A sci-fi strategy game that combines tactics with coding.
Phaser makes it onto the SDTimes pages.
Phaser Performance in a Shoebox
Join and chat to fellow Phaser devs
A rock hard GBJAM4 entry!
Tilt the world to grab the cookies in your bag
Playing with Phaser Tweens and Bezier curves
The latest stable release of Phaser is out
Build, craft, farm and grab land in this RPG / sandbox hybrid
A beautiful and fluid melee combat platformer
Please help test Phaser 2.3.4 Release Candidate 1
Using P2 Physics and Tiled for Tilemaps
A comprehensive video course covering 15 games
Naked pixels! in this pixel-art runner for VH1.
A fast and easy to configure path finder
A ClojureScript wrapper for Phaser
Get the sword, slay the dragon and rescue the Square Princess
Eat the other bacteria in this multiplayer Pacman-alike
Optimising Phaser for giant maps with lots of collisions
A guide to Phaser States from CodeToWin
Keep the ball within the circle if you can
A nice explanation of the logic behind Frog Soccer
Reach for the skies!
Grab your chainsaw and slice the wood to match the puzzle
A stunning playable dota style battle demo