class Boot extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('boot'); } init () { let element = document.createElement('style'); document.head.appendChild(element); element.sheet.insertRule('@font-face { font-family: "bebas"; src: url("assets/fonts/ttf/bebas.ttf") format("truetype"); }', 0); } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('bg', 'assets/skies/gradient26.png'); this.load.image('grid', 'assets/skies/grid.png'); this.load.script('webfont', '');'place', [ 'assets/audio/stacker/place.ogg', 'assets/audio/stacker/place.m4a' ]);'miss', [ 'assets/audio/stacker/miss.ogg', 'assets/audio/stacker/miss.m4a' ]);'gamelost', [ 'assets/audio/stacker/gamelost.ogg', 'assets/audio/stacker/gamelost.m4a' ]);'gamewon', [ 'assets/audio/stacker/gamewon.ogg', 'assets/audio/stacker/gamewon.m4a' ]); } create () { let scene = this.scene; WebFont.load({ custom: { families: [ 'bebas' ] }, active: function () { scene.start('instructions'); } }); } } class Instructions extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('instructions'); } create () { this.add.image(400, 300, 'bg'); this.add.image(400, 430, 'grid').setDisplaySize(800, 376); this.add.text(720, 0, 'S\n t\na\n c\nk\n e\nr', { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 74, color: '#ffffff', lineSpacing: -10 }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.add.text(20, 40, 'Instructions', { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 70, color: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); var help = [ 'Build a tower all the way to the top of the screen', 'to win big "prizes"! Place rows of blocks on top', 'of each other, but be careful: it gets faster each', 'time, you lose blocks if you don\'t land perfectly,', 'and you automatically shrink after rows 5 and 10!' ]; this.add.text(20, 180, help, { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 30, color: '#ffffff', lineSpacing: 6 }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.add.text(20, 450, 'Space Bar or Click to Place a Row', { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 40, color: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.input.keyboard.once('keydown_SPACE', this.start, this); this.input.once('pointerdown', this.start, this); } start () { this.scene.start('game'); } } class StackerGame extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('game'); this.grid; this.gridWidth = 7; this.gridHeight = 15; this.gridSize = 32; this.block1; this.block2; this.block3; this.speed = 250; this.direction = 0; this.currentY = 0; this.timer; this.offset = { x: this.gridSize * 6, y: this.gridSize * 2 }; } init () { this.grid = []; this.speed = 250; this.direction = 0; this.currentY = this.gridHeight; } create () { let ox = this.offset.x; let oy = this.offset.y; let gw = this.gridWidth; let gh = this.gridHeight; let size = this.gridSize; let rows = [ 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]; let prizes = [ 'Major Prize!', '', '' ,'' ,'', 'Minor Prize', '', '' ,'' ,'', 'Bonus' ]; this.add.image(400, 300, 'bg'); this.add.image(400, 430, 'grid').setDisplaySize(800, 376); this.add.text(720, 0, 'S\n t\na\n c\nk\n e\nr', { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 74, color: '#ffffff', lineSpacing: -10 }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.add.text(ox - 32, oy, rows, { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 26, color: '#ffffff', align: 'right' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.add.text(ox + (gw * size) + size/2, oy, prizes, { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 26, color: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.add.grid(ox, oy, gw * size, gh * size, size, size, 0x999999, 1, 0x666666).setOrigin(0); this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.SPACE); this.block1 = this.add.rectangle(ox + size * 2, oy + (this.currentY - 1) * size, size - 1, size - 1, 0x99ffff).setOrigin(0); this.block2 = this.add.rectangle(ox + size * 3, oy + (this.currentY - 1) * size, size - 1, size - 1, 0x99ffff).setOrigin(0); this.block3 = this.add.rectangle(ox + size * 4, oy + (this.currentY - 1) * size, size - 1, size - 1, 0x99ffff).setOrigin(0); for (var y = 0; y < gh; y++) { this.grid.push([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]); } this.timer = this.time.addEvent({ delay: this.speed, callback: this.moveBlocks, callbackScope: this, loop: true }); this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_SPACE', this.drop, this); this.input.on('pointerdown', this.drop, this); } getGridX (block) { return (block.x - this.offset.x) / this.gridSize; } hasBlockBelow (block) { return (block && this.grid[this.currentY][this.getGridX(block)]); } totalBlocks () { let total = 0; if (this.block1) { total++; } if (this.block2) { total++; } if (this.block3) { total++; } return total; } moveBlocks () { let block1 = this.block1; let block2 = this.block2; let block3 = this.block3; let size = this.gridSize; let gw = this.gridWidth; if (this.direction === 0) { // Moving right if (block1) { block1.x += size; if (this.getGridX(block1) === gw - 1) { this.direction = 1; } } if (block2) { block2.x += size; if (this.getGridX(block2) === gw - 1) { this.direction = 1; } } if (block3) { block3.x += size; if (this.getGridX(block3) === gw - 1) { this.direction = 1; } } } else { // Moving left if (block1) { block1.x -= size; if (block1 && this.getGridX(block1) === 0) { this.direction = 0; } } if (block2) { block2.x -= size; if (block2 && this.getGridX(block2) === 0) { this.direction = 0; } } if (block3) { block3.x -= size; if (block3 && this.getGridX(block3) === 0) { this.direction = 0; } } } } drop () { this.timer.remove(false); let pos1 = (this.block1) ? this.getGridX(this.block1) : -1; let pos2 = (this.block2) ? this.getGridX(this.block2) : -1; let pos3 = (this.block3) ? this.getGridX(this.block3) : -1; let mapY = this.currentY - 1; if (this.currentY === this.gridHeight) { // Is this the first row? If so we just drop and carry on. this.grid[mapY][pos1] = 1; this.grid[mapY][pos2] = 1; this.grid[mapY][pos3] = 1;'place'); this.nextRow(); } else { // Can we drop? First check all 3 blocks. If none of them have anything // below then it's game over. var droppedOne = false; if (!this.hasBlockBelow(this.block1) && !this.hasBlockBelow(this.block2) && !this.hasBlockBelow(this.block3)) { this.gameOver(); } else { // Drop them one by one if (this.block1) { if (this.hasBlockBelow(this.block1)) { // There's something below this block, so we're good to carry on this.grid[mapY][pos1] = 1; } else { // There's nothing below this block, so they lose it this.block1.visible = false; this.block1 = null; droppedOne = true; } } if (this.block2) { if (this.hasBlockBelow(this.block2)) { // There's something below this block, so we're good to carry on this.grid[mapY][pos2] = 1; } else { // There's nothing below this block, so they lose it this.block2.visible = false; this.block2 = null; droppedOne = true; } } if (this.block3) { if (this.hasBlockBelow(this.block3)) { // There's something below this block, so we're good to carry on this.grid[mapY][pos3] = 1; } else { // There's nothing below this block, so they lose it this.block3.visible = false; this.block3 = null; droppedOne = true; } } if (this.block1 || this.block2 || this.block3) { if (this.currentY === 1) { this.currentY--; this.gameOver(); } else { if (droppedOne) {'miss'); } else {'place'); } this.nextRow(); } } else { this.gameOver(); } } } } nextRow () { this.currentY--; if (this.currentY === 10 || this.currentY === 5) { this.speed -= (this.currentY === 10) ? 100 : 50; // We also need to remove a block if they've still got the full amount if (this.currentY === 10 && this.totalBlocks() === 3) { // 3 down to 2 this.block1 = null; } else if (this.currentY === 5 && this.totalBlocks() === 2) { // 2 down to 1 if (this.block1 && this.block2 || this.block1 && this.block3) { this.block1 = null; } else { this.block2 = null; } } } // Pick either left or right to appear from let side = 0; let size = this.gridSize; let shift = size; let ox = this.offset.x; let oy = this.offset.y; if (Math.random() >= 0.5) { this.direction = 1; side = (this.gridWidth - 1) * size; shift = -size; } else { this.direction = 0; } if (this.block1) { this.block1 = this.add.rectangle(ox + side, oy + (this.currentY - 1) * size, size - 1, size - 1, 0x99ffff).setOrigin(0); side += shift; } if (this.block2) { this.block2 = this.add.rectangle(ox + side, oy + (this.currentY - 1) * size, size - 1, size - 1, 0x99ffff).setOrigin(0); side += shift; } if (this.block3) { this.block3 = this.add.rectangle(ox + side, oy + (this.currentY - 1) * size, size - 1, size - 1, 0x99ffff).setOrigin(0); } this.timer = this.time.addEvent({ delay: this.speed, callback: this.moveBlocks, callbackScope: this, loop: true }); } gameOver () { this.timer.remove(false);'keydown_SPACE', this.drop);'pointerdown', this.drop); this.registry.set('score', this.gridHeight - this.currentY); this.scene.pause();'gameOver'); } } class GameOver extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('gameOver'); } create () { this.add.rectangle(400, 300, 640, 500, 0x000000, 0.7); var list = [ 'Tiny Bonus:', '', 'Minor Prize:', '', 'Major Prize:' ]; var prizes1 = [ 'A Paperclip', 'Half-eaten Sandwich', 'A Boiled Egg', 'Used Gum', 'A Goldfish', 'A Book about Flash' ]; var prizes2 = [ 'Mario Stickers', 'SNES Joypad', 'Superman Cape', 'Contra Poster', 'Bubble Machine', 'X-Ray Specs', 'Skateboard' ]; var prizes3 = [ 'Playstation 4', 'A Tardis', 'An X-Wing', 'Super Nintendo', 'Arcade Machine', 'Dragon Egg', 'Personal Cyborg' ]; var score = this.registry.get('score'); console.log(score); var prizelist = [ 'Nothing (Complete 5 rows)', '', 'Nothing (Complete 10 rows)', '', 'Nothing (Complete 15 rows)' ]; var title = 'GAME OVER!'; if (score >= 5) { prizelist[0] = Phaser.Utils.Array.GetRandom(prizes1); } if (score >= 10) { prizelist[2] = Phaser.Utils.Array.GetRandom(prizes2); } if (score === 15) { prizelist[4] = Phaser.Utils.Array.GetRandom(prizes3); title = 'GAME WON!'; } if (score < 5) {'gamelost'); } else {'gamewon'); } this.add.text(400, 120, title, { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 80, color: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true).setOrigin(0.5); this.add.text(400, 200, 'Let\'s see what you have won:', { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 26, color: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true).setOrigin(0.5); this.add.text(100, 270, list, { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 26, color: '#ffffff', align: 'right' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.add.text(260, 270, prizelist, { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 26, color: '#ffff00' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.add.text(400, 500, 'Space or Click to try again', { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 26, color: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true).setOrigin(0.5); this.input.keyboard.once('keydown_SPACE', this.restart, this); this.input.once('pointerdown', this.restart, this); } restart () { this.scene.start('game'); } } var config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, parent: 'phaser-example', scene: [ Boot, Instructions, StackerGame, GameOver ] }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config);
class Boot extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('boot'); } init () { let element = document.createElement('style'); document.head.appendChild(element); element.sheet.insertRule('@font-face { font-family: "bebas"; src: url("assets/fonts/ttf/bebas.ttf") format("truetype"); }', 0); } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('bg', 'assets/skies/gradient26.png'); this.load.image('grid', 'assets/skies/grid.png'); this.load.script('webfont', '');'place', [ 'assets/audio/stacker/place.ogg', 'assets/audio/stacker/place.m4a' ]);'miss', [ 'assets/audio/stacker/miss.ogg', 'assets/audio/stacker/miss.m4a' ]);'gamelost', [ 'assets/audio/stacker/gamelost.ogg', 'assets/audio/stacker/gamelost.m4a' ]);'gamewon', [ 'assets/audio/stacker/gamewon.ogg', 'assets/audio/stacker/gamewon.m4a' ]); } create () { let scene = this.scene; WebFont.load({ custom: { families: [ 'bebas' ] }, active: function () { scene.start('instructions'); } }); } } class Instructions extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('instructions'); } create () { this.add.image(400, 300, 'bg'); this.add.image(400, 430, 'grid').setDisplaySize(800, 376); this.add.text(720, 0, 'S\n t\na\n c\nk\n e\nr', { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 74, color: '#ffffff', lineSpacing: -10 }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.add.text(20, 40, 'Instructions', { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 70, color: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); var help = [ 'Build a tower all the way to the top of the screen', 'to win big "prizes"! Place rows of blocks on top', 'of each other, but be careful: it gets faster each', 'time, you lose blocks if you don\'t land perfectly,', 'and you automatically shrink after rows 5 and 10!' ]; this.add.text(20, 180, help, { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 30, color: '#ffffff', lineSpacing: 6 }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.add.text(20, 450, 'Space Bar or Click to Place a Row', { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 40, color: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.input.keyboard.once('keydown_SPACE', this.start, this); this.input.once('pointerdown', this.start, this); } start () { this.scene.start('game'); } } class StackerGame extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('game'); this.grid; this.gridWidth = 7; this.gridHeight = 15; this.gridSize = 32; this.block1; this.block2; this.block3; this.speed = 250; this.direction = 0; this.currentY = 0; this.timer; this.offset = { x: this.gridSize * 6, y: this.gridSize * 2 }; } init () { this.grid = []; this.speed = 250; this.direction = 0; this.currentY = this.gridHeight; } create () { let ox = this.offset.x; let oy = this.offset.y; let gw = this.gridWidth; let gh = this.gridHeight; let size = this.gridSize; let rows = [ 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 ]; let prizes = [ 'Major Prize!', '', '' ,'' ,'', 'Minor Prize', '', '' ,'' ,'', 'Bonus' ]; this.add.image(400, 300, 'bg'); this.add.image(400, 430, 'grid').setDisplaySize(800, 376); this.add.text(720, 0, 'S\n t\na\n c\nk\n e\nr', { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 74, color: '#ffffff', lineSpacing: -10 }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.add.text(ox - 32, oy, rows, { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 26, color: '#ffffff', align: 'right' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.add.text(ox + (gw * size) + size/2, oy, prizes, { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 26, color: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.add.grid(ox, oy, gw * size, gh * size, size, size, 0x999999, 1, 0x666666).setOrigin(0); this.input.keyboard.addKey(Phaser.Input.Keyboard.KeyCodes.SPACE); this.block1 = this.add.rectangle(ox + size * 2, oy + (this.currentY - 1) * size, size - 1, size - 1, 0x99ffff).setOrigin(0); this.block2 = this.add.rectangle(ox + size * 3, oy + (this.currentY - 1) * size, size - 1, size - 1, 0x99ffff).setOrigin(0); this.block3 = this.add.rectangle(ox + size * 4, oy + (this.currentY - 1) * size, size - 1, size - 1, 0x99ffff).setOrigin(0); for (var y = 0; y < gh; y++) { this.grid.push([ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]); } this.timer = this.time.addEvent({ delay: this.speed, callback: this.moveBlocks, callbackScope: this, loop: true }); this.input.keyboard.on('keydown_SPACE', this.drop, this); this.input.on('pointerdown', this.drop, this); } getGridX (block) { return (block.x - this.offset.x) / this.gridSize; } hasBlockBelow (block) { return (block && this.grid[this.currentY][this.getGridX(block)]); } totalBlocks () { let total = 0; if (this.block1) { total++; } if (this.block2) { total++; } if (this.block3) { total++; } return total; } moveBlocks () { let block1 = this.block1; let block2 = this.block2; let block3 = this.block3; let size = this.gridSize; let gw = this.gridWidth; if (this.direction === 0) { // Moving right if (block1) { block1.x += size; if (this.getGridX(block1) === gw - 1) { this.direction = 1; } } if (block2) { block2.x += size; if (this.getGridX(block2) === gw - 1) { this.direction = 1; } } if (block3) { block3.x += size; if (this.getGridX(block3) === gw - 1) { this.direction = 1; } } } else { // Moving left if (block1) { block1.x -= size; if (block1 && this.getGridX(block1) === 0) { this.direction = 0; } } if (block2) { block2.x -= size; if (block2 && this.getGridX(block2) === 0) { this.direction = 0; } } if (block3) { block3.x -= size; if (block3 && this.getGridX(block3) === 0) { this.direction = 0; } } } } drop () { this.timer.remove(false); let pos1 = (this.block1) ? this.getGridX(this.block1) : -1; let pos2 = (this.block2) ? this.getGridX(this.block2) : -1; let pos3 = (this.block3) ? this.getGridX(this.block3) : -1; let mapY = this.currentY - 1; if (this.currentY === this.gridHeight) { // Is this the first row? If so we just drop and carry on. this.grid[mapY][pos1] = 1; this.grid[mapY][pos2] = 1; this.grid[mapY][pos3] = 1;'place'); this.nextRow(); } else { // Can we drop? First check all 3 blocks. If none of them have anything // below then it's game over. var droppedOne = false; if (!this.hasBlockBelow(this.block1) && !this.hasBlockBelow(this.block2) && !this.hasBlockBelow(this.block3)) { this.gameOver(); } else { // Drop them one by one if (this.block1) { if (this.hasBlockBelow(this.block1)) { // There's something below this block, so we're good to carry on this.grid[mapY][pos1] = 1; } else { // There's nothing below this block, so they lose it this.block1.visible = false; this.block1 = null; droppedOne = true; } } if (this.block2) { if (this.hasBlockBelow(this.block2)) { // There's something below this block, so we're good to carry on this.grid[mapY][pos2] = 1; } else { // There's nothing below this block, so they lose it this.block2.visible = false; this.block2 = null; droppedOne = true; } } if (this.block3) { if (this.hasBlockBelow(this.block3)) { // There's something below this block, so we're good to carry on this.grid[mapY][pos3] = 1; } else { // There's nothing below this block, so they lose it this.block3.visible = false; this.block3 = null; droppedOne = true; } } if (this.block1 || this.block2 || this.block3) { if (this.currentY === 1) { this.currentY--; this.gameOver(); } else { if (droppedOne) {'miss'); } else {'place'); } this.nextRow(); } } else { this.gameOver(); } } } } nextRow () { this.currentY--; if (this.currentY === 10 || this.currentY === 5) { this.speed -= (this.currentY === 10) ? 100 : 50; // We also need to remove a block if they've still got the full amount if (this.currentY === 10 && this.totalBlocks() === 3) { // 3 down to 2 this.block1 = null; } else if (this.currentY === 5 && this.totalBlocks() === 2) { // 2 down to 1 if (this.block1 && this.block2 || this.block1 && this.block3) { this.block1 = null; } else { this.block2 = null; } } } // Pick either left or right to appear from let side = 0; let size = this.gridSize; let shift = size; let ox = this.offset.x; let oy = this.offset.y; if (Math.random() >= 0.5) { this.direction = 1; side = (this.gridWidth - 1) * size; shift = -size; } else { this.direction = 0; } if (this.block1) { this.block1 = this.add.rectangle(ox + side, oy + (this.currentY - 1) * size, size - 1, size - 1, 0x99ffff).setOrigin(0); side += shift; } if (this.block2) { this.block2 = this.add.rectangle(ox + side, oy + (this.currentY - 1) * size, size - 1, size - 1, 0x99ffff).setOrigin(0); side += shift; } if (this.block3) { this.block3 = this.add.rectangle(ox + side, oy + (this.currentY - 1) * size, size - 1, size - 1, 0x99ffff).setOrigin(0); } this.timer = this.time.addEvent({ delay: this.speed, callback: this.moveBlocks, callbackScope: this, loop: true }); } gameOver () { this.timer.remove(false);'keydown_SPACE', this.drop);'pointerdown', this.drop); this.registry.set('score', this.gridHeight - this.currentY); this.scene.pause();'gameOver'); } } class GameOver extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super('gameOver'); } create () { this.add.rectangle(400, 300, 640, 500, 0x000000, 0.7); var list = [ 'Tiny Bonus:', '', 'Minor Prize:', '', 'Major Prize:' ]; var prizes1 = [ 'A Paperclip', 'Half-eaten Sandwich', 'A Boiled Egg', 'Used Gum', 'A Goldfish', 'A Book about Flash' ]; var prizes2 = [ 'Mario Stickers', 'SNES Joypad', 'Superman Cape', 'Contra Poster', 'Bubble Machine', 'X-Ray Specs', 'Skateboard' ]; var prizes3 = [ 'Playstation 4', 'A Tardis', 'An X-Wing', 'Super Nintendo', 'Arcade Machine', 'Dragon Egg', 'Personal Cyborg' ]; var score = this.registry.get('score'); console.log(score); var prizelist = [ 'Nothing (Complete 5 rows)', '', 'Nothing (Complete 10 rows)', '', 'Nothing (Complete 15 rows)' ]; var title = 'GAME OVER!'; if (score >= 5) { prizelist[0] = Phaser.Utils.Array.GetRandom(prizes1); } if (score >= 10) { prizelist[2] = Phaser.Utils.Array.GetRandom(prizes2); } if (score === 15) { prizelist[4] = Phaser.Utils.Array.GetRandom(prizes3); title = 'GAME WON!'; } if (score < 5) {'gamelost'); } else {'gamewon'); } this.add.text(400, 120, title, { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 80, color: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true).setOrigin(0.5); this.add.text(400, 200, 'Let\'s see what you have won:', { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 26, color: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true).setOrigin(0.5); this.add.text(100, 270, list, { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 26, color: '#ffffff', align: 'right' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.add.text(260, 270, prizelist, { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 26, color: '#ffff00' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true); this.add.text(400, 500, 'Space or Click to try again', { fontFamily: 'bebas', fontSize: 26, color: '#ffffff' }).setShadow(2, 2, "#333333", 2, false, true).setOrigin(0.5); this.input.keyboard.once('keydown_SPACE', this.restart, this); this.input.once('pointerdown', this.restart, this); } restart () { this.scene.start('game'); } } var config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, parent: 'phaser-example', scene: [ Boot, Instructions, StackerGame, GameOver ] }; var game = new Phaser.Game(config);