The team at Lottie, known for their web animation technology, has turned their talents to classic gaming with Lottie Arcade. Built during an internal hackathon, this collection of games brings beloved arcade classics to the modern web.

The arcade features three carefully crafted titles that capture the essence of retro gaming. Command Earth's last defenses in Space Invaders, where waves of alien forces descend with increasing intensity. Test your reflexes in Flappy Bird, perfectly timing each tap to navigate through an endless maze of pipes. For speed demons, Highway Rush offers an intense arcade racing experience as you weave through traffic at breakneck speeds.

The development team combined Phaser, React, and the dotLottie Player to create a responsive gaming experience that feels both nostalgic and fresh. Global leaderboards let you compete for high scores with players worldwide, while a Van Halen "Jump" remix provides the perfect soundtrack to the action. All it's missing is the sticky carpet!

Play in the Lottie Arcade