var config = { type: Phaser.WEBGL, width: 640, height: 480, backgroundColor: '#bfcc00', parent: 'phaser-example', scene: { preload: preload, create: create, update: update } }; var snake; var food; var cursors; // Direction consts var UP = 0; var DOWN = 1; var LEFT = 2; var RIGHT = 3; var game = new Phaser.Game(config); function preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('food', 'assets/games/snake/food.png'); this.load.image('body', 'assets/games/snake/body.png'); } function create () { var Food = new Phaser.Class({ Extends: Phaser.GameObjects.Image, initialize: function Food (scene, x, y) {, scene) this.setTexture('food'); this.setPosition(x * 16, y * 16); this.setOrigin(0); = 0; scene.children.add(this); }, eat: function () {; } }); var Snake = new Phaser.Class({ initialize: function Snake (scene, x, y) { this.headPosition = new Phaser.Geom.Point(x, y); this.body =; this.head = this.body.create(x * 16, y * 16, 'body'); this.head.setOrigin(0); this.alive = true; this.speed = 100; this.moveTime = 0; this.tail = new Phaser.Geom.Point(x, y); this.heading = RIGHT; this.direction = RIGHT; }, update: function (time) { if (time >= this.moveTime) { return this.move(time); } }, faceLeft: function () { if (this.direction === UP || this.direction === DOWN) { this.heading = LEFT; } }, faceRight: function () { if (this.direction === UP || this.direction === DOWN) { this.heading = RIGHT; } }, faceUp: function () { if (this.direction === LEFT || this.direction === RIGHT) { this.heading = UP; } }, faceDown: function () { if (this.direction === LEFT || this.direction === RIGHT) { this.heading = DOWN; } }, move: function (time) { /** * Based on the heading property (which is the direction the pgroup pressed) * we update the headPosition value accordingly. * * The Math.wrap call allow the snake to wrap around the screen, so when * it goes off any of the sides it re-appears on the other. */ switch (this.heading) { case LEFT: this.headPosition.x = Phaser.Math.Wrap(this.headPosition.x - 1, 0, 40); break; case RIGHT: this.headPosition.x = Phaser.Math.Wrap(this.headPosition.x + 1, 0, 40); break; case UP: this.headPosition.y = Phaser.Math.Wrap(this.headPosition.y - 1, 0, 30); break; case DOWN: this.headPosition.y = Phaser.Math.Wrap(this.headPosition.y + 1, 0, 30); break; } this.direction = this.heading; // Update the body segments and place the last coordinate into this.tail Phaser.Actions.ShiftPosition(this.body.getChildren(), this.headPosition.x * 16, this.headPosition.y * 16, 1, this.tail); // Check to see if any of the body pieces have the same x/y as the head // If they do, the head ran into the body var hitBody = Phaser.Actions.GetFirst(this.body.getChildren(), { x: this.head.x, y: this.head.y }, 1); if (hitBody) { console.log('dead'); this.alive = false; return false; } else { // Update the timer ready for the next movement this.moveTime = time + this.speed; return true; } }, grow: function () { var newPart = this.body.create(this.tail.x, this.tail.y, 'body'); newPart.setOrigin(0); }, collideWithFood: function (food) { if (this.head.x === food.x && this.head.y === food.y) { this.grow();; // For every 5 items of food eaten we'll increase the snake speed a little if (this.speed > 20 && % 5 === 0) { this.speed -= 5; } return true; } else { return false; } }, updateGrid: function (grid) { // Remove all body pieces from valid positions list this.body.children.each(function (segment) { var bx = segment.x / 16; var by = segment.y / 16; grid[by][bx] = false; }); return grid; } }); food = new Food(this, 3, 4); snake = new Snake(this, 8, 8); // Create our keyboard controls cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); } function update (time, delta) { if (!snake.alive) { return; } /** * Check which key is pressed, and then change the direction the snake * is heading based on that. The checks ensure you don't double-back * on yourself, for example if you're moving to the right and you press * the LEFT cursor, it ignores it, because the only valid directions you * can move in at that time is up and down. */ if (cursors.left.isDown) { snake.faceLeft(); } else if (cursors.right.isDown) { snake.faceRight(); } else if (cursors.up.isDown) { snake.faceUp(); } else if (cursors.down.isDown) { snake.faceDown(); } if (snake.update(time)) { // If the snake updated, we need to check for collision against food if (snake.collideWithFood(food)) { repositionFood(); } } } /** * We can place the food anywhere in our 40x30 grid * *except* on-top of the snake, so we need * to filter those out of the possible food locations. * If there aren't any locations left, they've won! * * @method repositionFood * @return {boolean} true if the food was placed, otherwise false */ function repositionFood () { // First create an array that assumes all positions // are valid for the new piece of food // A Grid we'll use to reposition the food each time it's eaten var testGrid = []; for (var y = 0; y < 30; y++) { testGrid[y] = []; for (var x = 0; x < 40; x++) { testGrid[y][x] = true; } } snake.updateGrid(testGrid); // Purge out false positions var validLocations = []; for (var y = 0; y < 30; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < 40; x++) { if (testGrid[y][x] === true) { // Is this position valid for food? If so, add it here ... validLocations.push({ x: x, y: y }); } } } if (validLocations.length > 0) { // Use the RNG to pick a random food position var pos = Phaser.Math.RND.pick(validLocations); // And place it food.setPosition(pos.x * 16, pos.y * 16); return true; } else { return false; } }
var config = { type: Phaser.WEBGL, width: 640, height: 480, backgroundColor: '#bfcc00', parent: 'phaser-example', scene: { preload: preload, create: create, update: update } }; var snake; var food; var cursors; // Direction consts var UP = 0; var DOWN = 1; var LEFT = 2; var RIGHT = 3; var game = new Phaser.Game(config); function preload () { this.load.setBaseURL(''); this.load.image('food', 'assets/games/snake/food.png'); this.load.image('body', 'assets/games/snake/body.png'); } function create () { var Food = new Phaser.Class({ Extends: Phaser.GameObjects.Image, initialize: function Food (scene, x, y) {, scene) this.setTexture('food'); this.setPosition(x * 16, y * 16); this.setOrigin(0); = 0; scene.children.add(this); }, eat: function () {; } }); var Snake = new Phaser.Class({ initialize: function Snake (scene, x, y) { this.headPosition = new Phaser.Geom.Point(x, y); this.body =; this.head = this.body.create(x * 16, y * 16, 'body'); this.head.setOrigin(0); this.alive = true; this.speed = 100; this.moveTime = 0; this.tail = new Phaser.Geom.Point(x, y); this.heading = RIGHT; this.direction = RIGHT; }, update: function (time) { if (time >= this.moveTime) { return this.move(time); } }, faceLeft: function () { if (this.direction === UP || this.direction === DOWN) { this.heading = LEFT; } }, faceRight: function () { if (this.direction === UP || this.direction === DOWN) { this.heading = RIGHT; } }, faceUp: function () { if (this.direction === LEFT || this.direction === RIGHT) { this.heading = UP; } }, faceDown: function () { if (this.direction === LEFT || this.direction === RIGHT) { this.heading = DOWN; } }, move: function (time) { /** * Based on the heading property (which is the direction the pgroup pressed) * we update the headPosition value accordingly. * * The Math.wrap call allow the snake to wrap around the screen, so when * it goes off any of the sides it re-appears on the other. */ switch (this.heading) { case LEFT: this.headPosition.x = Phaser.Math.Wrap(this.headPosition.x - 1, 0, 40); break; case RIGHT: this.headPosition.x = Phaser.Math.Wrap(this.headPosition.x + 1, 0, 40); break; case UP: this.headPosition.y = Phaser.Math.Wrap(this.headPosition.y - 1, 0, 30); break; case DOWN: this.headPosition.y = Phaser.Math.Wrap(this.headPosition.y + 1, 0, 30); break; } this.direction = this.heading; // Update the body segments and place the last coordinate into this.tail Phaser.Actions.ShiftPosition(this.body.getChildren(), this.headPosition.x * 16, this.headPosition.y * 16, 1, this.tail); // Check to see if any of the body pieces have the same x/y as the head // If they do, the head ran into the body var hitBody = Phaser.Actions.GetFirst(this.body.getChildren(), { x: this.head.x, y: this.head.y }, 1); if (hitBody) { console.log('dead'); this.alive = false; return false; } else { // Update the timer ready for the next movement this.moveTime = time + this.speed; return true; } }, grow: function () { var newPart = this.body.create(this.tail.x, this.tail.y, 'body'); newPart.setOrigin(0); }, collideWithFood: function (food) { if (this.head.x === food.x && this.head.y === food.y) { this.grow();; // For every 5 items of food eaten we'll increase the snake speed a little if (this.speed > 20 && % 5 === 0) { this.speed -= 5; } return true; } else { return false; } }, updateGrid: function (grid) { // Remove all body pieces from valid positions list this.body.children.each(function (segment) { var bx = segment.x / 16; var by = segment.y / 16; grid[by][bx] = false; }); return grid; } }); food = new Food(this, 3, 4); snake = new Snake(this, 8, 8); // Create our keyboard controls cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); } function update (time, delta) { if (!snake.alive) { return; } /** * Check which key is pressed, and then change the direction the snake * is heading based on that. The checks ensure you don't double-back * on yourself, for example if you're moving to the right and you press * the LEFT cursor, it ignores it, because the only valid directions you * can move in at that time is up and down. */ if (cursors.left.isDown) { snake.faceLeft(); } else if (cursors.right.isDown) { snake.faceRight(); } else if (cursors.up.isDown) { snake.faceUp(); } else if (cursors.down.isDown) { snake.faceDown(); } if (snake.update(time)) { // If the snake updated, we need to check for collision against food if (snake.collideWithFood(food)) { repositionFood(); } } } /** * We can place the food anywhere in our 40x30 grid * *except* on-top of the snake, so we need * to filter those out of the possible food locations. * If there aren't any locations left, they've won! * * @method repositionFood * @return {boolean} true if the food was placed, otherwise false */ function repositionFood () { // First create an array that assumes all positions // are valid for the new piece of food // A Grid we'll use to reposition the food each time it's eaten var testGrid = []; for (var y = 0; y < 30; y++) { testGrid[y] = []; for (var x = 0; x < 40; x++) { testGrid[y][x] = true; } } snake.updateGrid(testGrid); // Purge out false positions var validLocations = []; for (var y = 0; y < 30; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < 40; x++) { if (testGrid[y][x] === true) { // Is this position valid for food? If so, add it here ... validLocations.push({ x: x, y: y }); } } } if (validLocations.length > 0) { // Use the RNG to pick a random food position var pos = Phaser.Math.RND.pick(validLocations); // And place it food.setPosition(pos.x * 16, pos.y * 16); return true; } else { return false; } }