class Example extends Phaser.Scene { preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.glsl('bundle', 'assets/shaders/bundle.glsl.js'); } create () { const s1 = ` /* "Magic particles" by Emmanuel Keller aka Tambako - December 2015 License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Contact: */ precision mediump float; uniform float time; uniform vec2 resolution; uniform sampler2D iChannel0; varying vec2 fragCoord; #define iTime time #define iResolution resolution vec4 texture(sampler2D s, vec2 c) { return texture2D(s,c); } vec4 texture(sampler2D s, vec2 c, float b) { return texture2D(s,c,b); } vec4 texture(samplerCube s, vec3 c ) { return textureCube(s,c); } vec4 texture(samplerCube s, vec3 c, float b) { return textureCube(s,c,b); } #define twopi 6.28319 // Please be careful, setting complexity > 1 may crash your browser! // 1: for mac computers // 2: for computers with normal graphic card // 3: for computers with good graphic cards // 4: for gaming computers #define complexity 1 // General particles constants #if complexity == 1 const int nb_particles = 95; // Number of particles on the screen at the same time. Be CAREFUL with big numbers of particles, 1000 is already a lot! #elif complexity == 2 const int nb_particles = 160; #elif complexity == 3 const int nb_particles = 280; #elif complexity == 4 const int nb_particles = 500; #endif const vec2 gen_scale = vec2(0.60, 0.45); // To scale the particle positions, not the particles themselves const vec2 middlepoint = vec2(0.35, 0.15); // Offset of the particles // Particle movement constants const vec2 gravitation = vec2(-0., -4.5); // Gravitation vector const vec3 main_x_freq = vec3(0.4, 0.66, 0.78); // 3 frequences (in Hz) of the harmonics of horizontal position of the main particle const vec3 main_x_amp = vec3(0.8, 0.24, 0.18); // 3 amplitudes of the harmonics of horizontal position of the main particle const vec3 main_x_phase = vec3(0., 45., 55.); // 3 phases (in degrees) of the harmonics of horizontal position of the main particle const vec3 main_y_freq = vec3(0.415, 0.61, 0.82); // 3 frequences (in Hz) of the harmonics of vertical position of the main particle const vec3 main_y_amp = vec3(0.72, 0.28, 0.15); // 3 amplitudes of the harmonics of vertical position of the main particle const vec3 main_y_phase = vec3(90., 120., 10.); // 3 phases (in degrees) of the harmonics of vertical position of the main particle const float part_timefact_min = 6.; // Specifies the minimum how many times the particle moves slower than the main particle when it's "launched" const float part_timefact_max = 20.; // Specifies the maximum how many times the particle moves slower than the main particle when it's "launched" const vec2 part_max_mov = vec2(0.28, 0.28); // Maxumum movement out of the trajectory in display units / s // Particle time constants const float time_factor = 0.75; // Time in s factor, <1. for slow motion, >1. for faster movement const float start_time = 2.5; // Time in s needed until all the nb_particles are "launched" const float grow_time_factor = 0.15; // Time in s particles need to reach their max intensity after they are "launched" #if complexity == 1 const float part_life_time_min = 0.9; // Minimum life time in s of a particle const float part_life_time_max = 1.9; // Maximum life time in s of a particle #elif complexity == 2 const float part_life_time_min = 1.0; const float part_life_time_max = 2.5; #elif complexity == 3 const float part_life_time_min = 1.1; const float part_life_time_max = 3.2; #elif complexity == 4 const float part_life_time_min = 1.2; const float part_life_time_max = 4.0; #endif // Particle intensity constants const float part_int_div = 40000.; // Divisor of the particle intensity. Tweak this value to make the particles more or less bright const float part_int_factor_min = 0.1; // Minimum initial intensity of a particle const float part_int_factor_max = 3.2; // Maximum initial intensity of a particle const float part_spark_min_int = 0.25; // Minimum sparkling intensity (factor of initial intensity) of a particle const float part_spark_max_int = 0.88; // Minimum sparkling intensity (factor of initial intensity) of a particle const float part_spark_min_freq = 2.5; // Minimum sparkling frequence in Hz of a particle const float part_spark_max_freq = 6.0; // Maximum sparkling frequence in Hz of a particle const float part_spark_time_freq_fact = 0.35; // Sparkling frequency factor at the end of the life of the particle const float mp_int = 12.; // Initial intensity of the main particle const float dist_factor = 3.; // Distance factor applied before calculating the intensity const float ppow = 2.3; // Exponent of the intensity in function of the distance // Particle color constants const float part_min_hue = -0.13; // Minimum particle hue shift (spectrum width = 1.) const float part_max_hue = 0.13; // Maximum particle hue shift (spectrum width = 1.) const float part_min_saturation = 0.5; // Minimum particle saturation (0. to 1.) const float part_max_saturation = 0.9; // Maximum particle saturation (0. to 1.) const float hue_time_factor = 0.035; // Time-based hue shift const float mp_hue = 0.5; // Hue (shift) of the main particle const float mp_saturation = 0.18; // Saturation (delta) of the main particle // Particle star constants const vec2 part_starhv_dfac = vec2(9., 0.32); // x-y transformation vector of the distance to get the horizontal and vertical star branches const float part_starhv_ifac = 0.25; // Intensity factor of the horizontal and vertical star branches const vec2 part_stardiag_dfac = vec2(13., 0.61); // x-y transformation vector of the distance to get the diagonal star branches const float part_stardiag_ifac = 0.19; // Intensity factor of the diagonal star branches const float mb_factor = 0.73; // Mix factor for the multipass motion blur factor // Variables float pst; float plt; float runnr; float time2; float time3; float time4; // From vec3 hsv2rgb (vec3 hsv) { // from HSV to RGB color vector hsv.yz = clamp (hsv.yz, 0.0, 1.0); return hsv.z*(0.63*hsv.y*(cos(twopi*(hsv.x + vec3(0.0, 2.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0))) - 1.0) + 1.0); } // Simple "random" function float random(float co) { return fract(sin(co*12.989) * 43758.545); } // Gets the time at which a paticle is starting its "life" float getParticleStartTime(int partnr) { return start_time*random(float(partnr*2)); } // Harmonic calculation, base is a vec4 float harms(vec3 freq, vec3 amp, vec3 phase, float time) { float val = 0.; for (int h=0; h<3; h++) val+= amp[h]*cos(time*freq[h]*twopi + phase[h]/360.*twopi); return (1. + val)/2.; } // Gets the position of a particle in function of its number and the time vec2 getParticlePosition(int partnr) { // Particle "local" time, when a particle is "reborn" its time starts with 0.0 float part_timefact = mix(part_timefact_min, part_timefact_max, random(float(partnr*2 + 94) + runnr*1.5)); float ptime = (runnr*plt + pst)*(-1./part_timefact + 1.) + time2/part_timefact; vec2 ppos = vec2(harms(main_x_freq, main_x_amp, main_x_phase, ptime), harms(main_y_freq, main_y_amp, main_y_phase, ptime)) + middlepoint; // Particles randomly get away the main particle's orbit, in a linear fashion vec2 delta_pos = part_max_mov*(vec2(random(float(partnr*3-23) + runnr*4.), random(float(partnr*7+632) - runnr*2.5))-0.5)*(time3 - pst); // Calculation of the effect of the gravitation on the particles vec2 grav_pos = gravitation*pow(time4, 2.)/250.; return (ppos + delta_pos + grav_pos)*gen_scale; } // Gets the position of the main particle in function of the time vec2 getParticlePosition_mp() { vec2 ppos = vec2(harms(main_x_freq, main_x_amp, main_x_phase, time2), harms(main_y_freq, main_y_amp, main_y_phase, time2)) + middlepoint; return gen_scale*ppos; } // Gets the rgb color of a particle in function of its intensity and number vec3 getParticleColor(int partnr, float pint) { float hue; float saturation; saturation = mix(part_min_saturation, part_max_saturation, random(float(partnr*6 + 44) + runnr*3.3))*0.45/pint; hue = mix(part_min_hue, part_max_hue, random(float(partnr + 124) + runnr*1.5)) + hue_time_factor*time2; return hsv2rgb(vec3(hue, saturation, pint)); } // Gets the rgb color the main particle in function of its intensity vec3 getParticleColor_mp( float pint) { float hue; float saturation; saturation = 0.75/pow(pint, 2.5) + mp_saturation; hue = hue_time_factor*time2 + mp_hue; return hsv2rgb(vec3(hue, saturation, pint)); } // Main function to draw particles, outputs the rgb color. vec3 drawParticles(vec2 uv, float timedelta) { // Here the time is "stetched" with the time factor, so that you can make a slow motion effect for example time2 = time_factor*(iTime + timedelta); vec3 pcol = vec3(0.); // Main particles loop for (int i=1; i
pst) // Doesn't draw the paricle at the start //{ runnr = floor((time2 - pst)/plt); // Number of the "life" of a particle vec2 ppos = getParticlePosition(i); float dist = distance(uv, ppos); //if (dist<0.05) // When the current point is further than a certain distance, its impact is neglectable //{ // Draws the eight-branched star // Horizontal and vertical branches vec2 uvppos = uv - ppos; float distv = distance(uvppos*part_starhv_dfac + ppos, ppos); float disth = distance(uvppos*part_starhv_dfac.yx + ppos, ppos); // Diagonal branches vec2 uvpposd = 0.707*vec2(dot(uvppos, vec2(1., 1.)), dot(uvppos, vec2(1., -1.))); float distd1 = distance(uvpposd*part_stardiag_dfac + ppos, ppos); float distd2 = distance(uvpposd*part_stardiag_dfac.yx + ppos, ppos); // Initial intensity (random) float pint0 = mix(part_int_factor_min, part_int_factor_max, random(runnr*4. + float(i-55))); // Middle point intensity star inensity float pint1 = 1./(dist*dist_factor + 0.015) + part_starhv_ifac/(disth*dist_factor + 0.01) + part_starhv_ifac/(distv*dist_factor + 0.01) + part_stardiag_ifac/(distd1*dist_factor + 0.01) + part_stardiag_ifac/(distd2*dist_factor + 0.01); // One neglects the intentity smaller than a certain threshold //if (pint0*pint1>16.) //{ // Intensity curve and fading over time float pint = pint0*(pow(pint1, ppow)/part_int_div)*(-time4/plt + 1.); // Initial growing of the paricle's intensity pint*= smoothstep(0., grow_time_factor*plt, time4); // "Sparkling" of the particles float sparkfreq = clamp(part_spark_time_freq_fact*time4, 0., 1.)*part_spark_min_freq + random(float(i*5 + 72) - runnr*1.8)*(part_spark_max_freq - part_spark_min_freq); pint*= mix(part_spark_min_int, part_spark_max_int, random(float(i*7 - 621) - runnr*12.))*sin(sparkfreq*twopi*time2)/2. + 1.; // Adds the current intensity to the global intensity pcol+= getParticleColor(i, pint); //} //} //} } // Main particle vec2 ppos = getParticlePosition_mp(); float dist = distance(uv, ppos); // Draws the eight-branched star // Horizontal and vertical branches vec2 uvppos = uv - ppos; float distv = distance(uvppos*part_starhv_dfac + ppos, ppos); float disth = distance(uvppos*part_starhv_dfac.yx + ppos, ppos); // Diagonal branches vec2 uvpposd = 0.7071*vec2(dot(uvppos, vec2(1., 1.)), dot(uvppos, vec2(1., -1.))); float distd1 = distance(uvpposd*part_stardiag_dfac + ppos, ppos); float distd2 = distance(uvpposd*part_stardiag_dfac.yx + ppos, ppos); // Middle point intensity star inensity float pint1 = 1./(dist*dist_factor + 0.015) + part_starhv_ifac/(disth*dist_factor + 0.01) + part_starhv_ifac/(distv*dist_factor + 0.01) + part_stardiag_ifac/(distd1*dist_factor + 0.01) + part_stardiag_ifac/(distd2*dist_factor + 0.01); if (part_int_factor_max*pint1>6.) { float pint = part_int_factor_max*(pow(pint1, ppow)/part_int_div)*mp_int; pcol+= getParticleColor_mp(pint); } return pcol; } void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord) { vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xx; // Multipass motion blur vec2 uv2 = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy; vec3 pcolor = texture(iChannel0,uv2).rgb*mb_factor; // Background gradient //vec3 pcolor = vec3(0., (0.6 - uv.y)/10., (1. - uv.y)/9.); //vec3 pcolor = texture(iChannel0,uv).rgb*0.4; pcolor+= drawParticles(uv,0.)*0.9; // We're done! fragColor = vec4(pcolor, 0.); } void main(void) { mainImage(gl_FragColor, fragCoord.xy); } `; // Create our BaseShader object using the fragment source above (and the default vertex source): const baseShader1 = new Phaser.Display.BaseShader('BufferA', s1); const s2 = ` precision mediump float; uniform float time; uniform vec2 resolution; uniform sampler2D iChannel0; varying vec2 fragCoord; #define iTime time #define iResolution resolution vec4 texture(sampler2D s, vec2 c) { return texture2D(s,c); } vec4 texture(sampler2D s, vec2 c, float b) { return texture2D(s,c,b); } void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) { vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / resolution.xy; fragColor = texture(iChannel0,uv); } void main(void) { mainImage(gl_FragColor, fragCoord.xy); } `; const baseShader2 = new Phaser.Display.BaseShader('BufferB', s2); const shader1 = this.add.shader(baseShader1, 400, 300, 512, 512); shader1.setRenderToTexture('blah'); const shader2 = this.add.shader(baseShader2, 400, 300, 512, 512); shader2.setRenderToTexture('blah2'); shader1.setSampler2D('iChannel0', 'blah2'); shader2.setSampler2D('iChannel0', 'blah'); this.add.image(400, 300, 'blah2'); } } const config = { type: Phaser.WEBGL, parent: 'phaser-example', width: 800, height: 600, scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
class Example extends Phaser.Scene { preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.glsl('bundle', 'assets/shaders/bundle.glsl.js'); } create () { const s1 = ` /* "Magic particles" by Emmanuel Keller aka Tambako - December 2015 License Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License. Contact: */ precision mediump float; uniform float time; uniform vec2 resolution; uniform sampler2D iChannel0; varying vec2 fragCoord; #define iTime time #define iResolution resolution vec4 texture(sampler2D s, vec2 c) { return texture2D(s,c); } vec4 texture(sampler2D s, vec2 c, float b) { return texture2D(s,c,b); } vec4 texture(samplerCube s, vec3 c ) { return textureCube(s,c); } vec4 texture(samplerCube s, vec3 c, float b) { return textureCube(s,c,b); } #define twopi 6.28319 // Please be careful, setting complexity > 1 may crash your browser! // 1: for mac computers // 2: for computers with normal graphic card // 3: for computers with good graphic cards // 4: for gaming computers #define complexity 1 // General particles constants #if complexity == 1 const int nb_particles = 95; // Number of particles on the screen at the same time. Be CAREFUL with big numbers of particles, 1000 is already a lot! #elif complexity == 2 const int nb_particles = 160; #elif complexity == 3 const int nb_particles = 280; #elif complexity == 4 const int nb_particles = 500; #endif const vec2 gen_scale = vec2(0.60, 0.45); // To scale the particle positions, not the particles themselves const vec2 middlepoint = vec2(0.35, 0.15); // Offset of the particles // Particle movement constants const vec2 gravitation = vec2(-0., -4.5); // Gravitation vector const vec3 main_x_freq = vec3(0.4, 0.66, 0.78); // 3 frequences (in Hz) of the harmonics of horizontal position of the main particle const vec3 main_x_amp = vec3(0.8, 0.24, 0.18); // 3 amplitudes of the harmonics of horizontal position of the main particle const vec3 main_x_phase = vec3(0., 45., 55.); // 3 phases (in degrees) of the harmonics of horizontal position of the main particle const vec3 main_y_freq = vec3(0.415, 0.61, 0.82); // 3 frequences (in Hz) of the harmonics of vertical position of the main particle const vec3 main_y_amp = vec3(0.72, 0.28, 0.15); // 3 amplitudes of the harmonics of vertical position of the main particle const vec3 main_y_phase = vec3(90., 120., 10.); // 3 phases (in degrees) of the harmonics of vertical position of the main particle const float part_timefact_min = 6.; // Specifies the minimum how many times the particle moves slower than the main particle when it's "launched" const float part_timefact_max = 20.; // Specifies the maximum how many times the particle moves slower than the main particle when it's "launched" const vec2 part_max_mov = vec2(0.28, 0.28); // Maxumum movement out of the trajectory in display units / s // Particle time constants const float time_factor = 0.75; // Time in s factor, <1. for slow motion, >1. for faster movement const float start_time = 2.5; // Time in s needed until all the nb_particles are "launched" const float grow_time_factor = 0.15; // Time in s particles need to reach their max intensity after they are "launched" #if complexity == 1 const float part_life_time_min = 0.9; // Minimum life time in s of a particle const float part_life_time_max = 1.9; // Maximum life time in s of a particle #elif complexity == 2 const float part_life_time_min = 1.0; const float part_life_time_max = 2.5; #elif complexity == 3 const float part_life_time_min = 1.1; const float part_life_time_max = 3.2; #elif complexity == 4 const float part_life_time_min = 1.2; const float part_life_time_max = 4.0; #endif // Particle intensity constants const float part_int_div = 40000.; // Divisor of the particle intensity. Tweak this value to make the particles more or less bright const float part_int_factor_min = 0.1; // Minimum initial intensity of a particle const float part_int_factor_max = 3.2; // Maximum initial intensity of a particle const float part_spark_min_int = 0.25; // Minimum sparkling intensity (factor of initial intensity) of a particle const float part_spark_max_int = 0.88; // Minimum sparkling intensity (factor of initial intensity) of a particle const float part_spark_min_freq = 2.5; // Minimum sparkling frequence in Hz of a particle const float part_spark_max_freq = 6.0; // Maximum sparkling frequence in Hz of a particle const float part_spark_time_freq_fact = 0.35; // Sparkling frequency factor at the end of the life of the particle const float mp_int = 12.; // Initial intensity of the main particle const float dist_factor = 3.; // Distance factor applied before calculating the intensity const float ppow = 2.3; // Exponent of the intensity in function of the distance // Particle color constants const float part_min_hue = -0.13; // Minimum particle hue shift (spectrum width = 1.) const float part_max_hue = 0.13; // Maximum particle hue shift (spectrum width = 1.) const float part_min_saturation = 0.5; // Minimum particle saturation (0. to 1.) const float part_max_saturation = 0.9; // Maximum particle saturation (0. to 1.) const float hue_time_factor = 0.035; // Time-based hue shift const float mp_hue = 0.5; // Hue (shift) of the main particle const float mp_saturation = 0.18; // Saturation (delta) of the main particle // Particle star constants const vec2 part_starhv_dfac = vec2(9., 0.32); // x-y transformation vector of the distance to get the horizontal and vertical star branches const float part_starhv_ifac = 0.25; // Intensity factor of the horizontal and vertical star branches const vec2 part_stardiag_dfac = vec2(13., 0.61); // x-y transformation vector of the distance to get the diagonal star branches const float part_stardiag_ifac = 0.19; // Intensity factor of the diagonal star branches const float mb_factor = 0.73; // Mix factor for the multipass motion blur factor // Variables float pst; float plt; float runnr; float time2; float time3; float time4; // From vec3 hsv2rgb (vec3 hsv) { // from HSV to RGB color vector hsv.yz = clamp (hsv.yz, 0.0, 1.0); return hsv.z*(0.63*hsv.y*(cos(twopi*(hsv.x + vec3(0.0, 2.0/3.0, 1.0/3.0))) - 1.0) + 1.0); } // Simple "random" function float random(float co) { return fract(sin(co*12.989) * 43758.545); } // Gets the time at which a paticle is starting its "life" float getParticleStartTime(int partnr) { return start_time*random(float(partnr*2)); } // Harmonic calculation, base is a vec4 float harms(vec3 freq, vec3 amp, vec3 phase, float time) { float val = 0.; for (int h=0; h<3; h++) val+= amp[h]*cos(time*freq[h]*twopi + phase[h]/360.*twopi); return (1. + val)/2.; } // Gets the position of a particle in function of its number and the time vec2 getParticlePosition(int partnr) { // Particle "local" time, when a particle is "reborn" its time starts with 0.0 float part_timefact = mix(part_timefact_min, part_timefact_max, random(float(partnr*2 + 94) + runnr*1.5)); float ptime = (runnr*plt + pst)*(-1./part_timefact + 1.) + time2/part_timefact; vec2 ppos = vec2(harms(main_x_freq, main_x_amp, main_x_phase, ptime), harms(main_y_freq, main_y_amp, main_y_phase, ptime)) + middlepoint; // Particles randomly get away the main particle's orbit, in a linear fashion vec2 delta_pos = part_max_mov*(vec2(random(float(partnr*3-23) + runnr*4.), random(float(partnr*7+632) - runnr*2.5))-0.5)*(time3 - pst); // Calculation of the effect of the gravitation on the particles vec2 grav_pos = gravitation*pow(time4, 2.)/250.; return (ppos + delta_pos + grav_pos)*gen_scale; } // Gets the position of the main particle in function of the time vec2 getParticlePosition_mp() { vec2 ppos = vec2(harms(main_x_freq, main_x_amp, main_x_phase, time2), harms(main_y_freq, main_y_amp, main_y_phase, time2)) + middlepoint; return gen_scale*ppos; } // Gets the rgb color of a particle in function of its intensity and number vec3 getParticleColor(int partnr, float pint) { float hue; float saturation; saturation = mix(part_min_saturation, part_max_saturation, random(float(partnr*6 + 44) + runnr*3.3))*0.45/pint; hue = mix(part_min_hue, part_max_hue, random(float(partnr + 124) + runnr*1.5)) + hue_time_factor*time2; return hsv2rgb(vec3(hue, saturation, pint)); } // Gets the rgb color the main particle in function of its intensity vec3 getParticleColor_mp( float pint) { float hue; float saturation; saturation = 0.75/pow(pint, 2.5) + mp_saturation; hue = hue_time_factor*time2 + mp_hue; return hsv2rgb(vec3(hue, saturation, pint)); } // Main function to draw particles, outputs the rgb color. vec3 drawParticles(vec2 uv, float timedelta) { // Here the time is "stetched" with the time factor, so that you can make a slow motion effect for example time2 = time_factor*(iTime + timedelta); vec3 pcol = vec3(0.); // Main particles loop for (int i=1; ipst) // Doesn't draw the paricle at the start //{ runnr = floor((time2 - pst)/plt); // Number of the "life" of a particle vec2 ppos = getParticlePosition(i); float dist = distance(uv, ppos); //if (dist<0.05) // When the current point is further than a certain distance, its impact is neglectable //{ // Draws the eight-branched star // Horizontal and vertical branches vec2 uvppos = uv - ppos; float distv = distance(uvppos*part_starhv_dfac + ppos, ppos); float disth = distance(uvppos*part_starhv_dfac.yx + ppos, ppos); // Diagonal branches vec2 uvpposd = 0.707*vec2(dot(uvppos, vec2(1., 1.)), dot(uvppos, vec2(1., -1.))); float distd1 = distance(uvpposd*part_stardiag_dfac + ppos, ppos); float distd2 = distance(uvpposd*part_stardiag_dfac.yx + ppos, ppos); // Initial intensity (random) float pint0 = mix(part_int_factor_min, part_int_factor_max, random(runnr*4. + float(i-55))); // Middle point intensity star inensity float pint1 = 1./(dist*dist_factor + 0.015) + part_starhv_ifac/(disth*dist_factor + 0.01) + part_starhv_ifac/(distv*dist_factor + 0.01) + part_stardiag_ifac/(distd1*dist_factor + 0.01) + part_stardiag_ifac/(distd2*dist_factor + 0.01); // One neglects the intentity smaller than a certain threshold //if (pint0*pint1>16.) //{ // Intensity curve and fading over time float pint = pint0*(pow(pint1, ppow)/part_int_div)*(-time4/plt + 1.); // Initial growing of the paricle's intensity pint*= smoothstep(0., grow_time_factor*plt, time4); // "Sparkling" of the particles float sparkfreq = clamp(part_spark_time_freq_fact*time4, 0., 1.)*part_spark_min_freq + random(float(i*5 + 72) - runnr*1.8)*(part_spark_max_freq - part_spark_min_freq); pint*= mix(part_spark_min_int, part_spark_max_int, random(float(i*7 - 621) - runnr*12.))*sin(sparkfreq*twopi*time2)/2. + 1.; // Adds the current intensity to the global intensity pcol+= getParticleColor(i, pint); //} //} //} } // Main particle vec2 ppos = getParticlePosition_mp(); float dist = distance(uv, ppos); // Draws the eight-branched star // Horizontal and vertical branches vec2 uvppos = uv - ppos; float distv = distance(uvppos*part_starhv_dfac + ppos, ppos); float disth = distance(uvppos*part_starhv_dfac.yx + ppos, ppos); // Diagonal branches vec2 uvpposd = 0.7071*vec2(dot(uvppos, vec2(1., 1.)), dot(uvppos, vec2(1., -1.))); float distd1 = distance(uvpposd*part_stardiag_dfac + ppos, ppos); float distd2 = distance(uvpposd*part_stardiag_dfac.yx + ppos, ppos); // Middle point intensity star inensity float pint1 = 1./(dist*dist_factor + 0.015) + part_starhv_ifac/(disth*dist_factor + 0.01) + part_starhv_ifac/(distv*dist_factor + 0.01) + part_stardiag_ifac/(distd1*dist_factor + 0.01) + part_stardiag_ifac/(distd2*dist_factor + 0.01); if (part_int_factor_max*pint1>6.) { float pint = part_int_factor_max*(pow(pint1, ppow)/part_int_div)*mp_int; pcol+= getParticleColor_mp(pint); } return pcol; } void mainImage(out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord) { vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xx; // Multipass motion blur vec2 uv2 = fragCoord.xy / iResolution.xy; vec3 pcolor = texture(iChannel0,uv2).rgb*mb_factor; // Background gradient //vec3 pcolor = vec3(0., (0.6 - uv.y)/10., (1. - uv.y)/9.); //vec3 pcolor = texture(iChannel0,uv).rgb*0.4; pcolor+= drawParticles(uv,0.)*0.9; // We're done! fragColor = vec4(pcolor, 0.); } void main(void) { mainImage(gl_FragColor, fragCoord.xy); } `; // Create our BaseShader object using the fragment source above (and the default vertex source): const baseShader1 = new Phaser.Display.BaseShader('BufferA', s1); const s2 = ` precision mediump float; uniform float time; uniform vec2 resolution; uniform sampler2D iChannel0; varying vec2 fragCoord; #define iTime time #define iResolution resolution vec4 texture(sampler2D s, vec2 c) { return texture2D(s,c); } vec4 texture(sampler2D s, vec2 c, float b) { return texture2D(s,c,b); } void mainImage( out vec4 fragColor, in vec2 fragCoord ) { vec2 uv = fragCoord.xy / resolution.xy; fragColor = texture(iChannel0,uv); } void main(void) { mainImage(gl_FragColor, fragCoord.xy); } `; const baseShader2 = new Phaser.Display.BaseShader('BufferB', s2); const shader1 = this.add.shader(baseShader1, 400, 300, 512, 512); shader1.setRenderToTexture('blah'); const shader2 = this.add.shader(baseShader2, 400, 300, 512, 512); shader2.setRenderToTexture('blah2'); shader1.setSampler2D('iChannel0', 'blah2'); shader2.setSampler2D('iChannel0', 'blah'); this.add.image(400, 300, 'blah2'); } } const config = { type: Phaser.WEBGL, parent: 'phaser-example', width: 800, height: 600, scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);