class Example extends Phaser.Scene { preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('pic', 'assets/pics/brilliance-jim-sachs.png'); this.load.image('logo', 'assets/sprites/phaser3-logo.png'); this.load.image('red', 'assets/sprites/128x128.png'); this.load.spritesheet('mummy', 'assets/sprites/metalslug_mummy37x45.png', { frameWidth: 37, frameHeight: 45, endFrame: 17 }); } create () { const g =; this.input.on('pointermove', (pointer) => { g.clear(); g.lineStyle(2, 0xffffff); g.strokeRect(pointer.x - 2, pointer.y - 2, 132, 132); }); this.input.on('pointerdown', (pointer) => { const textureManager = this.textures;, pointer.y, 128, 128, (image) => { document.body.appendChild(image); if (textureManager.exists('area')) { textureManager.remove('area'); } textureManager.addImage('area', image); // particles.setTexture('area'); }); }); // Everything from here down is just stuff to display, so you can grab from it const bg = this.add.image(400, 455, 'pic').setScale(1.1); this.textures.get('mummy').setFilter(1); this.tweens.add({ targets: bg, y: 100, duration: 5000, ease: 'Sine.easeInOut', repeat: -1, yoyo: true }); this.anims.create({ key: 'run', frames: 'mummy', frameRate: 20, repeat: -1 }); const container = this.add.container(-100, 0); container.setScale(2); const sprites = []; let x = 0; let y = 50; for (let i = 1; i <= 18; i++) { const sprite = this.add.sprite(x, y, 'mummy').play('run'); y += 100; sprites.push(sprite); if (i % 3 === 0) { x -= 100; y = 50; } } container.add(sprites); this.tweens.add({ targets: container, x: 1800, duration: 20000, repeat: -1 }); const particles = this.add.particles('red'); const emitter = particles.createEmitter({ lifespan: 2000, speed: { min: 100, max: 200 }, scale: { start: 1, end: 0 }, quantity: 2, frequency: 500 }); const logo = this.physics.add.image(400, 100, 'logo'); logo.setSize(128, 90); logo.setVelocity(100, 200); logo.setBounce(1, 1); logo.setCollideWorldBounds(true); emitter.startFollow(logo); } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, parent: 'phaser-example', physics: { default: 'arcade', arcade: { gravity: { y: 200 } } }, scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
class Example extends Phaser.Scene { preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('pic', 'assets/pics/brilliance-jim-sachs.png'); this.load.image('logo', 'assets/sprites/phaser3-logo.png'); this.load.image('red', 'assets/sprites/128x128.png'); this.load.spritesheet('mummy', 'assets/sprites/metalslug_mummy37x45.png', { frameWidth: 37, frameHeight: 45, endFrame: 17 }); } create () { const g =; this.input.on('pointermove', (pointer) => { g.clear(); g.lineStyle(2, 0xffffff); g.strokeRect(pointer.x - 2, pointer.y - 2, 132, 132); }); this.input.on('pointerdown', (pointer) => { const textureManager = this.textures;, pointer.y, 128, 128, (image) => { document.body.appendChild(image); if (textureManager.exists('area')) { textureManager.remove('area'); } textureManager.addImage('area', image); // particles.setTexture('area'); }); }); // Everything from here down is just stuff to display, so you can grab from it const bg = this.add.image(400, 455, 'pic').setScale(1.1); this.textures.get('mummy').setFilter(1); this.tweens.add({ targets: bg, y: 100, duration: 5000, ease: 'Sine.easeInOut', repeat: -1, yoyo: true }); this.anims.create({ key: 'run', frames: 'mummy', frameRate: 20, repeat: -1 }); const container = this.add.container(-100, 0); container.setScale(2); const sprites = []; let x = 0; let y = 50; for (let i = 1; i <= 18; i++) { const sprite = this.add.sprite(x, y, 'mummy').play('run'); y += 100; sprites.push(sprite); if (i % 3 === 0) { x -= 100; y = 50; } } container.add(sprites); this.tweens.add({ targets: container, x: 1800, duration: 20000, repeat: -1 }); const particles = this.add.particles('red'); const emitter = particles.createEmitter({ lifespan: 2000, speed: { min: 100, max: 200 }, scale: { start: 1, end: 0 }, quantity: 2, frequency: 500 }); const logo = this.physics.add.image(400, 100, 'logo'); logo.setSize(128, 90); logo.setVelocity(100, 200); logo.setBounce(1, 1); logo.setCollideWorldBounds(true); emitter.startFollow(logo); } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, parent: 'phaser-example', physics: { default: 'arcade', arcade: { gravity: { y: 200 } } }, scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);