Mixital is a creative space for people over 13 years old built by the BBC and partners. Designed to be a place for getting ideas out of your head and into the world.

We've made it easy to create and share things like visuals and stories - and to learn the ropes by remixing other people's. The tools are simple. The results are awesome, turning players and viewers into creators.


We've designed easy-to-use tools for young people over 13 years old to make and share things like visuals and stories.

We were inspired by research.

Academics have found that what young people do in their own time is just as important as what they do in school. It's how they find the things they love to do.


It's those things that they can develop into hobbies. And, eventually, into jobs.

Make your own mix

Editor's Note: The majority of the tools on the Mixital site were built with Phaser, however not all them (for example the tools built by Code Club).