mauticom has released his 3rd Phaser game: MoneyTree - Das Kletterduell for the mobile giant O2 Germany. The game is based on the classic Timberman, where you climb up the tree vs. other players.
"On the way up you can collect real prizes like Sony hardware, data packs or free Watchever abos. To make it a bit easier you can use different powerups like a gigantic bird. If friends start to play with you you gain a superman cape for one run that works like 1 extra life.
We just went fully online on Thursday and already broke 1,000,000 pageviews per day and so far over 1,000,000 matches have been played :-)
To play you can just try out the "Demo" from the login screen. To win prizes you need to live in Germany and signup with facebook or email."
There are more technical details about the game build in the forum thread.