// Smoothed horizontal controls helper. This gives us a value between -1 and 1 depending on how long // the player has been pressing left or right, respectively. class SmoothedHorionztalControl { constructor(speed) { this.msSpeed = speed; this.value = 0; } moveLeft(delta) { if (this.value > 0) { this.reset(); } this.value -= this.msSpeed * delta; if (this.value < -1) { this.value = -1; } } moveRight(delta) { if (this.value < 0) { this.reset(); } this.value += this.msSpeed * delta; if (this.value > 1) { this.value = 1; } } reset() { this.value = 0; } } class Example extends Phaser.Scene { playerController; cursors; text; cam; smoothedControls; preload () { this.load.setBaseURL('https://cdn.phaserfiles.com/v385'); this.load.tilemapTiledJSON('map', 'assets/tilemaps/maps/matter-platformer.json'); this.load.image('kenney_redux_64x64', 'assets/tilemaps/tiles/kenney_redux_64x64.png'); this.load.spritesheet('player', 'assets/sprites/dude-cropped.png', { frameWidth: 32, frameHeight: 42 }); this.load.image('box', 'assets/sprites/box-item-boxed.png'); } create () { const map = this.make.tilemap({ key: 'map' }); const tileset = map.addTilesetImage('kenney_redux_64x64'); const layer = map.createLayer(0, tileset, 0, 0); // Set up the layer to have matter bodies. Any colliding tiles will be given a Matter body. map.setCollisionByProperty({ collides: true }); this.matter.world.convertTilemapLayer(layer); this.matter.world.setBounds(map.widthInPixels, map.heightInPixels); this.matter.world.createDebugGraphic(); this.matter.world.drawDebug = false; this.cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); this.smoothedControls = new SmoothedHorionztalControl(0.0005); // The player is a collection of bodies and sensors this.playerController = { matterSprite: this.matter.add.sprite(0, 0, 'player', 4), blocked: { left: false, right: false, bottom: false }, numTouching: { left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }, sensors: { bottom: null, left: null, right: null }, time: { leftDown: 0, rightDown: 0 }, lastJumpedAt: 0, speed: { run: 7, jump: 10 } }; const M = Phaser.Physics.Matter.Matter; const w = this.playerController.matterSprite.width; const h = this.playerController.matterSprite.height; // The player's body is going to be a compound body: // - playerBody is the solid body that will physically interact with the world. It has a // chamfer (rounded edges) to avoid the problem of ghost vertices: http://www.iforce2d.net/b2dtut/ghost-vertices // - Left/right/bottom sensors that will not interact physically but will allow us to check if // the player is standing on solid ground or pushed up against a solid object. // Move the sensor to player center const sx = w / 2; const sy = h / 2; // The player's body is going to be a compound body. const playerBody = M.Bodies.rectangle(sx, sy, w * 0.75, h, { chamfer: { radius: 10 } }); this.playerController.sensors.bottom = M.Bodies.rectangle(sx, h, sx, 5, { isSensor: true }); this.playerController.sensors.left = M.Bodies.rectangle(sx - w * 0.45, sy, 5, h * 0.25, { isSensor: true }); this.playerController.sensors.right = M.Bodies.rectangle(sx + w * 0.45, sy, 5, h * 0.25, { isSensor: true }); const compoundBody = M.Body.create({ parts: [ playerBody, this.playerController.sensors.bottom, this.playerController.sensors.left, this.playerController.sensors.right ], friction: 0.01, restitution: 0.05 // Prevent body from sticking against a wall }); this.playerController.matterSprite .setExistingBody(compoundBody) .setFixedRotation() // Sets max inertia to prevent rotation .setPosition(630, 1000); this.matter.add.image(630, 750, 'box'); this.matter.add.image(630, 650, 'box'); this.matter.add.image(630, 550, 'box'); this.cam = this.cameras.main; this.cam.setBounds(0, 0, map.widthInPixels, map.heightInPixels); this.smoothMoveCameraTowards(this.playerController.matterSprite); this.anims.create({ key: 'left', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('player', { start: 0, end: 3 }), frameRate: 10, repeat: -1 }); this.anims.create({ key: 'right', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('player', { start: 5, end: 8 }), frameRate: 10, repeat: -1 }); this.anims.create({ key: 'idle', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('player', { start: 4, end: 4 }), frameRate: 10, repeat: -1 }); // Use matter events to detect whether the player is touching a surface to the left, right or // bottom. // Before matter's update, reset the player's count of what surfaces it is touching. this.matter.world.on('beforeupdate', function (event) { this.playerController.numTouching.left = 0; this.playerController.numTouching.right = 0; this.playerController.numTouching.bottom = 0; }, this); // Loop over the active colliding pairs and count the surfaces the player is touching. this.matter.world.on('collisionactive', function (event) { const playerBody = this.playerController.body; const left = this.playerController.sensors.left; const right = this.playerController.sensors.right; const bottom = this.playerController.sensors.bottom; for (let i = 0; i < event.pairs.length; i++) { const bodyA = event.pairs[i].bodyA; const bodyB = event.pairs[i].bodyB; if (bodyA === playerBody || bodyB === playerBody) { continue; } else if (bodyA === bottom || bodyB === bottom) { // Standing on any surface counts (e.g. jumping off of a non-static crate). this.playerController.numTouching.bottom += 1; } else if ((bodyA === left && bodyB.isStatic) || (bodyB === left && bodyA.isStatic)) { // Only static objects count since we don't want to be blocked by an object that we // can push around. this.playerController.numTouching.left += 1; } else if ((bodyA === right && bodyB.isStatic) || (bodyB === right && bodyA.isStatic)) { this.playerController.numTouching.right += 1; } } }, this); // Update over, so now we can determine if any direction is blocked this.matter.world.on('afterupdate', function (event) { this.playerController.blocked.right = this.playerController.numTouching.right > 0 ? true : false; this.playerController.blocked.left = this.playerController.numTouching.left > 0 ? true : false; this.playerController.blocked.bottom = this.playerController.numTouching.bottom > 0 ? true : false; }, this); this.input.on('pointerdown', function () { this.matter.world.drawDebug = !this.matter.world.drawDebug; this.matter.world.debugGraphic.visible = this.matter.world.drawDebug; }, this); this.text = this.add.text(16, 16, '', { fontSize: '20px', padding: { x: 20, y: 10 }, backgroundColor: '#ffffff', fill: '#000000' }); this.text.setScrollFactor(0); this.updateText(); } update (time, delta) { const matterSprite = this.playerController.matterSprite; // Horizontal movement let oldVelocityX; let targetVelocityX; let newVelocityX; if (this.cursors.left.isDown && !this.playerController.blocked.left) { this.smoothedControls.moveLeft(delta); matterSprite.anims.play('left', true); // Lerp the velocity towards the max run using the smoothed controls. This simulates a // player controlled acceleration. oldVelocityX = matterSprite.body.velocity.x; targetVelocityX = -this.playerController.speed.run; newVelocityX = Phaser.Math.Linear(oldVelocityX, targetVelocityX, -this.smoothedControls.value); matterSprite.setVelocityX(newVelocityX); } else if (this.cursors.right.isDown && !this.playerController.blocked.right) { this.smoothedControls.moveRight(delta); matterSprite.anims.play('right', true); // Lerp the velocity towards the max run using the smoothed controls. This simulates a // player controlled acceleration. oldVelocityX = matterSprite.body.velocity.x; targetVelocityX = this.playerController.speed.run; newVelocityX = Phaser.Math.Linear(oldVelocityX, targetVelocityX, this.smoothedControls.value); matterSprite.setVelocityX(newVelocityX); } else { this.smoothedControls.reset(); matterSprite.anims.play('idle', true); } // Jumping & wall jumping // Add a slight delay between jumps since the sensors will still collide for a few frames after // a jump is initiated const canJump = (time - this.playerController.lastJumpedAt) > 250; if (this.cursors.up.isDown & canJump) { if (this.playerController.blocked.bottom) { matterSprite.setVelocityY(-this.playerController.speed.jump); this.playerController.lastJumpedAt = time; } else if (this.playerController.blocked.left) { // Jump up and away from the wall matterSprite.setVelocityY(-this.playerController.speed.jump); matterSprite.setVelocityX(this.playerController.speed.run); this.playerController.lastJumpedAt = time; } else if (this.playerController.blocked.right) { // Jump up and away from the wall matterSprite.setVelocityY(-this.playerController.speed.jump); matterSprite.setVelocityX(-this.playerController.speed.run); this.playerController.lastJumpedAt = time; } } this.smoothMoveCameraTowards(matterSprite, 0.9); this.updateText(); } updateText () { this.text.setText([ 'Arrow keys to move. Press "Up" to jump.', 'You can wall jump!', 'Click to toggle rendering Matter debug.' // 'Debug:', // '\tBottom blocked: ' + this.playerController.blocked.bottom, // '\tLeft blocked: ' + this.playerController.blocked.left, // '\tRight blocked: ' + this.playerController.blocked.right ]); } smoothMoveCameraTowards (target, smoothFactor) { if (smoothFactor === undefined) { smoothFactor = 0; } this.cam.scrollX = smoothFactor * this.cam.scrollX + (1 - smoothFactor) * (target.x - this.cam.width * 0.5); this.cam.scrollY = smoothFactor * this.cam.scrollY + (1 - smoothFactor) * (target.y - this.cam.height * 0.5); } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#000000', parent: 'phaser-example', physics: { default: 'matter', matter: { gravity: { y: 1 }, enableSleep: false, debug: true } }, scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);
// Smoothed horizontal controls helper. This gives us a value between -1 and 1 depending on how long // the player has been pressing left or right, respectively. class SmoothedHorionztalControl { constructor(speed) { this.msSpeed = speed; this.value = 0; } moveLeft(delta) { if (this.value > 0) { this.reset(); } this.value -= this.msSpeed * delta; if (this.value < -1) { this.value = -1; } } moveRight(delta) { if (this.value < 0) { this.reset(); } this.value += this.msSpeed * delta; if (this.value > 1) { this.value = 1; } } reset() { this.value = 0; } } class Example extends Phaser.Scene { playerController; cursors; text; cam; smoothedControls; preload () { this.load.setBaseURL('https://cdn.phaserfiles.com/v385'); this.load.tilemapTiledJSON('map', 'assets/tilemaps/maps/matter-platformer.json'); this.load.image('kenney_redux_64x64', 'assets/tilemaps/tiles/kenney_redux_64x64.png'); this.load.spritesheet('player', 'assets/sprites/dude-cropped.png', { frameWidth: 32, frameHeight: 42 }); this.load.image('box', 'assets/sprites/box-item-boxed.png'); } create () { const map = this.make.tilemap({ key: 'map' }); const tileset = map.addTilesetImage('kenney_redux_64x64'); const layer = map.createLayer(0, tileset, 0, 0); // Set up the layer to have matter bodies. Any colliding tiles will be given a Matter body. map.setCollisionByProperty({ collides: true }); this.matter.world.convertTilemapLayer(layer); this.matter.world.setBounds(map.widthInPixels, map.heightInPixels); this.matter.world.createDebugGraphic(); this.matter.world.drawDebug = false; this.cursors = this.input.keyboard.createCursorKeys(); this.smoothedControls = new SmoothedHorionztalControl(0.0005); // The player is a collection of bodies and sensors this.playerController = { matterSprite: this.matter.add.sprite(0, 0, 'player', 4), blocked: { left: false, right: false, bottom: false }, numTouching: { left: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0 }, sensors: { bottom: null, left: null, right: null }, time: { leftDown: 0, rightDown: 0 }, lastJumpedAt: 0, speed: { run: 7, jump: 10 } }; const M = Phaser.Physics.Matter.Matter; const w = this.playerController.matterSprite.width; const h = this.playerController.matterSprite.height; // The player's body is going to be a compound body: // - playerBody is the solid body that will physically interact with the world. It has a // chamfer (rounded edges) to avoid the problem of ghost vertices: http://www.iforce2d.net/b2dtut/ghost-vertices // - Left/right/bottom sensors that will not interact physically but will allow us to check if // the player is standing on solid ground or pushed up against a solid object. // Move the sensor to player center const sx = w / 2; const sy = h / 2; // The player's body is going to be a compound body. const playerBody = M.Bodies.rectangle(sx, sy, w * 0.75, h, { chamfer: { radius: 10 } }); this.playerController.sensors.bottom = M.Bodies.rectangle(sx, h, sx, 5, { isSensor: true }); this.playerController.sensors.left = M.Bodies.rectangle(sx - w * 0.45, sy, 5, h * 0.25, { isSensor: true }); this.playerController.sensors.right = M.Bodies.rectangle(sx + w * 0.45, sy, 5, h * 0.25, { isSensor: true }); const compoundBody = M.Body.create({ parts: [ playerBody, this.playerController.sensors.bottom, this.playerController.sensors.left, this.playerController.sensors.right ], friction: 0.01, restitution: 0.05 // Prevent body from sticking against a wall }); this.playerController.matterSprite .setExistingBody(compoundBody) .setFixedRotation() // Sets max inertia to prevent rotation .setPosition(630, 1000); this.matter.add.image(630, 750, 'box'); this.matter.add.image(630, 650, 'box'); this.matter.add.image(630, 550, 'box'); this.cam = this.cameras.main; this.cam.setBounds(0, 0, map.widthInPixels, map.heightInPixels); this.smoothMoveCameraTowards(this.playerController.matterSprite); this.anims.create({ key: 'left', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('player', { start: 0, end: 3 }), frameRate: 10, repeat: -1 }); this.anims.create({ key: 'right', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('player', { start: 5, end: 8 }), frameRate: 10, repeat: -1 }); this.anims.create({ key: 'idle', frames: this.anims.generateFrameNumbers('player', { start: 4, end: 4 }), frameRate: 10, repeat: -1 }); // Use matter events to detect whether the player is touching a surface to the left, right or // bottom. // Before matter's update, reset the player's count of what surfaces it is touching. this.matter.world.on('beforeupdate', function (event) { this.playerController.numTouching.left = 0; this.playerController.numTouching.right = 0; this.playerController.numTouching.bottom = 0; }, this); // Loop over the active colliding pairs and count the surfaces the player is touching. this.matter.world.on('collisionactive', function (event) { const playerBody = this.playerController.body; const left = this.playerController.sensors.left; const right = this.playerController.sensors.right; const bottom = this.playerController.sensors.bottom; for (let i = 0; i < event.pairs.length; i++) { const bodyA = event.pairs[i].bodyA; const bodyB = event.pairs[i].bodyB; if (bodyA === playerBody || bodyB === playerBody) { continue; } else if (bodyA === bottom || bodyB === bottom) { // Standing on any surface counts (e.g. jumping off of a non-static crate). this.playerController.numTouching.bottom += 1; } else if ((bodyA === left && bodyB.isStatic) || (bodyB === left && bodyA.isStatic)) { // Only static objects count since we don't want to be blocked by an object that we // can push around. this.playerController.numTouching.left += 1; } else if ((bodyA === right && bodyB.isStatic) || (bodyB === right && bodyA.isStatic)) { this.playerController.numTouching.right += 1; } } }, this); // Update over, so now we can determine if any direction is blocked this.matter.world.on('afterupdate', function (event) { this.playerController.blocked.right = this.playerController.numTouching.right > 0 ? true : false; this.playerController.blocked.left = this.playerController.numTouching.left > 0 ? true : false; this.playerController.blocked.bottom = this.playerController.numTouching.bottom > 0 ? true : false; }, this); this.input.on('pointerdown', function () { this.matter.world.drawDebug = !this.matter.world.drawDebug; this.matter.world.debugGraphic.visible = this.matter.world.drawDebug; }, this); this.text = this.add.text(16, 16, '', { fontSize: '20px', padding: { x: 20, y: 10 }, backgroundColor: '#ffffff', fill: '#000000' }); this.text.setScrollFactor(0); this.updateText(); } update (time, delta) { const matterSprite = this.playerController.matterSprite; // Horizontal movement let oldVelocityX; let targetVelocityX; let newVelocityX; if (this.cursors.left.isDown && !this.playerController.blocked.left) { this.smoothedControls.moveLeft(delta); matterSprite.anims.play('left', true); // Lerp the velocity towards the max run using the smoothed controls. This simulates a // player controlled acceleration. oldVelocityX = matterSprite.body.velocity.x; targetVelocityX = -this.playerController.speed.run; newVelocityX = Phaser.Math.Linear(oldVelocityX, targetVelocityX, -this.smoothedControls.value); matterSprite.setVelocityX(newVelocityX); } else if (this.cursors.right.isDown && !this.playerController.blocked.right) { this.smoothedControls.moveRight(delta); matterSprite.anims.play('right', true); // Lerp the velocity towards the max run using the smoothed controls. This simulates a // player controlled acceleration. oldVelocityX = matterSprite.body.velocity.x; targetVelocityX = this.playerController.speed.run; newVelocityX = Phaser.Math.Linear(oldVelocityX, targetVelocityX, this.smoothedControls.value); matterSprite.setVelocityX(newVelocityX); } else { this.smoothedControls.reset(); matterSprite.anims.play('idle', true); } // Jumping & wall jumping // Add a slight delay between jumps since the sensors will still collide for a few frames after // a jump is initiated const canJump = (time - this.playerController.lastJumpedAt) > 250; if (this.cursors.up.isDown & canJump) { if (this.playerController.blocked.bottom) { matterSprite.setVelocityY(-this.playerController.speed.jump); this.playerController.lastJumpedAt = time; } else if (this.playerController.blocked.left) { // Jump up and away from the wall matterSprite.setVelocityY(-this.playerController.speed.jump); matterSprite.setVelocityX(this.playerController.speed.run); this.playerController.lastJumpedAt = time; } else if (this.playerController.blocked.right) { // Jump up and away from the wall matterSprite.setVelocityY(-this.playerController.speed.jump); matterSprite.setVelocityX(-this.playerController.speed.run); this.playerController.lastJumpedAt = time; } } this.smoothMoveCameraTowards(matterSprite, 0.9); this.updateText(); } updateText () { this.text.setText([ 'Arrow keys to move. Press "Up" to jump.', 'You can wall jump!', 'Click to toggle rendering Matter debug.' // 'Debug:', // '\tBottom blocked: ' + this.playerController.blocked.bottom, // '\tLeft blocked: ' + this.playerController.blocked.left, // '\tRight blocked: ' + this.playerController.blocked.right ]); } smoothMoveCameraTowards (target, smoothFactor) { if (smoothFactor === undefined) { smoothFactor = 0; } this.cam.scrollX = smoothFactor * this.cam.scrollX + (1 - smoothFactor) * (target.x - this.cam.width * 0.5); this.cam.scrollY = smoothFactor * this.cam.scrollY + (1 - smoothFactor) * (target.y - this.cam.height * 0.5); } } const config = { type: Phaser.AUTO, width: 800, height: 600, backgroundColor: '#000000', parent: 'phaser-example', physics: { default: 'matter', matter: { gravity: { y: 1 }, enableSleep: false, debug: true } }, scene: Example }; const game = new Phaser.Game(config);