
"Also known as clicker and incremental games, these type of games have you clicking something repeatedly or idling to gain some form of currency (e.g. cookies, money, energy) which you then use to buy upgrades. It’s a very simple concept at the core, but quite addictive!

Clicker games were first made popular in 2013 with a game called Cookie Clicker. Since then many games have been created in this genre, the themes and flavor of these games vary widely. From cookies to fantasy rpg, sci fi, farming, sand castles, etc.

One such clicker game that I’ve played quite a bit is Clicker Heroes, it’s a fantasy RPG style game where you click various monsters to progress. In this tutorial, we are going to build the foundations of a clicker game similar to Clicker Heroes that you can build upon and add your own style and flair."

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