As the name suggests, Daily Dungeon is a quick-fire dungeon romp. The controls are simple. Move with the arrows, collect keys to open doors, and solve the puzzles. The difference is in the title: Every day, you get a different dungeon to explore!

You can only carry one key at a time, so matching the right color to the right door is important. Equally, you can only carry one item at once. So it's important to find where to place them; otherwise, you'll be dragging them around for a while. Different rooms have different puzzles within them. These range from simple word re-arranging to sequence tests to more obscure tasks like watering a plant to make it grow.

The graphics are cute and simple, the puzzles shouldn't take you too long to complete (my first run was under 5 minutes, but to be honest should have been half that!) and the way you can login and come back every day for a new challenge is just wonderful. It's the compulsion hook that games like Wordle provide, given a fantasy RPG lick of pixel paint.

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