDown(cursors.up, 100)) { shape.y -= (cursors.up.shiftKey) ? TILE_HEIGHT * 4 : TILE_HEIGHT; } else if (this.input.keyboard.checkDown(cursors.down, 100)) { shape.y += (cursors.down.shiftKey) ? TILE_HEIGHT * 4 : TILE_HEIGHT; } } function drawStart (pointer) { if (current === 0) { return; } isDown = true; console.log('down', pointer.x, pointer.y); var pos = pxToMap(pointer.x, pointer.y); console.log('map', pos.x, pos.y); pos = mapToPx(pos.x, pos.y); console.log('px', pos.x, pos.y); shape = this.add.isobox(pos.x, pos.y, blockSize, blockSize * 0.70, fillTop, fillLeft, fillRight); } function drawUpdate (pointer) { if (!isDown) { return; } } function drawStop () { isDown = false; shapes.push(shape); index++; }