
From GameDev Academy: "In my last tutorial, we built a platformer game using Phaser and Tiled. In the following two tutorials we will add content to this game, making it more complete. In this tutorial, the following content will be added:

  • Bigger levels, and two of them, so we can use the multilevel feature we implemented in the last tutorial.
  • Smarter enemies, that don’t fall from platforms.
  • A new enemy, which follows the player when you get close to it. Player score, which will be increased when the player kill enemies or collect coins.
  • A checkpoint, so if the player dies after reach it, it will be respawn at the checkpoint position.

For this tutorial, it is necessary that you finished the last tutorial, since we will continue from the code we already wrote.

If you want to master Phaser and learn to publish Phaser games as native games for iOS and Android feel free to check Zenva's online course The Complete Mobile Game Development Course – Build 15 Games.

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