Now that we've received the all important startgame
event from the plugin, we're in a position where we can access the SDKs features. The core app and player details are already available from the plugin, which means you can access any of the following:
property | details |
supportedAPIs |
A list of supported APIs |
contextID |
The game Context ID |
contextType |
The game Context Type |
locale |
The game locale |
platform |
The platform the game is running on |
version |
The SDK version |
playerID |
Player ID |
playerName |
Player Name |
playerPhotoURL |
Player Photo URL |
Let's use this to show the player's name and photo:
class PlayerDetails extends Phaser.Scene {
constructor ()
super({ key: 'PlayerDetails', active: false });
create ()
this.add.bitmapText(400, 400, 'azo', this.facebook.playerName).setOrigin(0.5);
this.facebook.loadPlayerPhoto(this, 'player').once('photocomplete', this.addPlayerPhoto, this);
addPlayerPhoto (key)
this.add.image(400, 200, key);
The code should be pretty clear, but to explain: The playerName
is a property of the plugin that contains the current player's name. There are other properties available too, but we just use the name for this screen. It is being displayed with a bitmap font.
Then we use the built-in loadPlayerPhoto
method to use Phaser's internal Loader to grab the player photo and call addPlayerPhoto
when it finishes loading.
The end result looks like this:
Rather than use loadPlayerPhoto
you could also use the Loader Plugin directly. Here is the same as the above, but using direct Loader calls:
class PlayerDetails extends Phaser.Scene {
constructor ()
super({ key: 'PlayerDetails', active: false });
create ()
this.add.bitmapText(400, 400, 'azo', this.facebook.playerName).setOrigin(0.5);
this.load.image('player', this.facebook.playerPhotoURL);
this.load.once('filecomplete-image-player', this.addPlayerPhoto, this);
addPlayerPhoto (key)
this.add.image(400, 200, key);
You'll get the same end result.
For a complete list of all the properties available, such as playerName
, please see the plugin API documentation.
Modifying Player Photos
Very often you'll want to modify the player's photo. Perhaps to make it into a circle, or add some kind of mask to it. There are lots of ways to achieve this and here I'll present one of them: using a Canvas Texture object.
First, let's add a new function:
addRoundedPlayerPhoto (key)
var photo = this.textures.createCanvas('playerMasked', 196, 196);
var source = this.textures.get('player').getSourceImage();
photo.context.arc(98, 98, 98, 0, Math.PI * 2, false);
photo.draw(0, 0, source);
this.add.image(400, 200, 'playerMasked');
Here we create a new Canvas Texture called playerMasked
. We draw an arc to it, just using the normal canvas operations, but set it to be a clipping path. Finally, we draw the image we've loaded from Facebook. The end result is a clipped photo:
Rather than define a clipping path, you can also draw a masked image over the top of your photo. I created a simple 196 x 196 mask in Photoshop that looks like this:
You can apply it to the photo using the following method:
addMaskedPlayerPhoto (key)
var photo = this.textures.createCanvas('playerMasked', 196, 196);
var source = this.textures.get('player').getSourceImage();
var mask = this.textures.get('mask').getSourceImage();
photo.draw(0, 0, mask);
photo.context.globalCompositeOperation = 'source-in';
photo.draw(0, 0, source);
this.add.image(400, 200, 'playerMasked');
Where the composite blend mode of source-in
allows us to achieve the end result we want:
Obviously, the mask can look a lot better than the squiggle above, but hopefully you get the idea!