var config = { type: Phaser.WEBGL, width: 800, height: 576, backgroundColor: '#00000', parent: 'phaser-example', pixelArt: true, physics: { default: 'arcade', arcade: { gravity: { y: 400 }, debug: true } }, scene: { preload: preload, create: create, update: update } }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config); var map; var tree32x64Layer; var ground32x32Layer; var kenny64x64Layer; var text; var cursors; var debugGraphics; var player; var showDebug; function preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.tilemapTiledJSON('map', 'assets/tilemaps/maps/multiple-tile-sizes-collision.json'); this.load.image('ground_1x1', 'assets/tilemaps/tiles/ground_1x1.png'); this.load.image('walls_1x2', 'assets/tilemaps/tiles/walls_1x2.png'); this.load.image('kenny_platformer_64x64', 'assets/tilemaps/tiles/kenny_platformer_64x64.png'); this.load.image('dangerous-kiss', 'assets/tilemaps/tiles/dangerous-kiss.png'); this.load.image('player', 'assets/sprites/phaser-dude.png'); } function create () { map = this.add.tilemap('map'); var groundTiles = map.addTilesetImage('ground_1x1', 'ground_1x1', 32, 32); var kennyTiles = map.addTilesetImage('kenny_platformer_64x64', 'kenny_platformer_64x64', 64, 64); var treeTiles = map.addTilesetImage('walls_1x2', 'walls_1x2', 32, 64); kenny64x64Layer = map.createLayer('Kenny 64x64 Layer', kennyTiles); ground32x32Layer = map.createLayer('Ground 32x32 Layer', groundTiles); tree32x64Layer = map.createLayer('Tree 32x64 Layer', treeTiles); console.log(kenny64x64Layer); ground32x32Layer.setCollisionByExclusion([ -1 ]); tree32x64Layer.setCollisionByExclusion([ -1 ]); kenny64x64Layer.setCollision([ 73 ]); player = this.physics.add.sprite(500, 300, 'player').setBounce(0.1); this.physics.add.collider(player, ground32x32Layer); this.physics.add.collider(player, kenny64x64Layer); this.physics.add.collider(player, tree32x64Layer); this.cameras.main.setBounds(0, 0, map.widthInPixels, map.heightInPixels); this.cameras.main.startFollow(player); debugGraphics =; this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-C', function (event) { showDebug = !showDebug; drawDebug(); }); cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); text = this.add.text(16, 16, '', { fontSize: '20px', fill: '#ffffff' }); text.setScrollFactor(0); updateText(); } function update (time, delta) { // Horizontal movement player.body.setVelocityX(0); if (cursors.left.isDown) { player.body.setVelocityX(-200); } else if (cursors.right.isDown) { player.body.setVelocityX(200); } // Jumping if (( || cursors.up.isDown) && player.body.onFloor()) { player.body.setVelocityY(-300); } } function drawDebug () { debugGraphics.clear(); if (showDebug) { ground32x32Layer.renderDebug(debugGraphics, { tileColor: null, // Non-colliding tiles collidingTileColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(211, 36, 255, 100), // Colliding tiles faceColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(211, 36, 255, 255) // Colliding face edges }); kenny64x64Layer.renderDebug(debugGraphics, { tileColor: null, // Non-colliding tiles collidingTileColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(244, 255, 36, 100), // Colliding tiles faceColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(244, 255, 36, 255) // Colliding face edges }); tree32x64Layer.renderDebug(debugGraphics, { tileColor: null, // Non-colliding tiles collidingTileColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(36, 255, 237, 100), // Colliding tiles faceColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(36, 255, 237, 255) // Colliding face edges }); } updateText(); } function updateText () { text.setText( 'Arrow keys to move. Space to jump' + '\nPress "C" to toggle debug visuals: ' + (showDebug ? 'on' : 'off') ); }
var config = { type: Phaser.WEBGL, width: 800, height: 576, backgroundColor: '#00000', parent: 'phaser-example', pixelArt: true, physics: { default: 'arcade', arcade: { gravity: { y: 400 }, debug: true } }, scene: { preload: preload, create: create, update: update } }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config); var map; var tree32x64Layer; var ground32x32Layer; var kenny64x64Layer; var text; var cursors; var debugGraphics; var player; var showDebug; function preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.tilemapTiledJSON('map', 'assets/tilemaps/maps/multiple-tile-sizes-collision.json'); this.load.image('ground_1x1', 'assets/tilemaps/tiles/ground_1x1.png'); this.load.image('walls_1x2', 'assets/tilemaps/tiles/walls_1x2.png'); this.load.image('kenny_platformer_64x64', 'assets/tilemaps/tiles/kenny_platformer_64x64.png'); this.load.image('dangerous-kiss', 'assets/tilemaps/tiles/dangerous-kiss.png'); this.load.image('player', 'assets/sprites/phaser-dude.png'); } function create () { map = this.add.tilemap('map'); var groundTiles = map.addTilesetImage('ground_1x1', 'ground_1x1', 32, 32); var kennyTiles = map.addTilesetImage('kenny_platformer_64x64', 'kenny_platformer_64x64', 64, 64); var treeTiles = map.addTilesetImage('walls_1x2', 'walls_1x2', 32, 64); kenny64x64Layer = map.createLayer('Kenny 64x64 Layer', kennyTiles); ground32x32Layer = map.createLayer('Ground 32x32 Layer', groundTiles); tree32x64Layer = map.createLayer('Tree 32x64 Layer', treeTiles); console.log(kenny64x64Layer); ground32x32Layer.setCollisionByExclusion([ -1 ]); tree32x64Layer.setCollisionByExclusion([ -1 ]); kenny64x64Layer.setCollision([ 73 ]); player = this.physics.add.sprite(500, 300, 'player').setBounce(0.1); this.physics.add.collider(player, ground32x32Layer); this.physics.add.collider(player, kenny64x64Layer); this.physics.add.collider(player, tree32x64Layer); this.cameras.main.setBounds(0, 0, map.widthInPixels, map.heightInPixels); this.cameras.main.startFollow(player); debugGraphics =; this.input.keyboard.on('keydown-C', function (event) { showDebug = !showDebug; drawDebug(); }); cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); text = this.add.text(16, 16, '', { fontSize: '20px', fill: '#ffffff' }); text.setScrollFactor(0); updateText(); } function update (time, delta) { // Horizontal movement player.body.setVelocityX(0); if (cursors.left.isDown) { player.body.setVelocityX(-200); } else if (cursors.right.isDown) { player.body.setVelocityX(200); } // Jumping if (( || cursors.up.isDown) && player.body.onFloor()) { player.body.setVelocityY(-300); } } function drawDebug () { debugGraphics.clear(); if (showDebug) { ground32x32Layer.renderDebug(debugGraphics, { tileColor: null, // Non-colliding tiles collidingTileColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(211, 36, 255, 100), // Colliding tiles faceColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(211, 36, 255, 255) // Colliding face edges }); kenny64x64Layer.renderDebug(debugGraphics, { tileColor: null, // Non-colliding tiles collidingTileColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(244, 255, 36, 100), // Colliding tiles faceColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(244, 255, 36, 255) // Colliding face edges }); tree32x64Layer.renderDebug(debugGraphics, { tileColor: null, // Non-colliding tiles collidingTileColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(36, 255, 237, 100), // Colliding tiles faceColor: new Phaser.Display.Color(36, 255, 237, 255) // Colliding face edges }); } updateText(); } function updateText () { text.setText( 'Arrow keys to move. Space to jump' + '\nPress "C" to toggle debug visuals: ' + (showDebug ? 'on' : 'off') ); }