class Example extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super(); } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('bg', 'assets/pics/purple-bars.jpg'); this.load.image('monitor', 'assets/pics/commodore1084.png'); } create () { this.add.image(440, 340, 'bg'); const text = this.add.text(440, 40, 'Connecting to Webcam ...', { font: '32px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' }).setShadow(1, 1).setDepth(1).setOrigin(0.5); const video =, 76).setOrigin(0).setVisible(false); video.on('locked', () => { text.setText('Click to unlock video'); }); video.on('play', () => { text.setVisible(false); }); video.once('created', () => { // Resize the video stream to fit our monitor once the texture has been created video.setDisplaySize(716, 504).setVisible(true); }); navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: false }).then((stream) => { video.loadMediaStream(stream, true);; }) .catch((err) => { text.setText(`Error: ${err}`); }); this.add.image(440, 340, 'monitor'); } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 880, height: 680, backgroundColor: '#000000', parent: 'phaser-example', scene: Example }; let game = new Phaser.Game(config);
Scan to open on your mobile device
class Example extends Phaser.Scene { constructor () { super(); } preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('bg', 'assets/pics/purple-bars.jpg'); this.load.image('monitor', 'assets/pics/commodore1084.png'); } create () { this.add.image(440, 340, 'bg'); const text = this.add.text(440, 40, 'Connecting to Webcam ...', { font: '32px Courier', fill: '#00ff00' }).setShadow(1, 1).setDepth(1).setOrigin(0.5); const video =, 76).setOrigin(0).setVisible(false); video.on('locked', () => { text.setText('Click to unlock video'); }); video.on('play', () => { text.setVisible(false); }); video.once('created', () => { // Resize the video stream to fit our monitor once the texture has been created video.setDisplaySize(716, 504).setVisible(true); }); navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ video: true, audio: false }).then((stream) => { video.loadMediaStream(stream, true);; }) .catch((err) => { text.setText(`Error: ${err}`); }); this.add.image(440, 340, 'monitor'); } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 880, height: 680, backgroundColor: '#000000', parent: 'phaser-example', scene: Example }; let game = new Phaser.Game(config);