
Harold Bowman wrote a comprehensive tutorial on publishing his game Word Fall to iOS, without using PhoneGap or Cordova. The tutorial was featured on Gamasutra and is an really interesting read:

"After publishing two games for iOS and experiencing the pain of being locked into that platform, I decided I would try a more cross-platform option the next time around. I also wanted to be able to do essentially all of the development on my iPad, so that ruled out options like Unity, but made web technologies a great choice. I opted for the Phaser Game Framework and successfully published Word Fall for Windows and macOS on

The next step was to publish Word Fall to the iOS App Store where I hope to reach a wider audience for this fast-paced word game. I naively thought I would be able to add a WKWebView to my root ViewController, point it at my index.html file and click publish. I was wrong, oh so wrong."

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