From the Geeky Ramblings blog: "I can finally say that Scuba Chibi is done and will soon be released to the iOS App Store!
As simple as this game is, it actually took me a whole lot longer to finish than I had expected. Most of it was due to finding the free time to actually work on it. But it was a lingering item on my To-Do list and I wanted it done and over with so that I can move on to my next project.
Nevertheless, from a technical and artistic standpoint, it was fun to work on. It was a game that I had made with Phaser, Javascript, and Phonegap Build. I do Javascript for work and I have played around with some small Phaser examples, but I am new to Phonegap Build. So there would be times when I ran into some issues here and there and after googling for some solutions, I could not find any, so I resulted in doing a bit of trial and error. That is where my blog comes into play. I’ve always thought that my blog would be my way to remind my future self on how to do things. Because let’s face it, I have a bad memory :-).
So here is a compilation of technical things that I have learned along the way while making Scuba Chibi."