Emanuele Feronato is back with a new tutorial: "Although Phaser is shipped with Arcade, a great physics engine suitable for most platformer games, sometimes is good to reinvent the wheel basically for two reasons:
1 – Understanding how things work under the hood. I am not talking about complex tasks which would require a lot of time, but everybody should be able to code a basic platformer using no physics engines.
Do you really think there were physics engines in the days of 8bit platformers like Jet Set Willy? Absolutely not, it was all scripted.
2 – Arcade physics does not support slopes, and I want my platformer engine to feature slopes. So rather than tweak the engine like I did some years ago, I’ll write my simple script which is absolutely simpler than Arcade but it fits my need.
I already built custom physics engine for my games, like the one used in Space to Jump, so here’s my simple platformer engine with slopes"