Part 6 - Distribution
Emergency patch ahoy
With hundreds of updates!
Particles - The series continues
Built using HTML5BP, Sass, Compass, Gulp and of course Phaser
Beautiful retro gaming fun!
A great new virtual joystick plugin
Official Phaser plugins repository
How I developed 'Gravity Quest' using the Phaser framework
Creates Wolfenstein 3D style games within Phaser
A Slush generator for building games with Phaser using ES6 module
Using Gulp and Browserify
Top-Down Games with Tiled
The new slides + source are up
Using Phaser by Erik Wittern
Over 40 and counting!
A Dart port of Phaser with examples
Scale your game and keep crisp pixels!
This whole series now has a dedicated section listing
A new particle system for Phaser with a nice looking editor!
A detailed Phaser tutorial from GameDev Academy
This gbjam3 entry is now fully open source to learn from
Based on One Tap RPG
For js13k (it means the fear of the number 13!)
Avrora cover Quintus and Phaser