
Nic Raboy writes: "When it comes to MongoDB, an often overlooked industry that it works amazingly well in is gaming. It works great in gaming because of its performance, but more importantly its ability to store whatever complex data the game throws at it.

Let’s say you wanted to create a drawing game like Pictionary. I know what you’re thinking: why would I ever want to create a Pictionary game with MongoDB integration? Well, what if you wanted to be able to play with friends remotely? In this scenario, you could store your brushstrokes in MongoDB and load those brushstrokes on your friend’s device. These brushstrokes can be pretty much anything. They could be images, vector data, or something else entirely.

A drawing game is just one of many possible games that would pair well with MongoDB.

In this tutorial, we’re going to create a drawing game using Phaser. The data will be stored and synced with MongoDB and be visible on everyone else’s device whether that is desktop or mobile."

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